Sermon Notes



1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Corinthians 2:6-16.


2.  Last week we discussed, how the Holy Spirit sanctifies us.


3.  We saw that the work that Messiah did on the cross, sanctified us and gave us a

     Covering and the Holy Spirit is transforming us.


4.  This transforming process is really transforming us into the image of Messiah,

     Which is bringing us back to the image or as we were created to be, but is

     Bringing us into the purpose we were created for.


5.  In fact, Scripture says that we are being transform from glory to glory, and we

     Through this process, of suffering, while trusting in Him are being transformed

     Into the image of Messiah.


6.  Now this word “image” is interesting, and may not mean what you think it

     Might mean. (There are a couple of words in the Hebrew that are important

     When it comes to this word image)


7.  In Genesis 1:26, where Yahweh is saying, “Let us make man in our image is

     Different than the word used for image in Exodus 20:4, telling us not to make

     Any graven images.


8.  The image in Exodus 20:4, would be used for idols, or do not make any idols

     For yourselves to bow down to, but the word for image in Genesis 1:26 can be

     Representative figure, which fits with what Yahweh is saying, He will make us

     Like Him.


9.  Now, this is interesting because it really fits the rest of Scripture and our

     Relationship with Him, and what He has called us to do, or we could say the

     Purpose that He has given to us.


10.  The word representative in English means:


  a.  A person or a thing that represents another or others.


  b.  An agent or a deputy. (A deputy Sheriff represents the Sheriff in carrying

       out the law in the County he represents)


  c.  A person who represents a constituency or community in a legislative body,

      especially a member of the US House of Representatives or a lower house in

      certain state legislatures.


  d.  Which is what the House of Representatives is supposed to be doing for us,

        not their own agendas, which would be the same for us with Yahweh, we are

        to do what He sent us to do. We are His Representatives here on earth to do

        what He sent us to do.


11.  We can see this in John 14:12-14. (In this passage we see that Yahshua tells

        U what we will be doing, to those who believe in Me, will also do the

        Works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these, because

        I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it so

        That Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my

        Name , I will do it.)


12.  This should bring up questions in our minds as to how we know what it is He

       Wants us to do? (Turn with me to 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 and we will take a

       look at another truth He has given us that we need to know and under-

       stand so we will be able to do the things He has called us to do)


13.  As we look at this, Paul from the beginning of this passage. (Begins to speak

       To a specific group of people, not just anyone one there, but a specified

       Group of people, do you see who they are, to the mature among you, to

       Those that have matured in the faith)


14.  The wisdom that He speaks to the mature. (Is not of this age, or of the rulers

       of this age, because they are coming to nothing. Now he gets into more

       specifics about where this wisdom is from, it is from Yahweh and it has

       been hidden in a mystery it was predestined before the ages for our glory)


15.  Proof that none of the rulers of this age knew it. (Is because if they had

       known it they would not have crucified the Master of glory, and Paul

       quotes Isaiah 52:14-15, Isaiah 64:4)


16.  Now God has revealed these things to us by the Spirit. (Look at this very

       Closely, the Spirit searches everything even the depths of Yahweh, look

      Psalm 17:3, David prays this same thing about the Spirit that search all



17.  Look at 1 Corinthians 2:11. (Who knows a person’s thoughts except the

       Spirit in him? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except

       The Spirit of God, did you catch that, God’s Spirit that is in Him knows

       His thoughts, so God’s Spirit knows God’s thoughts)


18.  Look at 1 Corinthians 2:12. (We have not received the spirit of the world,

       But we have received God’s Spirit, so we can understand what has been

       Freely given to us by God)


19.  They didn’t teach these things with worldly wisdom. (But the things you are

       Being taught is being taught by the wisdom that comes from the Spirit,

       Teaching spiritual things to spiritual people, as in 1 Corinthians 2:6 to

       Those that are mature)


20.  Look carefully at 1 Corinthians 2:14. (The person without the Spirit does

       Not receive what comes from God’s Spirit, because it is foolishness to him

       he is not able to understand because it is spiritually evaluated, KJV uses

       the word it is spiritually discerned examined and determined)


21.  The Spiritual person. (Can examine or determine all things and yet he

       Himself can not be examined by anyone)


22.  Look at 1 Corinthians 2:16. (Having the Spirit is the same as having the

       Mind of Messiah, or having the mind of God, so we have access to the

       Very mind or thoughts of Messiah, through His Holy Spirit)


23.  This passage is a great passage. (It is so encouraging to the believer about

       The access we have to the wisdom of the Living God, and the power that

       Is available to the believer as well, knowing that we have access to the

       Very throne of Yahweh to meet the enemy)


24.  But it would be totally irresponsible to leave it here and not discuss the next

       Section. (But we need to look at 1 Corinthians 3:1-4, and look at what

       Paul explains to them about their true condition, look at 1 Corinthians

       3:1, Paul explains to them that he was not able to speak to them as

       Spiritual people)

25.  Wow! After that buildup about the access spiritually mature people have to

       The very mind of God. (And now say that yeah, I would like to discuss that

       Spiritual insight into God’s thoughts and purpose but I can’t because you

       Are not spiritually mature because you are still fleshly people as babies in



26.  The only thing that they would be able to deal with. (Was milk as babies,

       Babies can’t have some of the solid foods that those that are grown up can

       Because babies are not fully developed to the place they can digest the

       The solid food)


27.  Paul explains why. (The signs of immaturity are envy and strife among

       Them, and really Paul identified allot more than just envy and strife, he

       Called them fleshly speaking to the fruit of the flesh, and not of the Spirit

       So when we see these things among the people, we can know that we are

       Still living as babies and not yet ready for spiritual meat)


28.  Look at Galatians 5:19-21. (Here is a list of flesh living behaviors that keep

       Us from true spiritual living, but in Galatians 5:22-24 we see spiritual

       Behavior that leads us to being able to access and understand the mind of



29.  It really comes down to. (What are we looking for? To satisfy the flesh, or

       Do we want and desire the fruit of the Spirit that will give us access to all

       That Yahweh has for us?)


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