Sermon Notes

Bulletin 8/23/14

Winning Souls and Making Disciples




Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath

“”Thus says YHWH: Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the Sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of Yerushalyim:”
Yirmeyahu 17:21

Sabbath Worship

“We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

August 23, 2014

9:45 am Torah Steve Bothum

Whole Portion- Devarim (Deuteronomy) 11:26–16:17
Triennial Portion- Devarim 12:29: – 14:29
9:45 am Youth Hebrew Class Eileen Blackman
Age-appropriate student must be able to sit and learn Hebrew.

11:00 am Welcome
Message-John 9:1-5 Pastor Rick Chesher
11:00 am Prayer Meeting Kathy Pack
1:15 pm Bracha and Oneg (Blessing & Lunch)
2:30 pm Midrash (to inquire/seek) Steve Bothum

During 9:45 am and 11:00 am services, the microphone is
passed around for the purpose of questions and comments pertaining to the teachings only.
Unauthorized people are not allowed in the
Sound Booth at any time.
Upcoming Events

2 pm -2:30 pm
Informal Elders /Congregational Mtg

~There will be a sharing time with the Elders and the Congregation about the financial status of Cornerstone after Oneg TODAY

Cornerstone Clothes Closet

~ Come and check out our Clothes Closet for clothing items you or someone you know may need. (Men’s, women’s and children’s clothing

September 5th
9 am-11 am

Homeschool Co-op Meeting

~Anyone interested in finding out more about
the Homeschool Co-op, come and meet others who are enrolling their children in the coming school year at Cornerstone.

September 9th
11:30 am – 1 pm

Seniors Monthly Gathering

~Next month we will resume gathering in the Fellowship Hall; bring your own Brown-Bag Lunch. This will not be an Oneg. Join us for having fun and catching up with fellowship.

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