Sermon Notes

1 John 4:1-9



1. Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 1:1-9.


2. If we were to sum up in one word the message that Peter is giving, it

    would be Grace.


3. Peter begins to unfold the meaning of Grace:


  a. But not how man would view grace. (Man does not define Grace)


  b. But, grace how God views grace. (Yahweh defines Grace)


  c. Many times our definition problems come. (When we aren't defining

      things Yahweh's way)


4. Peter begins to explain that we find grace, according to God:


  a. In salvation. (That He gives to us)


  b. In security. (He holds us)


  c. In sobriety. (The focus of our lives to Him)


  d. In submission. (The developing of relationships)


  e. In suffering. (The conforming to Jesus)


  f. In service. (Allowing Him to glorify Himself through us)


5. And then Peter takes each of these definitions of grace and explains them.


6. If we really look at our definition of grace, we will probably find that we

    have a very narrow view of Yahweh's grace.


  a. The free gift of salvation. (The work that He did on the cross for us.)


  b. But God's grace is not just something that happened in a point in time.

      (God's grace is eternity from that point in time)


  c. Meaning that it only starts in a point in time for us. (But continues from

      that point in time)


  d. Continuing on into eternity. (Never ceasing to exist)


7. And as we begin to learn about God's grace, He begins to reveal Himself

    to us in a greater way each day.


  a. His grace will be lived out in our lives. (Not just something we read     



  b. Our trust in Him increases. (How we live our lives changes, based on

      placing trust in Him)


  c. And those around us are affected. (As our lives affect them, they are

      brought into a revelation of Jesus)


8. Let's read 1Peter 1:1-9, Pray!



I.  Grace means that we are aliens in a foreign land. V1-2


  A.  This is the way God wants us to see ourselves.


    1.  Notice: It begins as we are chosen:


      a. This is chosen by God. (The way this is put is interesting this is

           written to those that have been chosen or stranger’s in the KJV

           the word is translated alien, but also means foreigner, pilgrim)


        1).  It is also interesting. (That Peter is using is name Peter instead of

              Of his given name Simon here turn to Matt. 16:13-20, Yahshua

              Asks all there who they say that He is, and Simon says, you are

              The Messiah Son of the Living Elohim)


         2).  Now look at John 1:35-42. (So, John was standing with 2 of his

               Disciples when Yahshua came passing by and John says Look

               The Lamb of Elohim, the two disciple left John and started to

                Follow Yahshua)


        3).  Yahshua asks. (What are you looking for? They then call him

               Rabbi, there two form of this word in the GK, one means

               Master and the other means Teacher, and they ask Him where

               He is staying, and He tells them come and see, one of the two

               Men is identified as Andrew, and Andrew was Simon’s



        4).  So, Andrew first found his brother Simon. (The first place he goes

              is to find his Brother Simon and when they find him Yahshua

              Andrew goes to introduce Yahshua and says we found the

              Messiah and brought Simon to Yahshua, Yahshua says you

              Will be called Cephas which is translated Peter which means



        5).  So, when Peter answers Yahshua. (Who do you say I am, Peter

              Says you are the Messiah, based on that Statement “you are

              The Messiah is the foundation of the congregation or the



        6).  Which is were we started. (In 1 Peter 1:1 as Peter uses the name

              That had been given him Cephas, or Peter Rock or foundation

               Which is the message he brings to the congregation)


        7).  But this is addressed to. (The chosen or in the KJV the elect,

              Which means chosen or elect but who are the chosen? Is he

              Talking but the Nation of Israel as they would have under-

              Stood it? No, he is talking to those that have been chosen by

              The foreknowledge of the Father)


        8).  Many debate has been had over the word foreknowledge. (But can

              Be answered in this same passage, this is answer based on the

              Process, in other word those that have come under the

              Sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, meaning those that are

              Living in obedience to the Holy Spirit and to those that have

              Been sprinkled by the Blood of Yahshua Messiah)


      b. But according to the foreknowledge of God. (To be saved according

          To His plan of salvation)


      c. To be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. (This plan set down before

           the foundation of the world)


    2. We were saved to obey Jesus:


      a. Called to be disciples of Jesus. (To follow in His footsteps)


      b. To learn His will in our lives. (To know His purpose for us)


      c. And to carryout that purpose in our lives. (Each day lives)


    3. Which means that we must be Holy:


      a. To be set apart for His use. (That is what this means is to be for His

           use only)


      b. To purpose in our hearts that we have no other purpose. (But the one

           He has for us)


      c. And then make ourselves available to Him. (So that He can glorify

          Himself through us)



II.  Because of His great mercy. V3-5


  A. Which gives us a living hope in Jesus.


    1. This is important for us to understand:


      a. Jesus was crucified to pay for our sins. (He was the price that we

          needed for salvation this was done through His blood it was the

          purchased price)


      b. But, He didn't stay in the grave. (He rose, and is alive which gives

          us not just a hope but a living hope, this is that part of His

          salvation plan that gives us eternal life)


      c. Which means that we can experience our rebirth. (Now, not just some

           day in the future the rebirth is from the point of us coming into a

           faith in Yahshua)


      d. We can experience His resurrected life now. (In our lives each day,

          as we are grafted in the olive tree)


    2. And we have been given an inheritance:


      a. Through this rebirth we were adopted. (Into a new family, our new

          family through this adoption and it is now as if this is always

          been as if there never was a before)


      b. Unlike our old family that didn't love us. (In fact, sought to destroy

          us we are talking about the family of sin and destruction that we

          where apart of prior to this relationship with Yahshua)


      c. In this new family we experience perfect love. (By a Father that gave

          us the life of His Son Yahshua, just so He could adopt us)


      d. And with that came the inheritance of a royal family. (The

          inheritance a Kings family)


    2. And this inheritance that is given to us will never perish:


      a. The stuff that we get from earth. (Will someday rust, or get old and



      b. The need to constant replenish earthly stuff is there. (Always buying

           new stuff)


      c. But with our heavenly inheritance we never need to do that. (Because

          it is eternal in nature)


      d. And their will never be a need to replace it. (It is forever)


    3. And God guards it in heaven for us:


      a. Unlike the things of this world that can be taken away or stolen. (Our

           Inheritance in heaven can never be stolen or taken away)


      b. Because it is guarded for us, in heaven. (By God, who is above all



      c. It will remain in the same state, as it was when we first received it.

          (Not even any tarnish)



III.  Grace means that we are being transformed into models citizens of

        Heaven. V6-9


  A. The methods God uses are the trails of this life.


    1. The trails of this life refine our faith in Him:


      a. This is talking about our trust. (More perfecting putting our trust in



      b. This is a part of our maturing process. (Three marks of maturity are

           Faith, Hope, and Love)


      c. So we are being grownup in Jesus. (To be the individual that He has

          always intended us to be)


    2. God considers this faith to be more precious than gold:


      a. Think about this for a minute. (His desire for us is for us to have

          more faith in Him)


      b. Without faith, He can't do anything in our lives. (It is through faith

           that He is able to use us)


      c. So He can be more perfectly glorified in our lives. (As our faith in

          Him increases)


    3. Through this, Jesus is more perfectly reflected through each of us:


      a. Jesus is more clearly seen in our lives. (As our faith in Him



     b. He is the one doing the work in our lives. (By having more faith, we

          learn to more perfectly surrender to His work)


      c. As we more perfectly surrender to Him. (It is Him that people see at

          work in our lives)


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