Sermon Notes

Bulletin 11/30/13


Nov. 30, 2013

“We love because He first loved us” John 4:19
Torah Teacher: Steve Bothum
Torah Reader: Cliff Mosher
Torah Portion
This Week:  Genesis 41:1-44;17
Next Week: Gen. 44:18-47:27
11:00 AM
Welcome, Announcements and Prayer
Pastor Rick Chesher
Worship Music
Pastor Rick Chesher
John 5:31-47


Thank you to all the families with children who responded to a call to
participate in Cornerstone’s special Hanukkah service at 11 a.m. on
Shabbat, November 30. There’s still room for more, so if you and your children want to participate, email Raelynn Henson or speak to her this Shabbat. 
 Attention kids 5 and up! If you want to sing a song with Raelynn and the band on November 30, you can! Learn the Paul Wilbur song “Why Should I be Afraid” (see YouTube link below) and come to Cornerstone at 10 a.m. on 11/30 for a short rehearsal.
 The service on November 30 presents an opportunity to invite family and friends with whom you want to share Y’shua’s love. You might even consider bringing an extra dish for Oneg Shabbat to ensure we have plenty for guests. 
 The travelers to Israel for the bomb shelter renovation continue to meet the first Sunday of each month to pray, plan & prepare for the March, 2014 trip.  At this time, the travelers are: Frank & Nancy Carpetenter, Jerry Gorman, Don Sorenson, Rick & Sharon Chesher, Diana Lewandowski .  The next planning meeting will be Sunday December 1 at 11:30 am in the fellowship hall at the church building.
Setting Addicts Free Eternally (S.A.F.E.)
Have you been struggling with some kind of addictive behavior, and it seems as though most of the time you are just barely making it through. Would you like to learn to be victorious in you life over these things? Then you may want to be apart of a new group called S.A.F.E. (Setting Addicts Free Eternally). Dr. Rick Chesher, pastor at Cornerstone Baptist Church, and author of learning to walk and The Theology of the Book of Revelation has been teaching this class for over 15 years and has seen God deliver many people from their addictions.
1.  The first class will be Thursday August 01, 2013 at 6pm
2. Class is held weekly at the Jordan Crossing building 2608 Cascadia Industrial St Se Salem Or 97302
2. Number to call for more information is 503-371-4567
3. Class is one year long
4. You can join the class any time during the year
5. Cost is $12.50 per class and $10 one time fee for curriculum
6. Each class will run 1 to 1.5 hours
7. Visit the web site for more information on the program
8. All are welcome
Cornerstone now has its own mobile app for Droids and iphones
and can be downloaded at
We now have the new bylaws finished and you can pick one up on the table
out front.We have had no response for questions or even interest so we are
postponing this meeting for a month.We will be having a family meeting,
if you have questions about the by laws please put it in writing and
submit it to us at least one week prior to the meeting. The meeting will
be Dec. 21, 2013 after the ONEG.
Hannah Joy is being called by YHVH  to move to Oahu Hawaii.  She
is selling everything but the kitchen sink!  The first  day of her  
Living Estate  sale is   Sunday  Dec. 1   from   9—4 pm 
Right here at Cornerstone Baptist Church. Please enter and exit by the east door
only  as the sale is confined to the back hallway. 
Freebies  and  treasures,   100%  linen   and   100%  wool  clothing    lots of books,  some camping equipment.     Please call her  503  780–8309  if you have questions.  Your help  in  both buying  and assistance in the sale is greatly appreciated. 
As a reminder, the microphone passed around during Torah and the 11:00 am
service is for the purpose of questions and comments pertaining to the message.
Let’s be careful and not use it to point fingers or as a forum to correct others. It
is important for us to allow the Ruach to be the one who corrects us.
Copies of Pastor Rick’s bookLearning To Walk
Hebrews Study CD’s & DVD’s
are avilable to buy, here at the church, MP3’s online
Pastor Rick and Sharon days off are Tuesday and Wednesday
Check Church Website for changes on times, and dates &
meetings also on back of bulletin are regular media times
Join us Thursday nights
6:30-8:00 PM in Fellowship Hall
Cornerstone has a radio blog talk show
Host Rick Chesher & friends
Sundays 10:00-11:30 AM
Call 914-803-4323
Who Should I Contact When I Have:
A prayer request for needs can be written on the back of the welcome card or
Contact one of the people listed below.
Questions about church, baptism, membership, parent or child education: Call
Pastor Rick at the church office, 503-391-0243.
Rick Chesher
Steve Bothum
Terry Stewart
Admin. Rick Chesher 503-602-1406
Education Sharon Chesher 503-602-9533
Hospitality Linna Polley 503-930-3348
Sound & Camera Mike Stewert 503-851-3925
Secretary Kathy Pack 503-930-1625
Building Maintence Craig Polley 503-871-166

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