I. We are confident of your salvation. V9-10
A. We need to look at this because it is about being spiritually discerning.
1. The writer says, even though we spoke this way to you:
a. He says we are “confident” or “persuaded”. (GK means “induced to believe in a thing concerning a person)
b. So they are convinced about something to do with them. (This puts them beyond their doubt about something about them)
c. In this case it is their “Salvation”. (GK means deliverance, safety, and preservation)
(The word connected or accompany “to have” or “to hold to”)
d. But not just their salvation, but the “better things”. (GK means “more useful, more serviceable, more advantageous things)
1). Rt word means vigor, power, and strength.
2). So the writer is setting the idea that. (There are things we can look at
That maybe indictors of a person’s salvation)
3). And it has to do with application. (We are able to see vigor, power and
Strength in the person’s life)
d. But we are able to smell it as well. (Look at 2 Cor. 2:14-17 we are a sweet aroma to the perishing and to the living)
1). Look at Gen. 8:20-22. (Sacrifice was a sweet smell to Yahweh that lead
To covenant)
2). Look at Ex. 5:21. (Moses confronts Pharaoh, Pharaoh makes it harder
For Israel, and they recognize they have become a smell of death to
Pharaoh and his leadership)
3). It is our sacrifice that is the aroma. (Look at Ex. 29:1 for consecration
And look at Ex. 29:18 it is a pleasing aroma to Yahweh)
e. Look at verse 10 in Heb. 6. (This is connected to their service, and both to the saints and Yahweh)
1). Verse 10 is actually a quote from Pro. 19:17. (And the word loan or
Lendth in the Heb. can be translated abides, or clings to the Yahoveh)
a). Look at 2 Cor. 8:1-5. (They gave to Yahweh and to us)
2). Look at James 1:26-27. (GK for religious is “ceremonious worship”
So this has to do with an aspect of our worship when we keep
Ourselves unstained and when we serve other, specifically the
Widows and orphans)
3). Now look at Ps. 34:13, Ps. 39:1, 141:3. (James got this about our
Tongues from this passages)
4). Now look at Job 31:16-23. (Dealing with the poor, widows, and
Orphans) Also Is. 1:17, 23
5). Look at James 2:14-26. (It isn’t what just comes from the mouth but
What is seen in the life, we are able to see or discern if the life matches
The words)
a). Look at Matt. 25:31-46. (The sheep and the goats)
6). Look at Phil. 2:13. (It is Yahweh in us who puts within us both the
Desire and to work out His purpose)
7). Look at 1 John 4:1-6. (Those that do not listen to us are not from
Yahweh, and those that say He did not come in the flesh are not
From Yahweh) This comes from love for His name and service for
The saints.
f. So this writer has identified who they are based on discernment. (Their
lives, even though are immature, are none the less those among the
saved based on their confession and works)
g. Understand, we need to get this down. (There will be a time, in our
future, where this will become gravely important, the great tribulation
when a mistake in this could cost lives)
1). Look at Joshua 9:1-15, 19 specifically 14. (They didn’t seek Yahweh)
1). This is also important now. (Because these are the things that are
Causing division and the bad witness of our Messiah)
II. This also deals with our final hope. V11-12
A. This goes to focus of our lives and mission.
1. This word “Diligence” is important:
a. This word give us the understanding. (GK means earnestness, speed, eagerness)
b. Now remember, this has been about study of the word. (With the idea of
application in their lives, moving on to the meat, or the immovable)
c. But the reason for this is final realization. (GK for “final realization” is “entire confidence, full assurance, but the rt word is “to carryout fully or
fully accomplish”)
d. Goes back to being made perfect, as in Heb. 5:8. (“After He was made perfect” means GK “after He had accomplished all He came to do”)
e. So he is saying, we must go after the meat. (So we will be immovable and able to complete all that we have been given to do)
f. This goes back to Phil. 3:12-15. (Gk is to aim our lives to the goal of what we have been called to in, which by the way is because we have been taken hold of by Yahweh through Messiah Yashua)
1). Look at Luke 9:57-62. (No one who looks back is GK “well placed” for
The Kingdom of Yahweh)
2). Look at Luke 17:20-31. (Do not turn back for anything, keep in the
Direction you have been called to, this is also part of discernment)
3). This goes back to Gen. 19:26. (The destruction of Sodom and
Gormorah, when Lots wife looked back showing her desire for the
Things in those places over the place of her calling)
g. This has to do with our “hope”. (GK means “expectation, or confidence” what you are expecting to happen in Yahweh)
h. This is so we won’t become “lazy”. (Remember, GK is sluggish, stupid, or illegitimate sons, this is a warning to prevent that)
i. So we will be imitators of those who inherit the promises. (GK is “follower” but the rt word is to be an “intimate follower”)
1). This is a follower of those who inherit the promise. (GK means
Announcement, but as we will see next week, deals with the
Covenant made with Abraham)
2). But look at the two elements necessary. (Faith and perseverance)
3). Faith. (GK means to be convinced of something and to have fidelity,
But the rt word is to obey) Look at Ex 19:5-6 idea of obedience
4). Perseverance. (GK means long suffering, rt word means to have long
Enduring temper, and to wait on it patiently)
5). Some would say today just believe. (And it is true, but to believe is to
Also obedience and wait patiently in the midst of all that goes on)
6). This goes back to the Word. (To move onto the meat, the immovable so
We will not be moved)