1. Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 1:22-25.
2. Last week we took a look at three more things that grace means.
3. The first of these is, Grace means that we are to live in reverence:
a. First that we are to be in fear of judgment. (As a child would be in fear
of the judgment of his father for sin)
b. This is really a call to live in reverence. (Out of respect for our
Heavenly Father)
c. With a view of the awesomeness of God. (In who we serve and are
rightly related to by Jesus)
4. Second, Grace means that He paid a very costly price for each of us:
a. This is something that we must understand. (Because of His love for us
He paid the ultimate price)
b. This isn't about money. (If it were we could have possibly paid
c. The only payment possible was the just for the unjust. (And it cost the
life and suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross)
5. Third, Grace is a work of God and Him alone:
a. The language in this passage is important. (Because it explains that it
couldn't have been anyone other than Jesus)
b. And this was done specifically for you and I. (He knew of our need
and set a plan in motion that would provide for our need)
c. And this is so that our hope would be in Him. (We were the hopeless
that God Himself became our hope)
6. This is awesome, beyond anything that man could of thought of.
7. And this grace that He gives is absolutely free for the asking, if we will
believe in Jesus.
8. Now that we are sure about that true, let me share something with you.
9. Grace is truly a gift from God that is unmerited by us:
a. We couldn't buy it. (For no amount of money or works)
b. That we could only receive it. (By coming to Jesus confessing our sins)
c. Then repenting and turning away from our sins. (And turning to God
asking Him to be Lord and savior of our lives)
10. But once we have receive grace, we are responsible for the gift that was
given to us.
11. Once we have received this gift, we are responsible to make ourselves
available to this gift:
a. This gift once received has some guidelines. (To be applied to our
b. This gift will not affect us beyond justification. (Unless this gift is
applied to our lives)
c. This salvation is not just a gift that starts and stops with asking. (But
asking and receiving is only the starting point)
12. And that is what is being taught in this next section of Scripture.
13. Let's read 1 Peter 1:22-25, Pray!
I. Grace means that we are to Love one another. V22
A. Love for one another is a choice that we must make.
1. We must follow God in obedience to His Word.
a. His Word tells us to love one another. (This is a commandment)
b. The GK says from a heart that is purified. (This is a term that would
in reference to the temple, undefiled)
c. Now let's think about this, Undefiled heart. (Is a heart that isn't
harboring sin, contempt, anger, hatred, unforgiveness)
d. So, we are to love one another with a clean heart. (One that has dealt
with anything that would defile it)
e. Also a heart that is maintained. (One were sin is dealt with
f. Where our relationship with God is maintained. (But also where our
relationships with one another is maintained, we must have both)
2. This is born out of God's love for us:
a. God paid the price for us. (So should we with one another)
b. God makes a way for a relationship with Him. (So should we with
one another)
c. God encourages us. (So should we encourage one another)
3. We are God's provision for each other:
a. Each of us is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. (God in us)
b. We are placed in the body according to God's plan. (Where He wants
us to be)
c. So He supplies the body and its needs. (Through each person in the
d. He is at work ministering to each of us, through each of us. (The
manifestations of the Holy Spirit 1 Cor. 12:6-7 talks about)
II. Grace means that we have the ability through Jesus. V23
A. We have been born again.
1. The ability is not inherit in ourselves:
a. We don't have any power naturally. (From the time of our natural
b. Infact, the old nature was sinful. (Separated from God)
c. Which sin seeks to destroy and kill. (Not love and edify)
2. This love is the very nature of God:
a. God seeks to save. (Redeem us from our separation from Him)
b. God seeks to restore life. (Not only give life but life in abundance)
c. God seeks to reconcile. (Bring people together in relationship with
Him and with each other)
3. So this rebirth is an imparting of His nature:
a. When we are given to Him. (He begins to live His life through us)
b. Therefore we are able to love. (Because He is loving through us)
c. We seek to be reconciled to one another. (Because He is drawing us
III. Grace means that He is transforming us into His glory. V24-25
A. We have eternal life through Jesus. (We have His life in us)
1. The flesh is passing away:
a. This speaks of the old nature. (Being died to the old nature)
b. But not just died. (But now having a nature that is Christ)
c. And by that nature, there is a transforming of the trained flesh.
(Trained by the old nature of sin)
2. This can only be done through a continued relationship with Jesus:
a. A relationship that is growing. (In intimacy with Him)
b. Learning the life of Christ. (Personally in our lives)
c. This is a daily walk with Him. (A disciplined walk)
3. But also learning to be a living sacrifice:
a. This is a continued dying of our wills. (To look to apply His will in
in our lives)
b. A sincere desire to please Him. (At the expense of ourselves)
c. Aligning our daily lives with Him. (Daily seeking His direction)