Sermon Notes

Heb. 4:1-13



  1. Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 4:1-13.


  1. Last week we took a look at Heb. 3:7-19.


  1. We saw first, We are not to harden out hearts:


  1. The writer of this passage had used three passage of Scripture. (Ps.

       95:7-11,  Ex. 17:1-7 and Num. 14:20-23)


  1. We talked about some of the words used. (All of them were

       shepherding terms for us and Yahweh)


  1. He is our Eloheem. (But He is our Shepherd and He desire was to

      feed and care for His flock which is us)


  1. And the word for wilderness. (Heb. actually means pasture, or the

      place of pasture, this was a place where we learn to trust Him)


  1. But they had harden their hearts. (This term means stubbornness and



  1. We talked about how they had seen all His works. (Miracles with

       Pharaoh, the Red sea part, Manna from Heaven, Quall, bitter

       Water turn sweet, and still complained and really that complaint

       Was against Yahweh not Moses)


  1. So Moses struck the rock. (Heb. for struck means stripes, and it 1

       Cor. 10:3-4 Paul identifies the rock as a type of Messiah)


  1. And the writer identifies their behavior. (As people with an

       unbelieving heart with strife and quarrelling as indictors)


  1. So they would not enter His rest. (Heb is not only rest or repose, but

      has a reference to matrimony and we took a look at Rev 19:6-10

      and the linen wedding garment associated with their righteousness)



  1. Second, We are to encourage one another:
  2. We need each other  in this process we are in. (And this is a daily

       process for each of us)


  1. The word daily meant each day. (But also meant throughout the day

       giving us the idea of a continual process of encouragement)


  1. The word also means to Tame. (Through the process of

       encouragement throughout the day we are able to tame our day)


  1. The word also meant to come along side. (GK Holy Spirit known as

        the comforter, or the one who comes along side)


  1. The reason for this is. (So we will not fall into sins deception which

       will harden our hearts and fall away)


  1. If we will do this, there’s a condition. (We will be companions or

      partakers of the Messiah, but we must hold firmly till the end)


  1. Unbelief will keep us from entering in to His rest:


  1. Those that came out of Egypt rebelled for 40 years. (Always

       complaining wanting to go back to Egypt)


  1. Because of their constant rebellion. (They died in the desert, their

       lives were cut short and they didn’t enter what was promised if

       they would obey)


  1. All because of unbelief. (This is a lesson for us today, we are looking

      at the pasture now, what will we do?)


  1. This next section brings it home, if you will.


  1. The writer makes it about us, not just them.


  1. Let’s read Heb. 4:1-12, Pray!



  1. The promise to enter His rest remains. V1-4


  1. We need to listen to this very carefully.
  2. The promise to enter in still remains:


  1. This word “remain” means. (GK means to reserve or it is

           remaining a promise, it is still on the table)


  1. What the writer is teaching is. (This promise to enter into His rest

            has not been fulfilled by others it is still for us today)


  1. But we must fear. (GK to be struck with fear, but also means to

          reverence something greatly)


  1. And in this case lest we miss it. (He isn’t talking about sitting

           around being afraid all the time, but to do the things outlined

           so we will not miss it as they did)


  1. We have received the “good news” as they did:


  1. They had received what we have received. (GK is really saying that

           they had received the same gospel we have received)


  1. But the message they heard did not benefit them. (GK means to

          benefit, but also means to be useful, it was not useful to them)


  1.   And the reason was “unbelief”. (They heard but they did believe it

          was the truth for them) Look at Heb. 11:16 without faith it is

          impossible to please God.


  1. This is important for us to hear. (They heard the same message we

           have and they did believe it, so they didn’t enter, we will only

           enter in by faith)


  1. Let’s look at Num. 13:26-33. (Some had faith, but the others were

           not united in faith with them)


  1. Look at this word “united”. (GK means they were not comingled

          together, or they were not one)


  1. And look at Num. 14:1-35. (They received exactly what they had

          accused Yahweh of and those that believed had to wait in the

          wilderness until those that didn’t believe died)

  1.   In verse 28 of Num. 14 we must look at. (They spoken into

           existence their own demise, “I will do exactly what I have

           heard you say”)


  1. Here is the truth of the matter:


  1. Yahweh’s works have been finished. (Since the foundation of the

           world, or creation)


  1. Look at Gen. 2:2. (Yahweh finished His work, and He rested on

          the seventh day)


  1. Here is where faith comes in. (He has already made it happen, and

           we need to walk according to what He has already made happen)


  1. The message hasn’t changed. (And we must believe and walk in the

            truth of His hand)



  1. It remains for some to enter. V5-11


  1. Now remember, this is Yahweh’s rest, and we will enter His rest.


  1. Sometimes we think it is our rest:


  1. The passage used here is Ps. 95:11. (And in this passage it clearly

           clearly says it is His rest we are to enter)


  1. This word “rest” in the Heb. is important. (It means repose which

           means to lay at rest, and it means peace)


  1. So we are talking about. (Entering into Yahweh’s rest and peace is

           dependent on us being united in faith Num. 14:35 Yahweh

           unbelief and disobedience conspiring against Him)


  1. Unbelief and disobedience sets up enmity.(GK for disobedience is

           unbelief, but also means opposition to divine will) (And it also

           brings disunity which will never be able to enter into His rest)

           Remember, symptoms of unbelief is quarreling and strife.


  1. Verse 8 is interesting:


  1. If Joshua had given them rest. (The name Joshua in the Heb. is

           Yaw-Shua, or where we get the name of Yashua)


  1. So the writer is showing a type. (But it isn’t a perfect type, because

           Israel didn’t enter into Yahweh’s rest at this point, and the writer

           Speaks of another day, and context has been about Yashua) Look

           At  Duet 12:8-10 &Duet. 25:19, The rest Israel was to receive was

           rest from their Enemies, or from war.)


  1. Now look at Ps. 95:7-11. (The writer still did not know this kind

          of rest, the rest from war)


  1.   So there remain another rest from Yahweh. (And this rest is His

            Sabbath rest we enter into through Yashua and obedience) Look

            At Matt. 11:28-30


  1. So we enter into this rest. (Through faith in Yashua which that

           faith will be seen or exhibit by obedience) Look at Rev. 14:13


  1. Verse 11 explains this:


  1. We enter in through obedience. (Faith is seen by obedience, we see

           this in the lives of Israel in the wilderness, and James 2:17-18)

           Look at 1 Cor. 10:1-13 they were examples for us not to follow.


  1. What we truly believe. (Will be seen in how we live our lives, and it

           proclaims to the world what we believe)


  1. Joshua and Caleb’s faith was seen. (Because they had a good report

          and they wanted to go in and take the land as Yahweh said)



III.  We have Scripture to learn from. V12-13


  1. The word of Yahweh is living and effective.


  1. We must remember first it is living:


  1. Look at John 1:1. (In the beginning was the Word and the Word

           was with Yehovah and the word was Yahoveh)


          Also Look at John 14:7-11, (His words and works are from the



          Look at Is. 11:1-2 (Heb. Spirit is “Breath” and we find the same

          Taught in 2 Peter 1:20-21)


           Note: The word “was” GK means “I Was” or “I AM”


  1. That passage in John 1 goes on to tells us. (And the Word became

           flesh and dwelt among us)


  1. And His name was Yashua. (And He is the Messiah the one sent

           and the one promised)


           Look at 1 Peter 1:23 (“Born again by the Word”)

       Look at John 1:4 (“I Am” was life GK means “Life” but also means

       “the absolute fullness of Life”)


  1. But the Word is effective:


  1. The word effective. (GK means powerful and active which added

           the description of a two edged sword becomes very powerful



  1. Isaiah talks in these terms. (Is. 49:2 when Isaiah talks about that

           Yahweh made his mouth a sword. Paul speaks of the Sword of the

           Spirit and Identifies it as the Word)


           Also Look at:

           Ps. 149:6-7 (Two edged sword in your hand)

           Eph. 6:17 (Sword of the Spirit)

           Rev. 1:16 (Out of His mouth a two edged sword)

           Rev. 2:12 (Sharp Sword with two edges)

           Rev 19:11-16 (His name “Word of God” and “Two edged sword

           From His mouth”)


  1. 2 Cor. 10: 3-7 is another passage. (Speaks of the weapons of our

          warfare take down strong holds which are every high minded

          thought that sets itself up against the knowledge of Yahweh)

          Look at Ps. 119:105  (Lamp unto my feet)


          Look at 2 Tim. 3:16-17 (Inspired GK Breathed)


          Literal Translation from the GK is (“Every Scripture God-

          Breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,

          For instruction in righteousness)


  1. This is very important for us to get:


  1. First, no one will be hidden from Him. (His word will expose every

           part of creation, nothing is exempt)


          Look at Jere. 23:23-32, (Rely on His Word, Judge all things by His



       Also look at:

       2 Ch. 16:9 (His eyes go to and fo)

       Job 26:6 (All is naked before Him)

       Job 34:21 (His Eyes are on the ways of man)

       Ps. 33:13-15 (He looks from Heaven)


  1. Everything will be exposed. (GK exposed is to be seized by the

           throat, and is a term used for those executed)


  1. And we will all give an accounting. (GK means we will give an

          account for or live or all we have uttered)


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