Winning Souls and Making Disciples
“…Declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
I Peter 2:9b
Sabbath Worship
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
November 24, 2018
10:00 am Shabbat School for Children
Ages 5 – 12+………. Dorothy Moore
10:30 am Child Care, as needed
Ages Birth – 4……… Kristen Wellman
10:30 am Torah Service: Vayishlach /”And he sent”
Whole Portion: Beresheet (Genesis) 32:3 – 36:43 Triennial: Beresheet (Genesis) 32:3 – 33:20
Next Week’s Torah Portion: Vayeshev /”And he dwelt”
Whole Portion: Beresheet (Genesis) 37:1- 40:23 Triennial: Beresheet (Genesis) 37:1 – 37:36
11:00 am Worship Service
—Sabbath Blessing for the Children
[Worship Service Children’s Class for Ages 3-9,
facilitated by Kristen Wellman. Children return before the Brachot.]
—Sermon ……….Pastor Rick
—Announcements / Testimonials
—Brachot (Blessings on the food)
1:15 pm Oneg, a time to delight in food and fellowship.
Guests and Visitors, please join us!
2:30 pm Midrash, an hour-long group discussion where we dive deep into the Scriptures. Meet in the Oneg room.
At designated times during the service we offer the microphone to anyone who has a question or comment pertaining directly to the teachings. Thank you for your participation!
Sundays 8:30 – 10:00 am
Post-Shabbat clean-up
Exercise the gift of helps (1 Corinthians 12:28)
by helping others tidy the church building. See Don Sorenson for details.
6:00 pm
All men invited for prayer and study. Facilitated by Dave Smith
Thursdays 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Weekly Prayer
Come pray together at the church (See Acts 1:14a). Facilitated by Pastor Rick.
- Be prepared to help in a disaster by signing up for the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. Sign-up sheet is in the narthex. See Terry Everest for details.
- Women’s Bible Study resumes Thursday, November 29, continuing the study of Colossians. See Dee Smith for details.
- Provide a meal for Jacque Hunt by signing up on the sign-up sheet located in the narthex. See Dee Smith for details.
- The next women’s tea is January 20 from 1 – 3pm. Plans for the tea will be discussed at the next Women’s Ministry meeting December 16. Watch for details per Dee Smith.
- To provide diapers, meal ingredients, or monetary donations for the Nordstrum family, see Jud Baxter or Diane Gray.
- Bulletin items or updates are due to Dorothy by Wednesday 6am.
Contact Information
Questions about the church, membership, baptism, parent and/or child education, please contact Pastor Rick (at the office number) or those listed below:
Pastor Rick Chesher 503.602.1406
Administration Dale Henson 503.930.6963
Azure Standard Orders Don Sorensen 503.999.4671
Building Maintenance Don Sorensen 503.999.4671
Bulletin Dorothy Moore 775.742.6572
Education* Kristen Wellman/Sharon Chesher541.570.2129 Men’s Ministry David Smith 503.400.2262
Music Diane Gray/Raelynn Henson 541.619.4088
Linna Polley
Nursery Care* Kristen Wellman 541.570.2129
Oneg* Jud Baxter 503.910.1804
Shabbat School Dorothy Moore 775.742.6572
Sound & Camera Linda Williams 503.930.7921
Special Events Linna Polley 503.871.9880
Pastor Rick 503.602.1406
Dale Henson 503.930.6963
Pastor Rick & Sharon’s days off are Tues/Wed.
Please call the Elders during those days.
Location: 4600 Swegle Road NE, Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503.391.0243
*Areas of Ministry needing assistance, prayer & support