Sermon Notes

1 Peter 1:13-16



1. Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 1:13-16.


2. We have been looking at Yahweh's grace that He has extended to us.


3. Last week we looked at Yahweh's planning according to His grace.


4. First, That His grace is not something new:


  a. The prophets of old proclaimed His grace. (Told of a coming Messiah)


  b. They sought Yahweh's grace the same as we do today. (Prayer and



  c. Yahweh answered the prophets so they proclaimed the good news.

      coming ruler to set on the throne of David)


5. Second, His grace came at the perfect time in history:


  a. A time when He redeemed the old and the new. (All who believe)


  b. The prophets of old were preaching faith in God. (Living their lives by

      trust in a living Yahweh)


  c. And they proclaimed a redeemer. (The suffering of Messiah for our



6. Third, This grace was revealed to us in Yahshua Messiah:


  a. As they looked at the prophesies. (They find total and complete

      fulfillment in the person of Yahshua Messiah)


  b. This is all  done by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Yahweh at work,

      revealing Himself to man, so He could have a relationship with man)


  c. This plan is so awesome that the angels in heaven are looking. (Studying

      carefully, this power and wisdom that Yahweh is displaying on earth

      through men)


7. Everything that is happening in our lives as Believer’s in Yahweh


  a. He is at work in our redemption. (Salvation by His blood)


  b. He is at work with our sanctification. (Building our faith through



  c. And He is at work in our relationship with Him. (Developing intimacy

      and fellowship with Him here and now, not just someday in the



8. So, based upon this, we are to have some responsibility in this.


9. And that is what Peter begins to address next, our holiness before God.


10. Let's read 1 Peter 1:13-16, Pray!



I.  Because of Yahweh's grace, we are to prepare our minds. V13


  A. This is in reference to a mind set that we are called to.


    1. Prepare our minds in the Gk is to gird up our minds or make our minds



      a. In that day, they wore long robes. (Long robes were worn, some

          went down as far as the ankle)


      b. The idea was, that if someone were called into battle. (They would

          take the back of the robe, pull it up and tuck it in their belts)


      c. This would keep them free in their movement. (Not tripping over

          their robes when they were in battle)


      d. That is what he is saying here. (Prepare your minds in such a way,

          that the things you used to think about don't get in the way, look

          at Eph. 6:14, this associates this with standing on truth, the belt is

          is the truth)


      e.  The belt is. (Something every piece of equipment hangs on, so our

          Weapons that we would use in Battle is based on truth, look at

          Eph. 6:17 the sword of the Spirit is the word of Yahweh, this goes

          Back to John 16:12-15, He is the Spirit of truth and will declare to

          You everything that is to come and remind us of what Yahshua



    2. Which means that we are to be sober in spirit or minded:


      a. This also refers to our minds. (Carry's a couple of understanding)


      b. First, to keep our minds from intoxicants. (Not allowing our minds to

          be under the influence of anything but the Holy Spirit, look at

          Eph. 5:18 don’t get drunk with wine, and we can safely add any

          Thing else here, because it leads to reckless living KJV says it

          Leads to excess which is translated unsavedness, profligate which

          Means a person given to extravagant and usually gross self

          Indulgent expenditure)


      c. Second, It deals with the old way of thinking. (Not allowing our

          minds to be under the influence of the old way of thinking, the

          old way of thinking, look at 1 Peter 1:13, our minds are to be

          ready for actions, and part of being sober always ready look at

          2 Cor. 10:3-6)


      d.  This is the way of a Spiritual warrior. (We need to remember what

           our weapons are, Scripture, prayer, other that are believers all

           around us, and we need to become familiar with these weapons)


        1).  When I was in the Army. (We trained hard and often with the

              Weapons we where given to fight with, we cleaned them often to

              The point that we knew what made that weapon work and how

               It works we had that weapon around us and on us that it felt

               Strange not to have it with us)


        2).  We trained hard. (At learning how to use it and how to draw it to

               Ready, over and over again so when we met the enemy it

               Seemed like a natural thing to us and we did it without even

               Having to stop and think about it, it was muscle memory our

               Bodies would just naturally do the things we need to do)


      e. All of which can only be done the prayer and Scripture. (Replacing

          old thoughts, with thoughts of God, over and over again to the

          place that when we meet the enemy, His word comes to our minds

          and we respond according to His word, we need to practice

          stopping and thinking about what His word says about what we

          are to do in each situation we face every day)


      f.  The other thing we trained. (Was how to work as a team, no one

           in the military goes into a battle alone, we have a team around us

           that were trained to do their part in the battle. Each had a section

           to cover, it would help us understand and focus on our own

           assignment, which would help cover them and theirs would help

           cover us, we would train with each other to the point we knew we

           could trust them and knew what they would do)


    3. Fix our hope, is a way of living for us:


      a. This is about a living that is in expectancy. (That the hope of

          Messiah's return)


      b. What he is saying is this. (Waiting for His return for His bride

          the congregation and for Him to gather us from the four corners

          of the world, part of winning is keeping your eyes and mind on

          the goal of our hope)


      c. When we live in expectancy. (This is to understand that we are

          ready for His return and our meeting Him)




II.  Because of God's grace, We are called to obedience. V14


  A. Remember, we are adopted as sons and daughters of God.


    1. So, we are from a new family, as Yahweh as our Father:


      a. So He is the head of the house. (He is the one that provides for us)


      b. He is the one that is forming us. (Bringing us in conformity to His

          only begotten Son Yahshua)


      c. And this can only happen as we make ourselves available to Him.

          (This is obedience to Him through His Word)


    2. To do this we are not to be conformed to this world:


      a. The GK understanding means to not pattern our lives. (After this

          world we live in)


      b. We are to patterns our lives after Yahshua. (Seek to learn what He

          lived like while He was here on this earth)


      c. And then begin to follow in His footsteps. (Live like He did)


    3. Peter refers to the way we once lived as a life of ignorance:


      a. This is a life with no understanding. (Being unwise in our choses in



      b. This means, that the only wise choses we can make. (Are Godly



      c. Which means once again a life of obedience. (Living a life patterned

           after Yahshua, living the old way and doing the old things shows

           that we are immature in our work, and it means that we will

           most likely suffer beatings that we need not suffer)




III.  Because of God's grace, We are to be Holy. V15-16


  A. This is that call to pattern our lives after Him.


    1. This is a calling to be set apart from the old sinful way of living:


      a. Yahweh is completely righteous in His living. (There is no darkness

          in Him at all)


      b. We on the other hand needed salvation because of our sin. (We are all

           sinners and have all fallen short of the glory of God)


      c. So, this calling is to be set apart. (So that He can use our lives to

          glorify Himself through us, this comes from Lev. 11:44 and comes

          from Lev. 11 which talks about what is clean and what is



      d.  He is telling us because. (He is clean we too must be clean in our

           living, and in 1 Peter 1:14 it says we are to be holy in our conduct

           the word conduct means to cause or to act in a particular and

           especially in a controlled manner)


      e.  The GK for conduct. (Means to fashion like, to conform after a

           pattern letting us know that we are not to fashion ourselves after

           patterns of this world)


      f.  Beatles clothes and boots, and glasses.


    2. This is a call of transformation from the way we used to live:


      a. The GK word for Transform is were we get our word metomorphsis.

          (Which is the process that a caterpillar goes through to be a



      b. Butterflies look completely different from caterpillars. (So much so

          if we didn't know what happened we wouldn't know it once was a



      c. That's what he is saying here. (Our lives need to change to be

          completely different from what they were before)


      d. Going from ungodly to Godly. (In our behavior)


    3. The reason given here for this calling of change, is because it is written:


      a. It is written, Because I am Holy, we are to be Holy. (God's Word

          says so, so it is a call to obedience)


      b. This is a calling to God's moral behavior. (To be like Him in our

           minds and behavior)


      c. And this is accomplishable for us. (As we learn to give into His



      d. Which resides in each of His children. (By the power of the Holy

           Spirit, learning to give into His will)




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