Sermon Notes

Holy Spirit 7

III.  The gifts of leadership. V11-12


  1.  There are four gifts of leadership, some say five, but I say four because

       2 are the same gift.


    a.  The first is apostle GK meaning one sent with orders, such as Paul


    b.  Paul did the work of missionary, pastor, pastor oversight.


    c.  The second is prophets GK an interpreter of hidden things, explaining

         and expounding of scripture.


    d.  The third is evangelist GK bringer of good tiding, or preaching the

         gospel to the lost.


    e.  The four is pastor and teacher GK for pastor is herdsman.


    f.  The reason I say the same office is a herdsmen leads the herd to

        pastures and water so the flock can be fed.


    g.  The pastor must be able to teach the Word of God to feed the flock.


  2.  The purpose for these offices: V12-14


    a.  To train the saints to do the work of ministry GK complete furnishing.


    b.  Our job is to train the church to do ministry, by teaching and preaching

          the Word of God and coming along side to show how it is done.


      c.  This builds the body up GK to promote growth, growing the body up.


    3.  The result: V13


      a.  We will have unity of the faith, we will agree on what we believe.


      b.  We will have unity in the knowledge of Yahshua, we will be on the same

           sheet of music.


      c.  We will mature in the faith, have an intimately growing relationship

           with Jesus and with one another.

      d.  And we will look like and act like Messiah.


    4.  More results: V14-15


      a.  We will not act like children. 1 Cor. 3:1-4


      b.  We will not be deceived by false doctrine, and therefore we will be

           strong in the faith.


      c.  We will recognize false hood for what it is and not go there.


      d.  We will speak the truth to each other in love.


      e.  We will start submitting to Yahshua and allowing Him to work through



    5.  What holds it all together: V16


      a.  Yahshua is the head and the body or church is directed by Him.


      b.  Meaning that we do and act like Him and do what He wants.


      c.  And that all members of the church are doing what they are called to



      d.  And when this happens each member supplies what the body needs.


      e.  We each need what the other is gifted to do to be whole and healthy.


      f.  We need Messiah and we need each other to live and do ministry. 1 Cor.



Look at Numbers 11:16-17

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