Sermon Notes

Heb. 5:11-14

1. Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 5:11-14.

2. Last week we took a look at Heb. 5:11.

3. We saw, There is much to say about Yashua and Melchizedek. V11

A. In the Gk the subject is Melchizedek in verse 10 of chapter 5.

1. Look there is a great deal to say about Melchizedek:

a. What was said here in the Book of Heb. isn’t all that needs to be said.
(And we looked at Melchizedek at more length earlier)

b. In my opinion this is worth looking at again. (It is obvious that
this is an important area for us to understand)

c. In fact not understanding this text. (Can put us in the position
the writer of this passage is talking about being lazy to

d. The word for “Lazy” in the GK. (Slow and sluggish and the Rt
word is “to be an illegitimate son” very strong words) Look
at Gen. 17:17-21 (The covenant made with legitimate son)

1). Look at Deut. 23:2. (No one who is a “bastard” KJV. Or “Of
Illegitimate birth” may enter the Lord’s assembly or

2). Look at Heb. 12:7-8. (Discipline is key here, it is those
without Discipline, the lazy or sluggish who are
Illegitimate sons)

e. Look at John 14:17. (The world cannot receive the Spirit, and
He is the Spirit of Truth and dwells in us)

1). Look at John 15:26. (The Comforter testifies of Him)

2). Look at John 16:13. (He guides us into all truth, and shows
What is to come)

f. So when this speaks of illegitimate sons. (Could mean the ones
who don’t have the Spirit to reveal truth)

2. So let’s look at Melchizedek again:

a. We first see this word “Melchizedek” show up in Gen. 14:17-24.
(This is the time of Abraham and rescuing Lot from some

1). The word “Melchizedek” in the Heb. is made up of two RT words.
(The first is “King”, and the second is “right” so it means
King of Right)

2). We also see Melchizedek was the King of Salem. (Heb. for Salem
Is peace and is pronounced Shalem and is an early name
Of Jerusalem, the Rt word is complete, Friendly, just and

3). Notice, Melchizedek blesses Abram and give wine and bread. (This
blessing becomes a function of the priest later, in
Num. 6:23 and Dt. 10:8) But the bread and wine are
Symbolic of the body and blood of Yashua look at 1 Cor.
11:23-26 which is the Passover.

a). I want to look at this bread and wine. (The Passover, this
took place before the covenant was made by Yahweh
with Abram Gen. 15. We talk about the smoking pot
and the torch, which would include Passover)Deut.

b). Let’s look at Matt. 26:18-29. (Word “remission” or in
some translations “forgiviness” Gk means to “send
away”, and has a reference to “a husband divorcing
his wife”)

c). Now Let’s look at Rom. 7:1-6. (Rom. 6 speaks of baptism,
and raised to walk in newness of life, here it is for us t0
join to him He must die and well as us, or we could not
be join (married) to Him)

d). So this whole thing. (Has been a picture of Him
betrothing Himself to the bride, and He will
save Himself until the marriage supper Matt.
26:29, and Rev. 19:6-10)

4). But I also want you to see there are two kings, the other is king of
Sodom. (The King of Sodom only offered the possessions
Taken in battle, and we know what happens to Sodom

5). In Gen 14:22-23. (Abram takes the high road and doesn’t
Take that offered by the King of Sodom)

6). But notice, Melchizedek was both priest and king. (This is a
Different way of thinking about the High Priest)

7). This is actually pointed out in the Davidic Prophecies. ( Look
At Is. 11:1-5 and Matt. 1:6 and 16 Yashua coming from the
Line of the King of Israel) Also look at Ps. 2:7-12 shows
The line of the King.

8). He will hold this priest, king office “forever”. (GK means forever
But also means eternity and the Rt word means always)

3. So this is really about who the Legitimate Sons are:

a. They will be the ones who are studying to show themselves approved.
(2 Tim. 2:15 being a workmen that is unashamed)

b. Remember, where faith comes from. (Look at Rom. 10:17, Faith
comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God)

c. This is the reason we are to mediate or murmur His instructions.
(As we do we build our own faith, and we help build others)

4. This week I want to continue to look at this idea of immaturity and what that looks like.

5. Let’s read Heb. 5:12-14, Pray!

I. By this time we ought to be teachers. V12

A. The writer is speaking to people that had been in the congregation for some time.

1. Now this word “teacher” in the original GK is really on indictment

a. He is speaking to people who are considering themselves teachers of the Bible. (This speaks to teaching the things concerning God, and the duties of man, and one who is fitted to teach, or thinks he is)

b. But look instead of being able to teach, they need a teacher. (And not just things about God, but first things, or beginning things about God, or Yahweh, GK for Basics)

c. And look it is the “Principles” GK. (Means the works and utterances of Yahweh’s word, and in this case in would have been what we call the OT, Remember the NT was in process)

d. Also I want you to see the word “again”. (Gk this word means renewal, or repetition of action)

e. This is the reason for the comment about illegitimate sons in verse 11. (Because they had been taught these things and acted lazy, sluggish and stupid, or acted like illegitimate sons)

f. They had been taught this over and over. (And then mishandled the Word of Yahweh)

2. He goes on to say, you need milk not solid food:

a. Look closely at this, “You are in need of” in the GK. (Means “you have become”, so because you have been lazy and sluggish with Yahweh’s Word you have become in need of milk)

b. In the original lang. we see what happens when we don’t do our work as we ought to. (We become in need of milk instead of meat)

1). Look at Matt. 25:14-30. (He gave them something to do, two
Did what they were to do, and one didn’t and was lazy look
What Happened)

2). Look at John 14:15-18. (We have the Spirit of Truth, He said
He would not leave us as orphans)

3). Look at John 16:12-14. (The Spirit of truth will guide us into
All truth)
4). But if we get lazy and sluggish. (We will have need to be taught
The first things all over again and we will need milk)

c. This “solid food” or “strong meat” in the KJV. (Means
nourishment that is solid, firm, and immovable)

1). So we can only be immovable when. (We are grown up enough
To be on solid or immovable nourishment)

2). Being on milk, according to the original lang. (Can lead us to be
Unstable in our lives)

3). We can see this in Eph. 4:11-15. (As we see the purpose of the
Leadership especially pastors and teachers, so we will be
Nourished and not tossed and thrown by every wave of

II. Milk exposes us as inexperienced. V13

A. This is going to be offensive to some.

1. Everyone who “lives” or “useth” KJV:

a. In the original Lang. (Means to be a partaker of milk, but the Rt word is “to hold to” or one who does not let go of)

b. So once again this shows a person’s intent. (They have made a decision to hold onto to the milk and not grow up)

c. This goes on to say, they are “inexperienced”. (GK means without experience, but the rt words involved means first and is in relation to the first letter in the alphabet)

d. But the second rt word is very interesting. (It means “piercing” and is associated with a test, or in this case someone obedient and humble)

1). Look at Ex. 21:5-6. (This has to do with the decision to be a slave to
The master for life, and has his ear pierced by the master willingly)

2). So this one who is still on the milk. (Has not made the decision about
Who his master will be and is not someone who will pass the test or be
Obedient to his master when the test comes)

2. Now let’s look at this closer:

a. Turn with me to 1 Cor. 3:1-3. (Now Paul brings this up to the Corinthian congregation here in this passage, but this also helps us identify what this immaturity looks like)

b. Notice, Paul tells them they need Milk, not solid food. (This by the way makes me believe Paul had some influence over the writing of the Book of Heb.)

c. But look at the things Paul uses as a measuring tool. (There is envy and strife among them)

1). Paul says these are signs of flesh and immaturity. (They are not
Experienced in things of the word, or being obedient to the word)

2). Look at Gal. 5:16-21. (Notice, envy and strife are on the fruit of the
Flesh, these are things that mark our immaturity, look at factions
And dissensions)

3). Let’s get real. (This says, the people with these things exhibiting in
Their lives are people who need milk and are immature in their
Walk and are unstable in their walk)

3. The Mature have studied and applied the principles of Yahweh’s Word:

a. Paul got this from Is. 28:7-10. (Once again Isaiah speaks of people that ought to be teachers teaching the way to get back to a relationship with Yahweh)

b. And look Isaiah calls the babies. (Heb. says those that have not been weaned from the breast)

c. But look at the mature teacher. (Who teaches them law upon law, line upon line, speaking on building upon on the Word of Yahweh with the Word, going from where the teaching first starts and building on that throughout Scripture)

1). Now look at Heb. 5:13, the word “righteousness”. (Means “justification”
But the rt word means the message of how to have right standing with

d. Look at Rom. 2:19-24. (If you are a teacher, then your life will exhibit what you teach, this once again speaks to maturity and obedience)

e. Look at 1 Peter 3:15-17. (Be ready to give an answer for what they see in you, this is about them seeing this lived out in your life, and you being able to teach them when they ask)

III. Solid food is for those whose senses have been trained. V14

A. Now we are looking at the mature ones.

1. “Stable nourishment” GK meaning remember:

a. It is Stable nourishment. (Is for those who have trained their senses to distinguish from good and evil)

b. GK “Mature” . (Those whose lives are aim for completion or who are completing themselves through training in the Word of Yahweh, who are being perfected)

1). The rt word. (Is to have aimed their lives at the conclusion, or the final
Goal for something)

2). Look at Phil. 3:12-15. (All of his energy is spent on the goal of that
Promised by Yahweh through His Son Yashua)

3). Look at Gal. 5:22-26. (The mark of the mature, we can see those who’s
Lives are aimed at the goal of Yahweh call)

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