
Bulletin 08/11/18


Winning Souls and Making Disciples


I call upon Yahweh, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

                              2 Samuel 22:4

 Sabbath Worship

We love because He first loved us.  1 John 4:19


August 11, 2018


10:00 am       Shabbat School for Children

           Ages 5 – 12+ ……….Dorothy Moore


10:30 am       Child Care, as needed

            Ages Birth – 4 ……….Kristen Wellman


10:30 am       Torah Service: Re-eh /”Behold”

                        Whole Portion: Devarim (Deuteronomy) 11:26-16:17

                     Triennial: Devarim (Deuteronomy) 15:1-16:17


Next Week’s Torah Portion:   Shoftim /”Judges”

………..            Whole Portion: Devarim  (Deuteronomy) 16:18-21:9

………..            Triennial: Devarim (Deuteronomy) 19:14-21:9  



11:00 am      Worship Service


                    —Sabbath Blessing for the Children


  [Worship Service Children’s Class for Ages 3-9,

   facilitated by Kristen Wellman. Children return after the sermon.]

                    —Prayer Circles

                    —Sermon: “Holy Spirit 7” ……..Pastor Rick                                                   

                    —Announcements / Testimonials

                    —Brachot (Blessings on the food)


  1:15 pm     Oneg, a time to delight in food and fellowship.

                    Guests and Visitors, please join us!


  2:30 pm     Midrash, an hour-long group discussion where we

                    dive deep into the Scriptures. Meet in the Oneg room.


         At designated times during the service we offer the microphone to anyone who has a question or comment pertaining directly to the teachings.  Thank you for your participation!


Only authorized people are allowed in the sound booth at any time.



8:30 – 10:00 am



            Post-Shabbat clean-up

To help clean the church, see Don Sorenson.





  6:00 – 7:00 pm

               Weekly Prayer

All welcome to pray together at the church (See Acts 1:14a). 


   Tues, Aug 28

   7:00 – 8:30pm

              Music Jam Night

Back by popular demand: An evening of group music-making. Chords of our favorite hymns and worship songs are provided for stringed instruments. All experience levels welcome to come sing and play together.

                                      Fall Feasts

Details to come, so mark your calendars!


Sun, Sept 9  Yom Teruah gathering begins at 6pm for Oneg.

Wed, Sept 19 Yom Kippur gathering meets at 6:30pm for worship. Light supper provided to break the day’s fast.

Sun, Sept 23 Sukkot, Day 1 festivities include Oneg at 6pm followed by worship.

Sun, Sept 30, Sukkot, 8th Day festivities include Oneg at 6pm followed by worship.


· Yard sale postponed until Spring.

· Men’s Watchmen study group resumes after Labor Day.

· Help needed with the Worship Service Children’s Class,

   ages 3 – 9. Please contact Kristen Wellman for details.

· For urgent prayer requests, call Dee Swinford who will

   disseminate your message to our prayer warriors. 

· Bulletin items or updates due to Dorothy by Wednesday 6am.

     Contact Information

Questions about the church, membership, baptism, parent and/or child education, please contact Pastor Rick (at the office number) or those listed below:


    Pastor                               Rick Chesher                        503.602.1406

 Administration                     Dale Henson                              503.930.6963             

 Azure Standard Orders        Don Sorensen                            503.999.4671

 Building Maintenance          Don Sorensen                            503.999.4671

 Bulletin                               Dorothy Moore                          775.742.6572

 Education*                          Kristen Wellman/Sharon Chesher541.570.2129

 Men’s Ministry                    David Smith                               503.400.2262

 Music                                 Diane Gray/Raelynn Henson       541.619.4088        Linna Polley                 

 Nursery Care*                    Kristen Wellman                        541.570.2129

 Oneg*                                Jud Baxter                                 503.910.1804

 Prayer Alert (by phone)      Dee Swinford                             503.390.7015

 Shabbat School                   Dorothy Moore                          775.742.6572

 Sound & Camera                Linda Williams                           503.930.7921

 Special Events                    Linna Polley                               503.871.9880



Pastor Rick     503.602.1406

                                     Dale Henson   503.930.6963             


Pastor Rick & Sharon’s days off are Tues/Wed.

Please call the Elders during those days.


 Cornerstone Radio Talk Show

 Sundays ~Live 10:00 – 11:00 am

 Call-in at 503.967.3001


 Location:       4600 Swegle Road NE, Salem, OR 97301

 Phone:          503.391.0243



 *Areas of Ministry needing assistance, prayer & support


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