Sermon Notes

Heb. 9:6-10


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 9:6-10.

2.  Last week we look at Heb. 9:3-5.

3.  We saw, We need to look at the Holy of Holies. V3-5

  A.  This is a place only the High Priest could go.

    1.  Notice, the place we will discuss is behind the second veil:

      a.  There were actually 2 veils. (One that separated the Holy place from the

           outer court, and one that separated the Holy place from the most Holy)

      b.  The word veil in the Heb. (Means screen or veil, but also means

            separtrix and the RT word means to break apart or to fracture)

      c.  I think we need to look at these two places more carefully. (There is a lot of

           misconception about the Holy of Holies and the Holy place)

        1).  Both were a place of Holiness. (Not just anyone could enter the Holy

              Place either, only a priest who had been set apart Lev. 21:8)

        2).  Notice, Lev. 21:8. (He is presenting the food before the face of Yahweh

              In the presence, this would be the Holy place where the mennoriah

              And the showbread)

        3).  Now look at Heb. 9:2:

      a.  The first is the holy place. (GK means “set apart for Yahweh” Rt word is

           sacred or blameless)

      b.  We see in this first area three things. (The Lampstand, the table, and the

           presentation loaves and gives us a picture)

        1).  The lampstand  Ex. 25:31-40. (Represent Yahweh’s presence, look at

              Rev. 4:2-5, so the first thing to see is the lampstand burning

              Presents His presence, look also at Rev. 1:12-13)

        2).  Second thing is the table. (Look at Ex. 25:23-30, the table was for the

              Show bread to set on which would be before Him at all times)

          a).  The showbread. (Heb. means food, and the RT word means face, so

                 were to have food before His face all the time)

          b).  Look at Lev. 24:5-9. (There was to be 12 loaves of showbread on the

                table all the time, and only Aaron and his sons could eat it, and only

                in the holy place)

          c).  Look at Ex. 28:6-12. (Aaron was to carry the names of the 12 tribes

                before Yahweh as a reminder)

          d).  The word reminder. (Heb. means momento and the RT word is to

                 mark or to write)

        3).  So let’s put this together. (Aaron brought Israel before Yahweh, and

              Had a feast with them, showing Yahweh’s desire to be with His


          a).  Look at Rev. 3:14-22. (He will come in and GK dine with him)

          b).  Look at Rev. 19:6-10. (Here we can see the testimony our ancestors

                had in the wilderness as Stephen spoke about)

  • Look at Ex. 27:9 (The Tabernacle is enclosed in fine linen, and in Rev 19:9 The Bride is dressed in white linen both represent “Righteous Acts”

          c).  Look at V9 of Rev. 19. (GK for invited means to give a name to)

          d).  Look at Gen. 32:26-28. (Jacob would not let go until he received a

                blessing, and he was given a new name “Israel”)

  • Look at Num. 6:22-27 (Aaron is to pronounce blessing over Israel)
  • Look at Num. 24:1 (Even Israel’s enemies had pronounce blessings)

          e).  Also look at Is. 25:6-10. (He will prepare a feast for us on His


      4).  Now I want to make this clear because it will clear up some

            Misconceptions. (These we have been taught in the past, because we

            Have not understood the Tabernacle)

      5).  The word sanctuary. (Is actually in reference to the Tabernacle of

             Testimony which has two chambers, Holy Place, and the Holy of


      6).  Look at Ex. 29:1-9. (All of the priests were ordain and none could come

            Into the service as priests without the shedding of blood, This was true

            For Aaron and his sons.)

      7).  Now we know only Aaron could enter the Holy of Holies. (But his sons

            Would be entering the Holy place to serve and to eat the showbread

             Lev. 24:5-9)

      8).  But only Aaron, as High Priest, could enter the Holy of Holies. (And then

            Only once a year)

      9).  Look at Matt. 27:50-51 and Luke 23:44-45. (It tells us the veil to the

            Sanctuary was split down the middle)

      10).  Now remember the word “Sanctuary. (Is in reference to the Tabernacle

              Of Testimony, which refers to both chambers and both had curtains)

      11).  The word for “The” in the GK. (Means the, that one, it is in reference to

               Only one of the curtains being torn)

      12).  Look at Heb. 9:12. (He (Yashua) entered the “Most Holy Place once

              And for all, it show Him entering the Holy of Holies by His own


      13).  Look at Heb. 10:19-22. (The sanctuary the writer is talking is the first

              Area were we are able to feast with Him)

      14).  Look at Heb. 10:21. (We still have a great High Priest, His name is

              Yashua our Messiah)

       15).  So the veil that was torn in two. (Was the veil that separated the Holy

               Place from the courtyard)

    2.  Now let’s look at verse 4-5:

      a.  Behind the second curtain is 5 things. (The gold altar of incense, the Ark

           of the Covenant, gold jars containing manna, Aarons staff, and the

           stone tablets Ex. 16:31-35)

        1).  Yashua brings this up in John 6:22-58. (This goes back to the

               Tabernacle of Testimony Stephen spoke of in Acts 7:44)

        2).  The Incense Altar. (Look at Ex. 30:1-7 but look at Rev. 8:3-5 this

               Incense is in the face of Yahweh all the time and is associated with

               The prayers of the Congregation)

          a).  The Heb. word for incense. (Means incense or perfume, but the RT

                 word is tied with worship, it is the fragrance of our worship and


        3).  The Ark in Ex. 25:10. (The Heb. for ark means box, or chest, but the

               RT word is associated with gathering look at Ex. 25:16)

          a).  The lid or cover was known as the mercy seat. (Heb for mercy seat is

                 lid, but the RT word speaks of to cover, to cancel, to appease, to

                 atone for, to cleanse, to forgive, to be merciful to, to pardon and

                 to reconcile)

        4).  Aaron’s staff Num. 17:1-13. (There was a rebellion that took place and

              Men came against Aaron and Moses saying they were just as holy as

              Them, well Yahweh had them put staffs from all the tribes in the Holy

               Place and Yahweh would choose and Aaron was chosen)

          a).  Look at 1 Peter 1:18-21. (Yashua the Messiah was chosen before the

                foundation of the world, and it is only through Him have we been

                made holy)

        5).  Last, the Tablets of the Covenant. (Look at Deut. 10:2 the Ten

              Commandments we have seen in Ex. 20:1-17)

          a).  Look at Matt. 5:17-18. (Interestingly, the GK for fulfill is to

                consummate, to accomplish, and to carry it into effect)

          b).  All of these things has to do with the Laws continuance. (Especially to

                carry it into effect, to make it all happen)

4.  So let’s look at this tabernacle service a little bit closer, and we will see what is      being discussed here.

5.  And more importantly we will see what the Father has done for us through His Son Yashua.

6.  Let’s read Heb. 9:6-10, Pray!

I.   We need to look at the practices of the priest’s in the tabernacle. V6-10

  A.  Here the writer begins to set up a contrast from earthly priest’s and heavenly.

    1.  The first is the Priest’s or Aarons sons and Aaron:

      a.  With these things. (The writer is speaking to the verses he had just

            talked about, the way the Tabernacle was set up)

      b.  This word “repeatedly” means. (Constantly, or continually and the RT

           word means always and we can find this in a number of passages)

        1).  Look at Ex. 30:7-8 altar of incense. (Aaron was to take care of the

              Incense every morning and at Twilight, Heb. at dawn and dusk)

        2).  Look at Lev. 24:8-9. (They bread is to be set out every Sabbath as a

              Everlasting covenant and is actually tied to Ex. 19:5 covenant)

        3).  Look at Ex. 27:20-21. (The Lampstand was to be kept burning from

               Evening to morning every day and was a continual covenant)

    2.  The second one mentioned is the High Priest and the second room: V7

      a.  This is speaking of the Holy of Holies. (This is behind the second veil in

           the Tabernacle of Testimony)

        1).  Look at Ex. 30:10. (Notice Aaron is to go into the Holy of Holies once

            A year to make atonement, notice this reference is to the altar of

            Incense, but is part of the atonement process on Day of Atonement

            The reference to the horns Lev. 4:6)

        2).  Look at Lev. 16:12-15. (Notice in verse 12-13, incense does go into the

              Holy of Holies only once a year and is set it before the mercy seat to

              Cover the mercy seat or Aaron will die)

        3).  The blood is to be sprinkled east and west. (And then before the mercy

               Seat itself seven times, meaning complete or full)

        4).  Notice, the was a bull and a goat. (The bull was for the sins of Aaron,

              And the goat was for the sins of the people, verses 11, 15)

        5).  Now notice, the writer puts in the word “ignorance”. (GK means sins

              Committed by thoughtlessness, or ignorance, but the RT word can

              Mean to ignore)

    3.  But these were only shadows of atonement: V8-9

      a.  The writer points out. (The elements used to gain access to the Holy of

           holies was not yet disclosed)

        1).  The word “clear” or “signifying” KJV. (GK means “to make manifest,

               To make know and to declare, or to give one to understand)

        2).  The word “disclose” or “manifest” KJV. (GK means “to be taught or

               To make actual or visible, or to be exposed to view and the RT word

                Is to shine and be apparent)

        3).  So the actual High Priest and what He takes in was apparent. (So these

              Elements they used when the tabernacle was standing were shadows

             Of the Heavenly Heb. 8:5)

      b.  The word “symbol” or “figure” KJV. (GK word is interesting Parabole

           were we get or English word Parable and means the placing of one

           thing by the side of another and RT word means to liken)

        1).  Now remember, he is talking about the High Priest. (And the elements

              Elements used in worship going into the Holy Place and also the

              The Holy of Holies)

      c.  And the reason is they were able to perfect the worshipper’s conscience.

          (This is important for us to look at here)

        1).  The word “perfect” is important. (GK means to consummate something,

               And the word “consummate” means in the dictionary “To complete

               And to finish, and interestingly enough it also has to do with

               Completing a Martial Union between husband and wife, sexual, it

               Also means to be made perfect)

        2).  The word “worshipper”. (GK means “minister or those who are

               Rendering the service, or those who work or do service)

        3).  The word “conscience”. (Speaks to our moral condition and the RT

               Word means to be able to see completely)

        4).  Now look at John 14:6. (It is Yashua is the way to the Father, there is

              No other way)

        5).  Look at John 4:23-24. (We are to worship the Father in Spirit and

              Truth, Yashua says He is the Truth)

  4.  Now the writer speaks to the elements used: V10

    a.  Now these have nothing to do with food laws. (This is in context to the

        worship in the Tabernacle)

    b.  We must keep all of this in context. (He talks of things of external

          importance, the word physical or carnal in the KJV means the

          things which deal with the flesh in the GK)

      1).  Look at Lev. 2:1-15. (The grain offering and was to be offered as a

            Sweet aroma to the Yahweh)

      2).  Look at Ex. 30:17-21. (This deals with the washing, they were wash

            Their hands and feet)

      3).  Look at Lev. 23:37-38. (In these verses we see other offerings as well

            Show these things as offerings and not dietary instructions)

        4).  Look at Ex 29:40. (We see the drink offering even in the consecration

              Of Aaron and His sons to serve as Priests)

      c.  These were imposed until the time of restoration. (GK for imposed is “rest

           upon, and has a reference to the burning coals of the altar)

        1).  The word “until”. (GK means to a certain point)

        2).  The word “time”. (GK means “to a fixed and appointed time)

        3).  The word “restoration”. (GK means “to make straight, but also to

               Restore something to its natural and normal condition)

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