
Bulletin 08/16/18


Winning Souls and Making Disciples


All the kings of the earth will give

thanks to you, O YHWH,

When they have heard the words of

Your mouth.

                              Psalm 138:4

Sabbath Worship

We love because He first loved us.  1 John 4:19


August 18, 2018


10:00 am       Shabbat School for Children

           Ages 5 – 12+ ……….Dorothy Moore


10:30 am       Child Care, as needed

            Ages Birth – 4 ……….Kristen Wellman


10:30 am       Torah Service: Shoftim /”Judges”

                        Whole Portion: Devarim (Deuteronomy) 16:18-21:9

                     Triennial: Devarim (Deuteronomy) 19:14-21:9


Next Week’s Torah Portion:   Ki Teitsei /”When you go”

………..            Whole Portion: Devarim  (Deuteronomy) 21:10-25:19

………..            Triennial: Devarim (Deuteronomy) 24:14-25:19  



11:00 am      Worship Service


                    —Sabbath Blessing for the Children


  [Worship Service Children’s Class for Ages 3-9,

   facilitated by Kristen Wellman. Children return after the sermon.]

                    —Prayer Circles

                    —Sermon: “Holy Spirit 7.1” ……..Pastor Rick                                                   

                    —Announcements / Testimonials

                    —Brachot (Blessings on the food)


  1:15 pm     Oneg, a time to delight in food and fellowship.

                    Guests and Visitors, please join us!


  2:30 pm     Midrash, an hour-long group discussion where we

                    dive deep into the Scriptures. Meet in the Oneg room.


         At designated times during the service we offer the microphone to anyone who has a question or comment pertaining directly to the teachings.  Thank you for your participation!



8:30 – 10:00 am

Post-Shabbat clean-up

To help clean the church, see Don Sorenson.



  6:00 – 7:00 pm

Weekly Prayer

All welcome to pray together at the church (See Acts 1:14a).


   Tues, Aug 28

   7:00 – 8:30pm

Music Jam Night

Join us for an evening of singing and group music-making! Chords of favorite hymns and worship songs are provided for stringed instruments. All experience levels welcome. Facilitated by Diane Gray.

                                      Fall Feasts

Sun, Sept 9 Yom Teruah: Meet at 6pm for Oneg, worship, and blowing of the shofars. (Yom Teruah ends sundown Sept 10th.)


Wed, Sept 19 Yom Kippur: This High Sabbath begins at sundown on the 18th. Cornerstone meets at 6:30pm on the 19th for outdoor worship and a light supper (provided) to break the day’s fast.


Sun, Sept 23 Sukkot, Day 1 festivities include Oneg at 6pm followed by worship. Details to come.


Sun, Sept 30, Sukkot, 8th Day festivities include Oneg at 6pm followed by worship. Details to come.

· Men’s Watchmen study group resumes after Labor Day.

· Help needed with the Worship Service Children’s Class,

   ages 3 – 9. Please contact Kristen Wellman for details.

· Bulletin items or updates due to Dorothy by Wednesday 6am.

Contact Information

Questions about the church, membership, baptism, parent and/or child education, please contact Pastor Rick (at the office number) or those listed below:


    Pastor                               Rick Chesher                        503.602.1406

 Administration                     Dale Henson                              503.930.6963             

 Azure Standard Orders        Don Sorensen                            503.999.4671

 Building Maintenance          Don Sorensen                            503.999.4671

 Bulletin                               Dorothy Moore                          775.742.6572

 Education*                          Kristen Wellman/Sharon Chesher541.570.2129

 Men’s Ministry                    David Smith                               503.400.2262

 Music                                 Diane Gray/Raelynn Henson       541.619.4088        Linna Polley                 

 Nursery Care*                    Kristen Wellman                        541.570.2129

 Oneg*                                Jud Baxter                                 503.910.1804

 Prayer Alert (by phone)      Dee Swinford                             503.390.7015

 Shabbat School                   Dorothy Moore                          775.742.6572

 Sound & Camera                Linda Williams                           503.930.7921

 Special Events                    Linna Polley                               503.871.9880



Pastor Rick     503.602.1406

                                     Dale Henson   503.930.6963             


Pastor Rick & Sharon’s days off are Tues/Wed.

Please call the Elders during those days.


 Cornerstone Radio Talk Show

 Sundays ~Live 10:00 – 11:00 am

 Call-in at 503.967.3001


 Location:       4600 Swegle Road NE, Salem, OR 97301

 Phone:          503.391.0243



 *Areas of Ministry needing assistance, prayer & support

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