Sermon Notes

Holy Spirit Part 4


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Genesis 2.


2.  Last week, we discussed the Spirit of prophecy.


3.  We saw that the Spirit of prophecy is really given to all of us.


4.  And that it is the Spirit of prophecy that gives all we need to proclaim the

     Gospel, we saw the in filling and the example in Acts as the proclaimed as they

     Were told they would when the power from on High comes.


5.  This week I would like to look closer on an aspect of the Holy Spirit’s work in

     Our lives that I don’t think we fully comprehend.


6.  Let’s read Genesis 2, Pray!



I.  A major portion of what the Holy Spirit Does in our lives is to sanctify.


  A.  The first place this word shows up in in Genesis 2:3 and it has to do with



    1.  We talked about this last week, and we are talking words translated:


      a.  The word in verse 3 is Kaw-dash. (It means to pronounce clean, to

           consecrate, to dedicate, to appoint, to keep, to purify, to sanctify and

           gives us the understanding that it can only be used for the purpose of

           the designer)


      b.  We can also get this understanding in the creation itself. (If you will notice

            that after Yahweh had created specific things, it says that He saw that

            they were “good”, look at Genesis 1:4)


      c.  Now, this idea of “good”. (As translated means “to do good” and even

          involves “love” so we would be able to think of this in a way that we

          were created to do good works which Yahweh had planned for us to do,

          which would help us understand that part of being sanctified is carrying

          out the purpose we were designed for, Ephesians 2:9-11)

      d.  Look at Genesis 1:26. (So Yahweh created man in His own image, and

           are to be like Yahweh, and we have a purpose to tend to the fish, the

           animals and all that Yahweh had created, so for man to do that, He

           has to 1st be created in the image of Yahweh and been given that

           purpose. 2nd He has to remain in that image and doing that purpose to

           be or to remain sanctified, and as we will see it has to do with remaining

           in that relationship with Him)


      e.  Look at Genesis 3:1-9. (We have all looked at this before, but there is an

           essential part of this we need to look at here, in verse 9 Yahweh calls

           out to Adam, this word to call by name, so He was calling for Him by

           his name, Look at Verse 8 Yahweh walked with them at the time of the

           evening breeze, but this time it seems as if Adam and Eve were not at

           their normal place of meeting, which indicates a break in relationship

           which also fits with what Adam says, I heard you in the garden but I

           was afraid because I was naked)


      f.  So, it would seem. (That this sanctification is also a covering that when

          lost would exposes us as naked, maybe because the purpose that we are

          created for is marred, and it removes us from the relationship with out

          God which not only causes us to lose relationship, but removes life and

          Purpose as well)


   2.  But, by the great mercy of our God that wasn’t the final chapter in our lives.


      a.  Look at Genesis 3:21. (Yahweh made a coat out of skins, and the word

           for coat here is to cover or covering, so that it would cover what had

           marred in their relationship with Yahweh, look at Romans 13:13-14

           and Galatians 3:26-28)


      b.  In this idea of sanctification ultimately. (We cannot sanctify ourselves that

           is the work of the Holy Spirit, as we have just seen in the passages in

           Genesis, and we need to consider the New Testament as well, look at

           1 Corinthians 1:26-31, which tells us that it is the Father who sanctifies

           Us through Yahshua Messiah who became our righteousness, and our

           Sanctification, and redemption)


      c.  And this is done by the Holy Spirit. (Look at 2 Thessalonians 2:13-16, it is

          God who has chosen us and sanctified us by the Holy Spirit through

          Belief in the truth in the truth)

      d.  Look at 1 Peter 1:1-2. (It is through the foreknowledge of the Father,

           which is an interesting statement, it is the idea that the Father knew

           before the foundation of the world that He would need to sanctify a

           people for Himself, that the creation He created would be subjected to

           corruption through the creation of man, and that He would need to

           bring man back to 1st, salvation and 2nd sanctification which involved

           not only the blood of a savior, but also a dynamic force to carry this

           purpose out, and through is no other one holy and sanctified than He is

           so, it was Him who brought it all into being)


      e.  Now, here is something else that is interesting. (Even though man fell and

          subjected the creation to this fall as well, and marring Yahweh’s

          purpose of the creation and man, it wasn’t marred to the point that we

          are not able to see the purpose that Yahweh intended and His glory,

          Look at Psalms 19:1-6 where the heaven proclaims His glory and

          Romans 1:20 His attributes are seen through all that He has created)


      f.  Now, I want to make this clear. (Look at Hebrews 13:12, it is the blood of

          Yahshua that sanctifies us for the people, but look at 2 Corinthians

           3:18, it is the Holy Spirit who is at work in us transforming us into the

          Very image of our Master Yahshua Messiah, that which had marred us

          Being transformed to the very image, and this passage uses the word

          Glory, from glory to glory)


      g.  Now, I would like to go deeper here. (We have discussed here that it was

           the relationship or the presence of Yahweh that had been lost, when we

           lose that we lose everything even life itself, so we are not able to do or

           to live out the purpose or what we were created to do and be without

           His presence, which is why we need His presence in our lives, the Holy

           Spirit who is the presence of Yahweh in our lives)


       h.  Yahshua Messiah is the sanctifier if you will. (The Father’s sanctifying

            Grace is Yahshua Messiah, look at Hebrews 10:10 once and for all, and

            He was able to do that because of Hebrews 2:10-11, Yahshua was made

            Perfect through suffering, He was sanctified from the moment of

            Conception Matthew 1:18-20 by the Holy Spirit, He was called the

            Holy One of God, Mark 1:24, He did all that the Father sent Him to do,

            In other words He carried out the purpose He had been given John

            5:19, He carried out everything moral and convocationally)


      i.  The reason I bring this up. (Because this is why it is through Him that the

           law was fulfilled, and that is why Paul teaches things that some don’t

           understand that it is through Messiah that the law is fulfilled and it is

           through Him is the only way that we might receive salvation but also

           the Holy Spirit where by we may begin to live the sanctified life as He

           gives us direction)


      j.  It is at this point. (That we through the blood of Yahshua and the

          sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit begin to be transformed and can

          begin to live out the purpose that we were created for)


      k.  This is some of the reason. (The Apostles didn’t come down hard on

           some of the new converts to the congregation, they knew that they

           needed to allow the Holy Spirit to do the thigs in the lives of these

           new people, the Apostles recognized that they could not do what only

           the Holy Spirit can do)


      l.  Look at Acts 15:6-14. (The yoke that they could not bear is the law, but

          listen carefully, it is the law without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit

          and that is what Israel had been trying to do, was to live a life of

          Yahweh’s purpose in the flesh, or we could say in the marred

          Unregenerate flesh that doesn’t have the power to do these things)

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