Sermon Notes

Heb. 6:1-8

I.  We need to move on to Maturity. V1-3

  A.  This goes back to verses 12-14

    1.  “Therefore” refers us back to what was previously spoken:

      a.  In this case in was about immaturity. (And the marks we looked at of what immaturity looks like)

      b.  “leaving” in the GK. (Means to depart that subject, at least for the time being)

      c.  The subject, is the Elemental things about Messiah. (Elemental, is the beginnings or the first things about the Messiah)

      d.  He is not telling us to forget. (But wants us to understand the more mature things of Messiah) While living out the basics

    2.  The writer identifies some of the “Elemental things” we are going to leave:

      a.  Now look, the writer did not say these were unimportant. (But actually calls them the foundation, it is what the house will be built on)

      b.  Look at 1 Cor. 3:7-15. (Paul speaks to the foundation being important, and really defines what materials the building will be used to build the house)

      c.  Paul explains how important these material are. (Because it will be tested by fire, and it is only those things that remain that will be our reward)

    3.  Look at the things that are considered Elementary:

      a.  “Repentance from dead works”. (Repentance of course is turning to Yahweh through Yashua, but dead works is translated “Works that lead to death)

        1).  Look at Heb. 9:13-14. (has to do with our consciences)

        2).  Look at 1 Peter 3:18-21. (It deals with sins and cleansing our

              Consciences, and Conscience is knowing the difference between

              Good and evil, but applying Rt word is to perceive and comprehend)

        3).  Look at Rom. 5:2.

        4).  Which goes to 1 Cor. 15:1.

        5).  Which goes to Pro. 24:16.

        6).  Which takes us to Job 5:17-20

      b.  “Faith in God”. (Here he is talking about a Faith that leads to obedience, or a faith that is seen in the lives of those who believe)

      c.  “Ritual washing”. (Here he is talking about baptisms, the word in the original lang. is Baptismo)

      d.  “Laying on of hands”. (This was for a number of reasons, look at Lev. 16:21, Lev. 24:14, Num. 8:12, Acts 6:6, Acts 8:18)

      e.  “Resurrection of the dead”. (We hear that from Yashua, Lazarus, last days the resurrection of the dead, and well as Yashua Himself)

      f.  “Eternal Judgement”. (Which is teachings throughout Scripture)

      g.  All of these things are considered “elemental things”. (Things that are for the immature, those new in the faith to learn)

      h.  But the mature should not have to be retaught these things. (They should be moving on to weightier things in the faith)

II.  It is impossible to renew to repentance those who were once enlightened. V4-18

  A.  This is a very scary passage for people.

    1.  We need to look at this very carefully:

      a.  This is not talking about someone who willfully commits sin. (Intentional sin has consequences, but was not unforgivable)

      b.  Look at Lev. 6:1-7. (This is when a person intentionally sinned and then afterward acknowledge the sin, repented, made restitution, and sacrificied)

      c.  Look at verse  7. (He will be forgiven for any guilt he may have incurred on him)

    2.  Turn to 2 Sam. 11:1-12:13:

      a.  Now it would be pretty hard to say this sin was not intentional. (Look at verse 1 chapter 11, David was to be with his men at war, but he stayed behind)

      b.  In the evening he went to his roof. (He saw the woman taking her bath in verse 2, and sent someone to inquire about her and was told who she was in verse 3)

      c.   In verse 4 David sends his people to go and get her. (Then David sleeps with her and she gets pregnant by David)

      d.  Now understand, David knew she was married to one of his soldiers. (But he makes the decision to do this anyway)

      e.  David freaks out when he finds out she is pregnant. (He calls her husband back from war, and tries to get her husband to sleep with her, when he won’t David has him killed)

      f.   Look at verse 11:27. (Yahweh considered what David had done to be evil in His eyes)

      g.  David does not repent until confronted. (Chap. 12 Nathan comes to him and gives David a parable about a rich man stealing a poor mans lamb, Davis tells Nathan that the rich man who had done this deserves to die)

      h.  Nathan tells David the truth. (David that rich man was you, look at Chap. 12:7-15, there were consequences to David’s sin, but David was forgiven)

    3.  We find this principle throughout Scripture:

      a.  Look at Num. 15:30. (The one who is defiant will be cut off from his people, the key is the one who is defiant)

      b.  We see this same thing being taught to the Corinthians 1 Cor. 5:1-13. (Paul quotes Deut. 17:7 purging the evil from among you)

      c.  But once repentance and reconciliation takes place renew them. (2Cor. 2:5-11, about bringing back the brother who had sinned)

      d.  In fact Scripture speaks of only one unforgivable sin. (Turn to Matt 12:22-32, This is about attributing the things of the Holy Spirit to the works of Satan)

      e.  These had seen, heard and tasted. (But then said He drives out demons by the power of Satan, this is the unforgivable sin)

      f.  Heb. 6:4-8. (They had seen, heard and tasted, then held the Spirit’s working, including the resurrection to contempt, they did not receive it)

        1) Look at Ps. 65:9-13. (All of these things come from Yahweh, and as we

             Know as in creation the Spirit hovered over the earth to carryout what

             The Word gave) Is. 5:3-7 What He is doing with His vineyard and

          Matt. 13:1-23.

      g.  This passage isn’t saying there isn’t repentance for those who repent. (There isn’t repentance to those who commit apostasy by attributing the workings of Holy Spirit to Satan) This word “fallen away” is apostasy.

      h.  Look at 2 Thess. 2:1-3. (This word “apostasy” means rebellion or in this case, “The great rebellion”)

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