Sermon Notes

He Dwelt Among Us

I.  The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14

  A.  Let’s do a little back tracking here.

    1.  Now back to John 1:1. (In the beginning was the Word and the Word was

         with Elohim and the Word was Elohim)

      a.  The word “Word”. (GK is log-os and carries with it several

           understandings that are important for us to look at, and will help us

           understand what is being discussed)

      b.  The first is. (It can mean a message or a deed and can means teaching of

           or about Yahweh)

      c.  The second. (It is a reference to Yashua himself as He is the prophetic

           word Himself, in this case the Log-os is not only from Elohim, but

           in this case He is Elohim)

      d.  The third. (This log-os is the Word or message to be carried to the

           congregation and is the only thing to be taught)

      e.  The fourth. (It is also used for the Bible as in Log-os of Elohim or the

           Word of God)

      f.  If we look at Gen. 1:3. (The word “said” in Hebrew is amar,  amar is a

          verb and it means it is an action word. This separates it from something

          that is idly spoken, this word means when spoken something happens)

      g.  In this case. (Yahweh amar and there was light that was on the earth,

           so it is inconceivable to think of Yahweh speaking and nothing


    2.  The Word “became” something:

      a.  This word “became” or “was made”. (GK is ghin-om-ahee and means to

           become or to come into existence, but can mean to appear in history)

      b.  Look at Gal. 4:4. (When the time came to completion Eloheem sent His

           Son born of a women, so Yashua appeared in history at a time

           Appointed by Yahweh)

      c.  We see that Yashua’s coming. (Was based on a time set by Yahweh, it

           at the right to for our sakes)

      d.  Look at Gen. 18:10-14. (In this passage we find Yahweh using at the

           appointed time being used here as well and has to do with Isaac being


    3.  The appointed time was for the Word to become flesh:

      a.  We are able to see this progression. (We go from the His invisible

            attributes seen in creation to seeing Him physically on earth with

            us showing us how to live)

      b.  This is important. (Look at 1 John 4:1-3, John tells us to test the spirits

            and tells us at least one of them has to do with confession of Yashua

            coming in the flesh)

      c.  Look at 2 John 1:7. (John identifies the deceivers as those who deny

           Yashua has come in the flesh)

      d.  We see this prophesied about in Gen. 3:15. (The serpent seed verses the

            seed that will be brought forth by the women)

      e.  Look at Isaiah 7:14. (Prophesy of the virgin bringing forth a Son that

           will be called Immanuel)

      f.  Look at Matt. 1:18-25. (Matthew is quoting Is. 7:14 in reference to

          Yashua being born of flesh and being Immanuel Eloheem with us)

    4.  He took up residence or dwelled among us:

      a.  This word for residence or dwelled. (GK is skay-no-o and means to tent

           or encamp with)

      b.  We find a Hebrew word that is the same. (Heb. Is shaw-kan and means to

            Yahweh ddwelling among His people)

      c.  Look at Ex. 29:45-46. (Yahweh says they shall know that I am Yahweh

           their Eloheem and that I want to dwell with them)

      d.  This whole thing is interesting. (He wants us to know He is Yahweh, but

            He also wants us to know that He wants to dwell among His people)

      e.  This is a vital point. (He is not just Yahweh our Eloheem, He is Yahweh

           our Eloheem who wants to dwell among us and be with us)

    5.  Look at the last part of this verse:

      a.  We observed His glory. (GK for “observe is theh-ah-om-ahee and means

            to look closely at, and to perceive)

      b.  So they looked closely at His glory. (Glory is the GK is dox-ah and means

           dignity, honor, worship and praise)

      c.  So they were able to see all of these things in Him. (They were able to see

           all aspects of His life)

      d.  Look at Ex. 29:43-45. (Notice, Yahweh meets with Israel, they are able

           to see His glory and His glory sanctifies the tabernacle)

      e.  Glory in the Hebrew is Kaw-bode. (And it means weight, but also can

           mean glory and honor)

      f.  So this idea of glory. (Carries with it the idea of sanctification  powers

          goes back to walking in the light with Yahweh)

      g.  We can see this. (Last part of V14 says Yashua or the Word was full of

            grace and truth)

      h.  I want to look at this word “grace”. (GK is khar-ece and it means to have

           benefit or to have favor and can mean gift)

      i.  But it “grace has another meaning. (But this word “grace” can also mean

          the divine influence in one’s heart and the reflection of one’s life)

      j.  In other words. (Grace doesn’t just mean that He comes to us and just

          offers salvation without first having an influence on our hearts that

          causes a reflection of one’s life and causes a turning to Him)

      k.  He will always. (Lead us to turn to Him and His righteous Laws and


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