Sermon Notes

Heb. 7:6-10


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 7:6-10.

2.  Last week we took a look at Heb. 7:4-5.

3.  We saw, We need to look at the Priestly ministry of Melchizedek. V4-5

  A.  The writer is building understanding of the importance of this person.

    1.  The writer tells us to “consider” how great this man was:

      a.  This word consider is very important for us to get. (GK means to discern,

           but the RT word means to look closely at something, Melchizedek)

      b.  One of the other RT words is important. (GK means to gaze at, and gives

           us the understanding of maybe to study or take a hard look at)

      c.  He is talking about something other than a glance. (This gives us the idea

            the writer wants to see something important in the life of this man)

      d.  What he wants us to see is “how great” this man is. (GK for “great” is the

           dignity of the man Melchizedek)

        e.  This word “dignity” is important to me. (The Dictionary says, “High

             rank, office or position, a title of nobility or honor)

        f.  So the writer is wanting us to understand. (The high rank and office of

             this Melchizedek)

    2.  The High rank of this person is shown by Abraham’s response to Him:

      a.  Abraham, the “Patriarch”. (GK means “progenitor” and this word means

           direct ancestor, and originator or founder)

      b.  Look at Gen. 17:5. (The Father of many nations, the word “father”

           means Chief or fore-father)

      c.  So the Fore-father of us in the faith is the example. (He did this showing

           another’s Superior rank or Office)

        1).  Look at John 8:39. (They were claiming Abraham as their Fore-father,

              Whom they considered great among them)

          a).  Look at John 8:34-40 in context. (If they were in fact Abraham’s

                 children you would do what Abraham did)

          b).  This goes to Gal. 3:6-9. (There is faith required to be true

                 descendants of Abraham and this goes back to Gen 15:6

                 Abraham believed God and it was credited to Him as righteousness)

          c).  And our faith is seen and blessed through obedience. (Look at Gen.

                22:15-18 but look at verse 16 “Because you have done this”)

          d).  Look at James 2:14-24. (Faith and works are intimately tied together

                 and can’t be separated, and is seen in this tithing portion)

        2).  The writer is establishing a Superior person. (One that even Abraham

               Deferred to in what he did)

      d.  What Abraham did was to give a tenth of the plunder. (Look at Gen. 14:18-

            20 this is as Abraham met Melchizedek)

        1).  Notice, Melchizedek brings Bread and wine. (Look at Luke 22:20 This

              Is known as the “Lord’s  Supper” and the “New Covenant”  He took

              the cup)

        2).  This goes back to Ex 24:1-8. (When Yashua was doing this He was

              Referring to this moment, this is the “Covenant Ceremony” look

              Specifically at verse 8)

          3).  Now look at Jere. 31;31-34. (This is the New Covenant made with

                Israel and Judah and is direct link to Luke 22:20 and Ex. 24:1-8)

            a).  Look at Heb. 8:10. (This is the New Covenant that was spoken of

                  here in this chap.)

          4).  Look at Zech. 9:9-11. (Once again this is about the New Covenant

                In Yashua’s blood, and is about restoration)

          5).  Now the bread is the unleavened bread of Passover. (Luke 22:19, “This

                Is My Body” goes back to Ex. 12:8)

            a).  We can see in 1 Cor. 5:7-8. (Unleavened represents sincerity and

                   truth, but also life, look at John 6:31 but is a reference to Ex.

                   16:4 “I am going to rain bread from heaven for you”)

            b).  Look at John 6:30-40. (The Father sent Yashua “the bread of life” to

                  us from heaven)

            c).  Also look at John 6:51-59. (Not like the manna but living bread

                  brings life)

          6).  All of this to establish that Melchizedek. (Was the Superior Priest and

                That Abraham was being ministered to by the Superior, if you well)

    3.  Now look, Abraham gave a tenth of the plunder. (This was an act that have

         Been recognized as Tithing to the one ministering)

      a.  Look at Num. 18:21. (The tithe was given to the priest for their portion

           or inheritance, and for their service)

           *Look at 2 Chron. 31:4-5 Hez. Reestablishing the priesthood.

        1).  The word service. (Heb. means for the work done, and is in reference

               To ministering to the congregation)

        2).  And if you look at Num. 18:26. (The Levites were to give to the Lord a

              Tenth of the Tithe they received)

        3).  This is where Paul got 1 Cor. 9:14. (Look also at Matt. 10:8-10 those

              Sent out were to make their living from what they were called to)

        4).  Look at Num. 18:26. Heb. word for offering is “sacrifice” so it

              Becomes part of our worship to Him)

          a).  Look at Deut. 12:11-12. (Chap. 12 is title a place to worship, so look

                at all that is involved in worship, one of those is your tenth, so

                Abraham was in fact worshipping by giving that tenth)

4.  Today we are going to start to look at the Law, or different aspects of the law, and this is really important for us to understand.

5.  Without understanding this passage and the passages to come we can be lead to believe something the Scripture isn’t teaching.

6.  Let’s read Heb. 7:6-10, Pray!

I.  The One without this lineage blessed the One with the promise. V6-7

  A.  We need to understand these verses because they set the tone for what’s to


    1.  Let’s look at “The One without the lineage”:

      a.  This word “lineage” or “descent” sets the tone. (These words will be the

         context of these verse and verses will be discussing for several weeks)

      b.  This word lineage in the GK. (Means to reckon by generations, or to

           trace genealogy, so we are looking at a specific genealogy)

      c.  In this case the genealogy we will be discussing. (Has to do with two,

           Melchizedek and Levitical)

      d.  This is still discussing the priesthood. (And is really proving a superior

            priesthood if you will)

    2.  Look at Ex. 28:41-43; 29:35; Ex. 2:1-6 Moses was Tribe of Levi

      a.  All of these verses are to explain the ordination of the Levites. (To set them

          apart for ministry in the tabernacle)

      b.  Look closely at Ex.28: 43. (Aaron and his descendants have a permanent

           statute, and that is to wear the garment whenever they minister at the

           altar, write this down it will be important next week)

      c.  Now if we look at Num. 18:21. (Yahweh gave command that Israel was

           to give a tenth to the Levites as the Levites portion for ministering)

      d.  So there was a command to give a tenth. (To a specific tribe (Levy) for

           ministering in the tabernacle)

      e.  But now remember, Levites were to give a tenth. (Look at Num. 18:25-

           32 that was to be offered up to Yahweh, in fact it was to be viewed

           As their fruit or best)

      f.  Now look closely. (The Levites were not to even eat any portion of the

          tenth they received until they had given Yahweh His tenth)

      g.  They were to consider the tenth. (They received just as they had grown it

         themselves, if it were their vineyard and so forth)

      h.  Look at Num. 18:8. (Israel’s tenth that they brought to the tabernacle

           brought to Yahweh)

    3.  So the tenth Abraham brought to Melchizedek was brought to a Superior:

      a.  Even though  Melchizedek wasn’t from Levy. (In fact this was before the

           covenant made with Abraham)

      b.  Now remember, through Abraham. (The Levitical lineage would come

           through Abraham, they were descendants of Abraham)

      c.  Look at Gen. 29:31-34. (Levi’s mother was Leah who was married to

           Jacob who was the son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham or the

           Promised child or the one of the promise)

      d.  Now let’s look at Rom. 4:13-25. (These passage are linked together, and

           referring to the Law which would have been about lineage)

      e.  Remember, the fight between Ismael and Isaac. (Was about the first born

           or the law of the first born, remember the law that said Sarah could

           give her handmaiden to her husband and claim the child as her own)

      f.  Ismael claimed he was first born. (But Yahweh said no in Gen. 17:17-21 it

          is the son of promise, not man made law, you see if man made law had

          not gotten in the way Isaac would have been the first born and the

          promise, which would have been according to the Rauch or Spirit)

          *Gal. 3:21-29 Isaac son of the promise and the Rauch or Spirit

    4.  Look at Heb. 7:8, Scripture says He lives:

      a.  Look closely at this. (The cross references go to Heb. 5:6 and to Heb.

         6:20 and the references are clear)

      b.  Heb. 5:6. (This is a direct reference to the Messiah or the Son being a

           priest forever in the order of Melchizedek)

      c.  And in Heb. 6:20. (This is a reference to Yashua serving as our High

          Priest currently in the sanctuary on our behalf)

      d.  So this reference to the One who lives. (Is a reference to Melchizedek, or

           the One who is still alive and serving)

      e.  And it is contrast to the ones who die. (These Levitical priests who

          received a tenth die or stop serving because of death)

        1).  We will talk about this at some length next week Yahweh willing.

      f.  But also in Heb. 7:6 there is a blessing. (We talked about this blessing last

          week but needs to be mentioned again)

      g.  Notice, Melchizedek brings Bread and wine. (Look at Luke 22:20 This

              Is known as the “Lord’s  Supper” and the “New Covenant”  He took

              the cup)

        1).  This goes back to Ex 24:1-8. (When Yashua was doing this He was

              Referring to this moment, this is the “Covenant Ceremony” look

              Specifically at verse 8)

          2).  Now look at Jere. 31;31-34. (This is the New Covenant made with

                Israel and Judah and is direct link to Luke 22:20 and Ex. 24:1-8)

            a).  Look at Heb. 8:10. (This is the New Covenant that was spoken of

                  here in this chap.)

          3).  Look at Zech. 9:9-11. (Once again this is about the New Covenant

                In Yashua’s blood, and is about restoration)

          4).  Now the bread is the unleavened bread of Passover. (Luke 22:19, “This

                Is My Body” goes back to Ex. 12:8)

            a).  We can see in 1 Cor. 5:7-8. (Unleavened represents sincerity and

                   truth, but also life, look at John 6:31 but is a reference to Ex.

                   16:4 “I am going to rain bread from heaven for you”)

            b).  Look at John 6:30-40. (The Father sent Yashua “the bread of life” to

                  us from heaven)

            c).  Also look at John 6:51-59. (Not like the manna but living bread

                  brings life)

          5).  All of this to establish that Melchizedek. (Was the Superior Priest and

                That Abraham was being ministered to by the Superior, if you well)

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