Sermon Notes

Heb. 5:9-10


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 5:9-10.

2.  Last week we took a look at Heb. 5:7-8.

3.  We saw,  We need to look at the road to obedience. V7-8

  A.  The path He took in this life is the path we will travel.

    1.  “During His earthly Life” or KJV “In the days of His flesh”:

      a.  This refers to the time He walked this earth as a man. (GK is flesh (the soft substance of the living body, which covers the bones and is permeated with blood) of both man and beasts or the


      b.  This is important for two reasons. (First it shows He had flesh just as us, which is important because some would say it only seemed that way)

      c.  This would go back to John 1:1-14. (It is important for us to know that He because flesh for us to know we are to follow His path)

      d.  We need to come to a place where we truly recognize Him. (As having come in the flesh, and all that He went through was in the flesh) 1 John 4:2 He came in the flesh

        1).  It is only as we recognize this point. (Will we be able to see

        Him as going through all we do)

        2).  And only as we recognize His walk. (Will we be able to see how

        He could know intimately where we are and what we go

        Through, we will identify with Him)

          a).  He “offered” prayers. (Rt word means “to carry” but also

                 means “to bear patiently”)

    2.  Remember, He was appointed before the foundation of the earth:

      a.  To be the Son, or Messiah. (But there were things to go along with that office or appointment)

      b.  If we are to understand it was decreed before the foundation. (We must also understand the decree included the life He would

     live here on this earth)

      1).  Look at 1 Peter 1:18-20. (This was decreed before the

            The foundations of the earth, for us who believe)

      2).  So His sufferings and death. (Were part of that Decree, what

            He would suffering was Inscribed in a decree then)

      3).  Let’s go back to Gen. 2:15. (The Heb. word for “place” or “put”

           Means “rest” or “safety” this is a safety Yahweh gives to His

           People in the land)

        4).  We can see this in. (Look at Deut. 12:10 The word “rest” is

               The same Heb. word for “put”)

        5).  So in the Garden, or Land. (Man had rest, or His rest

               Safety from their enemies)

        6).  Now look at Gen. 3:15. (Man has sinned, but the word “put”

               Comes up again but in this case it is a different word

               Meaning to “place” a hostility between the women and

               The serpent, and between her seed)

        7).   But the women’s seed will crush the head of the serpent. (And the

                Serpent will bruise the heel of the women’s seed)

        8).  Through this sin. (Man was removed from the land, which

               Also removed Him from Yahweh’s rest, so being removed

               From the land, also removes us from His safety and rest)

        9).  Look at Gen. 3:21. (Yahweh killed and animal and made a

               Covering for them the word “clothed” means wrap

               Around, look at Heb. 9:22 without the shedding of blood

               Remember “remission” means “freedom or pardon” and

               Also is associated with divorce of a husband or spouse)

          a).  This “skin” is also linked to sukkot. (Look at Lev. 23:42

                 “booths” and the rt word is saw-kak which means to

                   Protect or to cover and is linked to the skins of the


          b).  Look at Matt. 17:1-5. (Word “tabernacle” means “booth”

                 look at the cloud overshadowed, means “envelop in”

                 to cover or wrap around)

    3.  So He was here to carryout the decree:

      a.  And in that He offered up prayers and appeals. (This is intense,

          prayers are petitions and appeals or in the KJV

          supplications means to seek the Fathers favor)

      b.  This is important. (The word “tears” means loud out cry, this

            was intense praying) Look at Luke 22:39-46 Tears

      c.  He prayed to the One who could save Him from death. (The word

           “from” can also mean “by means of” or through death if

             You will) Look at 2 Cor. 14:4 to be raised up with Him, and

              2 Cor. 5:8 to be absent of the body.

      d.  And Yashua was heard because of His reverence. (The word

           “reverence” means circumspection, which means He

             Careful to consider all circumstances and possible


      e.  Look at v8. (Even though He was the Son, He learned

           obedience through what He suffered) Look at Phil 2:8

           He was obedient to the Father through His word even

           Unto death.

      f.  Now, this ought to tell us something. (It is through the suffering

          we go through that we will learn to be obedient, as we

          surrender to Him through His word) Look at John 16:33 He

          has overcome the world.

      g.  Now think about this. (In that prayer at the garden, He asked

           for the cup to pass from Him, but also said not my will but

           yours Father, be done)

      i.  At that point and every point in His life. (He was circumspect, or

          considered the consequences and chose the Fathers will to

          be obedient, and He chose to stay under the Father’s


      j.  This tells us it is not the temptation that is sin. (It is the failure to

           consider the consequences and chose the Fathers will that

           that is the sin)

      k.  Think about this. (Whatever He was presented with He

           the consequences of His actions before taking action)

      l.  This also implies He knew the Torah well enough. (To be able to

           evaluate the consequences of His decisions)

4.  This week we want to take a look at the source of salvation.

5.  And especially what that means to us.

6.  Let’s read Heb. 5:9-10, Pray!

I.  He became the source of salvation. V9-10

  A.  As always we need to look at some words.

    1.  To me these words, “After He was perfected” are troublesome:

      a.  In this verse it would sound as if something was lacking in Him.

           (As if Yashua was in someway lacking something in


      b.  But this word “perfect” in the GK. (Means “to complete” or “to

           accomplish something”)

      c.  Look at Is. 53:1-12. (This is a prophesy of the Messiah and

          what He will complete)

         1).  Look at John 17:1-26 (Speaks to Him having completed all

               He was sent to do)

         2).  Look at John 5:31-47. (Look specifically at verse 36 which

                Tells us “the works the Father has given me to


         3).  Look at Luke 9:28-31. (Specifically at verse 31 “speaking of

                His death which He was about to accomplish” GK for

                Accomplish is “To make full” and to “render complete”)

          4).  Look at Rom. 1:1-4. (He was declared through prophets and

                 Proven through the resurrection)

      d.  It is vitally important that He complete all He was sent to do. (These

           are the things that pointed to Him being Messiah, but also

           that led to our salvation)

    2.  This is pointed out in the next part of verse 7:

      a.  The word “And” or “After” depending on your translation. (GK can

           “therefore” or as a result of being made perfect or “when”

             He completed)

      b.  I think this is important because it shows “the completeness of His

            work”. (Which is the only way the next part can happen, and

            this is driven home by this verse)

      c.  “He became”. (GK means “to come into being” these things

            needed to happen before another thing happened)

      d.  The word “source” is interesting. (GK it means the “Causer” or

            the one who caused something to happen, so source or

            author of Salvation)

      e.  So He became the Causer of “Salvation”. (GK means

           “rescue and safety” but the rt word means “deliverer”)

        1).  Look at Ex. 3:8. (The word “rescue” means “deliver” in this

               Case from Egypt)

        2).  This word “salvation” in the GK. (Also means to be delivered

                From molestation of the enemy or Egypt or this world


          a).  Look at Gen. 49:18, Ex. 14:13, Ex. 15:2. (Heb. word for

                Salvation is deliverance, Rt word Safety, goes back to

                Gen. 2:15 and 3:21 the covering)

        3).  Look at Rev. 11:8. (It is spelled out in this passage of

               Scripture and we are able to see this Salvation spoken

               Of here, these are the two witnesses, I believe to be

               Moses and Elijah, one calling for repentance and the

               other  Proclaiming the Law)

      f.  Look at this closely. (He becomes the causer of “eternal”


        1).  The word “eternal” means. (GK “without beginning and

              Without end” and the rt word is “perpetuity”)

        2).  Look at Rev. 1:8, 21:6, 22:13. (He is the beginning and the end

               In Him is the beginning of Salvation that has no end)

      g.  But look at who this salvation is for. (All who obey Him, this is

           important for us to get)

        1).  Look at 1 Cor. 10:1-10. (They were disobedient and killed by

              The destroyer)

        2).  Now Look at Jude 1:5. (Once again “Saved” is to rescue from

                From danger and to deliver)

          a).  But look they were also destroyed. (GK “destroyed” means to

                  kill or death, but the Rt word means the destruction of

                 the flesh)

         b).  Now look at 1 Cor. 5:4-5. (The moral brother is to be turned

                over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, So the soul

                might be saved)

         c).  Sin can cut our lives short. (And that is what happened to

              them in the desert as well, they were saved from Egypt

              but their disobedience cut their lives short.)

          d).  Look at 1 Cor. 15:50. (Flesh and Blood will not inherit the

                 Kingdom of God)

        3).  We had led people to a place on shaky ground. (Look at Eph. 2:8

               “by grace through Faith” this word faith is important)

        4).  “Faith” in the GK means. (To have a conviction of the truth,

                To be convinced of something)

        5).  But is also means. (To have a reliance of and to have fidelity

               Which is an important aspect of faith, one we don’t teach)

        6).  To have fidelity according to the dictionary. (To be faithful, or

               To obey and is tied to allegiance)

        7).  Look at John 14:15. (If you love me you will keep my


        8).  Look at John 15:10. (If you keep my commands, you will

               Remain in my love)

        9).  We over the years have preached a cheap salvation. (Look at this

            In verse 9 of Heb. 5, He is the eternal source of salvation

            For all who obey Him)

      h.  Let’s turn to Ex. 19:5-6. (Moses in this passage is relaying a

           message Yahweh has given him to tell Israel)

        1).  He starts off by saying, “Now if you will Listen to Me”. (Heb. is

              To hear intelligently, and by hearing to obey, so listening

              Is tied to obedience)

        2).  Then He wants us to keep His covenant. (To “Keep” is to

               “Hedge around or to protect”)

        3).  Then you will be my own possession. (This is conditional, if we

               Obey and keep His covenant then we will be His

               Possession and a Holy Nation, of priests)

        4).  Some today would say we are the NT church. (Well look at

               1 Peter 2:7-10, and let’s look at verse 7)

        5).  They stumbled because they disobeyed. (But if we obey, then

               This is for us, obedience in Yashua is the key)

      i.  And in verse 10. (He was declared a high priest in the order

         of Melchizedek)

      j.  Once again declared. (It was inscribed in a decree in is the high

          priest in the order of Melchizedek)

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