1. Turn with me in your Bibles to Romans 11:11-17.
2. Last week we discussed Romans 11:1-10.
3. We saw, Has Yahweh rejected His people. V1-10
A. Now some say yes, He has, some say only temporary, others we have replaced
1. In verse 1 Paul poses the question. (Did Yahweh reject His people, now
Paul didn’t say should He have, Paul asks the question Did He?)
a. One of the reasons I like Paul’s teachings. (Is that Paul uses Scripture to
be able to teach what Yahweh is really doing and what He has been
doing all along)
1). Having said that. (Paul starts off by referring to Jeremiah 33:24-26 to talk
About a very sensitive subject in his day about Israel)
2). Now the Title of Jeremiah 33. (Is Israel’s restoration, and the sub section
Has to do with Yahweh’s covenant with David which starts off in
Verse 14, so let’s start there)
3). Jeremiah was given words to speak to Israel. (Saying that the days are
Coming when Yahweh will fulfill the promises that He had spoken to
The House of Israel and the House of Judah, and in verse 15 says that
He will cause a Righteous Branch to sprout up for David and He will
Administer justice and righteousness in the land, and in those days
Judah will be saved (Yahshua) and Jerusalem will dwell securely, and
This is what she will be named Yahweh our Righteousness)
4). Look carefully at Jeremiah 33:17. (David will never fail to have a man
Sitting on the throne of the House of Israel, and look at verse 18 and
The Levitical priests will never fail to have a man always before Me
To offer burnt burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings, and make
5). Now let’s look carefully at this. (In this passage, we can see that
Yahshua would be the Branch of Righteousness, the Natser (branch)
From Jesse or David, but what about this Levite Priests? This word
For man in the Hebrew is specific in nature, Scripture could have
Used adam which could be translated mankind, but this Hebrew word
Is eesh and refers to a man as an individual man, as is as we discussed
Two weeks ago directs us to Yahshua and His linage from Mary’s
6). But look at Jeremiah 33:20-22. (Yahweh says that if they are able to break
His covenant the day and His covenant with the night where they
Cease to come at their regular time, then His covenant with David will
Have been broken and David will no longer have a son reigning on the
Throne, and the Levitical priests will no longer be His ministers)
7). But, look at this next section of Jeremiah 33:22. (So too, He will make the
Descendants of His servant David and the Descendants of the Levites
Who minister to Him to be innumerable, and this is a quote from Genesis
22:17-18 about making Abraham’s offspring as numerous as the stars
In the sky and as numerous as the sand on the sea shore)
8). Now, look at Jeremiah 33:24-26. (If Yahweh fails to keep His covenant with
The day and the night where they no longer appear at regular times
Then He might also reject the seed of Jacob and of My servant David
Not taking from the descendants rulers over the descendants of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but then says that He will restore
Fortunes and He will have compassion on them)
9). So, then the question comes up who is He talking about? (Turn with me
If you will to Galatians 3:16, it says that the promises spoken to Abraham
Were for Abraham’s seed not seeds, the promise is there the singular
Seed, not plural seeds, and that singular seed is Messiah, and this is a
Reference to Genesis 12:7, the Hebrew uses seed as in singular)
10). So, you might ask, how does this involve us? (Look at Galatians 3:27-29, it
Says that as many as have been baptized into Messiah have put on
Messiah as a garment, and if you belong to Messiah then you are the
Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise)
b. Okay that was Romans 11:1, Paul continues in Romans 11:2. (Paul answers the
question, Has Yahweh rejected Israel, and his answer is Absolutely not,
says that he is an Israelite, and a descendant of Abraham from the tribe
of Benjamin)
1). Paul quotes the prophet Elijah. (Turn with me to 1 Kings 19:10,
Appearantly, Elijah had the same question and had made some
Assumptions about what Yahweh was doing, and I believe we all feel
Like this from time to time, and this passage is a good one to turn to
So we can be reminded that it is not about us as individuals, Yahweh
Is still of the throne, we are not)
2). Listen to Elijah’s proclamation. (I, and me alone, have been zealous for
Yahweh of Hosts, but all of the Israelites have abandoned Your
Covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the
Sword, and I alone am left, and they are looking to kill me)
3). Paul also points out in Romans 11:4. (Yahweh’s answer to Elijah found in
1 Kings 19:18, that there were 7,000 in Israel who had not bent their
Knee to Baal and every mouth has not kiss it)
4). Paul not only says that there are others. (But teaches about a remnant
That have been chosen by grace, and explains that because it is by
Grace it makes it not by works, or we could say, those who have
5). Look at Dueteronomy 29:4. (Moses is telling Israel, that even up to that time
Yahweh had not given them a mind to understand, and eyes to see,
Even though they had seen all of these miracles, they failed to believe)
6). And it really goes back to. (They sought after their salvation by works
And not by faith, and Yahweh wants us to rely on Him for our
Salvation because the works of our hands are as filthy rags, and will
Not get us to be righteous)
4. So this week I would like to continue in this discussion of what Yahweh is
Doing with His people.
5. And what is He really doing with the Gentiles? There are a lot of thoughts out
6. Read Romans 11:11-17, Pray!
I. The Question of Israel’s Rejection. V11-17
A. We need to look at the theologies out there.
1. In Romans 11:11 Paul asks the question, “did Israel stumble and fall?”:
a. To me that is a very interesting question. (And it is one that we need to
look at, the word stumble means to trip, err, to sin)
b. And the word fall means. (Means to fall, to fail, and to light on, or we
could say to light on something)
c. But if you look within that same verse. (Paul says Absolutely not, and He
says that through their stumbling salvation has come to the Gentiles to
make Israel jealous)
1). This word jealousy is important. (This word actually is made up of two
Words: the first is to come along side to provoke to rivalry, and to
2). Rivalry in the dictionary. (That this word is defined as a competition
Between the two groups, we have all heard of Sibel rivalry, maybe
Provoking the other group for attention)
d. So what Paul is saying here is this. (Yahweh is using this stumbling to
bring about His purpose, of bringing Gentiles into the Kingdom of
Yahweh and there is more)
1). The more is this. (By showing Israel the true way onto Him which is by
Faith not by the works of their hands)
2). We can see this at work. (Turn with me to Acts 28:23-31, in this
Passage of Scripture, we find Paul has finally made it to Rome, even
Though Paul was under arrest, In Acts 28:11-16, and Paul had
people who wanted to see him, some of which were Jews that lived in
3). Notice, in Acts 28:29. (After discussing these things with Paul they left
Paul’s presence continuing in a prolonged debate)
e. Back to Romans 11:12. (Notice here Paul begins to talk about what is
achieved through this action that Yahweh is taken)
1). Gentiles are being brought into the Kingdom. (Which Paul defines as
Riches to the world, now this word riches means wealth, money,
Possessions, abundance, riches, valuable bestowment, no I am not
Preaching the prosperity message, and in some ways I am because
Of the inheritance He has given to us, notice Paul does point out
This richness is for the Gentiles)
2). Notice at the end of this sentence. (Paul says how much more when
Will their (Jews) full number bring?)
3). This full number. (What does this mean? People argue over this phrase
But we can answer this problem by keeping it within the context that
Is being taught here by Paul, which is, those that come into Messiah
Through faith and not works)
4). Look at Romans 9:31-33. (They stumbled over the stumbling stone by
Pursuing rightness by works and not by faith, look at Is. 51:1-3 which
Tells them to remember Abraham and Sarah who Yahweh accounted
Righteousness to Abraham because Abraham believed Yahweh)
5). Also look at Is. 8:14. (The passage that Paul uses here comes straight
Out of Isaiah, this was prophesied about for thousands of years that
This is what would happen if they did not come into Messiah by
Faith. Because they rejected the idea they stumbled over Yahshua.
Look also at 1 Peter 2:6-8)
6). Now these passages. (Come from Ps. 9:11, Is. 28:16, this is where it
Was revealed to Paul by The Holy Spirit through Scripture of what
The Father was doing through His Son Yahshua Messiah, look at
Galatians 1:15-24, and look at Galatians 1:11-12, Paul says that he did not
Receive the Gospel from man by through Yahshua Messiah, look
Also at Luke 24:13-35)
7). So, when we look at this. (That phrase “full or full number” is
Referring to the full number that enter into Messiah by faith not by
f. So, Paul goes on in Romans 11:13. (Saying that he is speaking to the Gentile,
but then goes one to say that even though he is an Apostle to the Gentiles
it would magnify his ministry if he were able to make his own people
jealous to the point that some of them turn to Messiah by faith, which
should be our desire to because we don’t know ourselves who may
believe or not, and this goes back to Acts 28:29 where we see Paul
speaking to the Jews in Rome provoking them to debate, while under
arrest I might add)
1). Look at Romans 1:15. (Paul poses the question statement, so to speak, if
Their rejection is reconciliation for the world, then their acceptance
Would be life from the dead, so this is important statement, because
Paul is leading into an important issue for all of us to understand)
g. Now let’s look at Romans 11:16. (When we first look at this it would seem as
if Paul had departed the conversation to some extent, but instead is
going to take us to a little bit deeper understanding of what he is
1). Paul here begins to talk about First fruits and Holiness. (To understand
This, we must first understand a little about first fruits, so let’s go to
2). This isn’t the whole teaching of First Fruits but I want you to see
Something here. (If you look at these verses you will see that this was for
When they entered the land they were to be given, and they were to
Bring the first sheaf of the harvest to the priests and they were to wave
The first sheaf to Yahweh)
3). They were not. (To eat any of the grain roasted of that harvest until the
Sheaf had been waved to Yahweh, and if you look at Leviticus 23:11 it says
That when the priest waves that sheaf before Yahweh, then you will be
Accepted. It does not say that the sheaf will be accepted, it says that the
People will be accepted and of course a lamb was to be offered, and this
Was to be done the day after the Sabbath)
4). Turn with me to 1 Corinthians 15:20. (It says the Messiah has been raised from
The dead, the first fruits of many brothers, in in this verse it ties the
Resurrection of Yahshua with the festival of first fruits which expands
The meaning behind this festival a little broader for us)
5). Now remember this. (We are to observe Passover and Unleavened
Bread go to the Sabbath and the day after the Sabbath, or we could
Sunday if the First Fruits)
6). So, turn with me to John 20:1. (It says and on the first day of the week
Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, so we can see this would be
First Fruits, and this would be when she found the tomb empty, so
Let’s look at John 20:11-17, the disciples saw the tomb empty, and it
Says they saw the tomb empty and believed, so they believed that
Someone had stolen the body, but Mary remained there crying)
7). So as Mary is crying. (Yahshua appears to her, she goes to hug Him and
He tells her not to cling to her because He had not ascended to the
Father yet, see as the First Fruits He needed to present Himself to the
Father so they would be accepted)
8). Paul talks about leavened in 1 Corinthians 5:7-8. (Paul tells them to remove the
Leavened out the sin out from among you so you will be able to observe
Passover without the leavened)
9). Only through Yahshua. (Can we truly observe Passover without
Leavened He is our righteousness, and He is Holy and makes us Holy,
So back to Romams 11:16, notice, Paul says if the First Fruit (Yahshua) is
Holy so is the whole batch, and if the root is Holy so are the
h. Look at Romans 11:17. (We need to look at this a little closer, Paul says that
if some of the branches, the word some means that there is still some that
are among the original that belong to this olive tree, but we need to look
at why Paul is discussing an olive tree, is it just an illustration or is there
more to this than meets the eye?)
1). Turn with me to Jeremiah 11:16. (Let’s start off by looking at Jeremiah 11:1, this
Helps us understand who this message is to, if you will look it is to the
Men of Judah and the residents of Jerusalem, and it about the
Covenant that was made with their ancestors that Yahweh brought
Out of the Land of Egypt)
2). Now let’s go to Jeremiah 11:16. (We find that Yahweh Himself had named
A green olive tree that is flourishing, so this olive tree that Paul talks
Is none other than Israel, so this helps us put this teaching into
3). Paul says that some of the branches. (And he is speaking of the natural
Branches that have been broken off, and they have been, at least for
Now, replaced with branches from a wild olive tree, and remember this
Is within the context of Gentiles being brought in)
4). And the wild olive branches. (Are sharing the rich root, so who is this
Root? Let’s look at Is. 11:10 it is the root of Jesse that will be the one
To sit on the throne and to restore Israel. Look at Romans 15:7-13 it is
Our Messiah who is that rich root)