
Bulletin 05/5/18


Winning Souls and Making Disciples

Love One Another​

Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart. 1 Peter 1:22

 Sabbath Worship

“We love because He first loved us.”  1 John 4:19


May 5, 2018


10:00 am      Shabbat School for Children:


Birth – 4        Diane Gray/Kristin Wellman

5 – 12 …………… Dorothy Moore


  10:30 am  Torah Torah Emor “Say”

            Whole Portion Vayikra 21:1 – 24:23

            Triennial Portion Vayikra 23:23 – 24:23


  Next Week’s Behar/Bechukotal “on Mt. Sinai” “In My Statutes”  Double Portion

            Whole Portion Vayikra 25:1-27:34

            Triennial Portion Vayikra 25:35-26:2/27:1-27:34


 11:00 am     Welcome

            Sabbath Blessing (for the Children)



            Sermon Holy Spirit Part 4.2…………………Pastor Rick                                                   



  1:15 pm       Oneg


  2:30 pm    Midrash



  During 10:30 am and 11:00 am, the microphone is passed around for the purpose of questions and comments pertaining to the teachings only.

Unauthorized people are not allowed in the

Sound Booth at any time.



6 p.m.


Prayer meeting led by Pastor Rick

Cornerstone Sanctuary




12:00 p.m.

Women’s Bible Study led by Dee Smith

Psalm 22



8:30 a.m.

Sunday Clean Up

We still need people to help clean up the facilities.  It takes about 1 hour to clean Cornerstone.  For more information see Don Sorenson.



7:00 p.m.


Men come and join us for prayer and study, if you have questions, please contact David Smith.

Third Sunday of     the month

1:00 – 3:00 pm



Women’s Fellowship

NO MEETING IN MAY.  The Ladies tea on June 3rd from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pmSign ups for the tea are in the foyer and will end May 19th.  You WILL NEED TO BRING YOUR OWN TEA CUP.  If you do not have one see Dee Brown Smith.

Garden Seeds


Please help yourself to the free seeds for your gardens in the Oneg room after service.


Baptism Service


Sunday, May 6th will be a baptism at Capital Baptist Church at 3000 Lansing Ave NE, Salem.  The service will be at 5:00 p.m.

Contact Information

Questions about the church, membership, baptism, parent and/or child education contact Pastor Rick at the church office or those listed below:


    Pastor                               Rick Chesher                       503.602.1406

 Administration                     Dale Henson                              503.930.6963             

 Azure Standard Orders        Don Sorensen                            503.999.4671

 Building Maintenance          Don Sorensen                            503.999.4671

 Bulletin                               Dee Brown Smith                       503.269.4715

 *Education*                        Kristin Wellman/Sharon Chesher 503.602.9533

 Men’s Ministry                    David Smith                               503.400.2262

 Music                                 RaeLinn Henson/Diane Gray       541.619.4088        Linna Polley      

 *Nursery Care*                  Kristin Wellman                         503 502 9533

 *Oneg*                              Jud Baxter                                 503.910.1804


 Shabbat School                   Dorothy Moore                          775.742.6572

 Sound & Camera                Linda Williams                           503.930.7921

*Special Events*                  Linna Polley                               503.871.9880



Pastor Rick     503.602.1406

                                     Dale Henson   503.930.6963             



Pastor Rick & Sharon’s days off are Tues/Wed.

Please call the Elders during those days.


 Cornerstone Radio Talk Show

 Sundays ~Live 10 am – 11 am

 Call-in at 503.967.3001


 Location:   4600 Swegle Road NE, Salem, OR 97301

 Phone:       503.391.0243



 *Areas of Ministry needing assistance, prayer & support


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