Sermon Notes

Deut. 30:11-20

Deut. 30:11-20

  1. This Torah portion deals with sin and restoration.
  • It starts off in Deut. 29:9 Read
  • We are told to observe, in Heb. means to guard and protect the words of this covenant.
  • And we are told “to do” them words of this Covenant.
  • And the promise is if we keep and do them we will succeed in everything.
  • The next section says that they are standing before Yahweh, all of the people and officals so that they may enter into the covenant.
  • Now you have to follow this carefully, Notice that He is going to call them His people, and He is going to bring them into the Covenant that He made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
  • Look at Gen. 15:6-16, This is the covenant made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Look also at Gal. 3:27-29
  • Remember Yahweh walked that Covenant alone and He provided what was needed, because we can’t do it only He can.
  1. Look at Jere. 34:18, remember Abraham did not walk that covenant, this is a picture of Yashua taking our place.
  1. The next section they are warned against following the idols of Egypt abd the other nations.
  1. In Deut. 30:1-10, When they came to their sense and recognized and remember what was happening to them and repent. READ
  1. Now starting in Deut. 30:11, This command that He give is certainly not to difficult. Interesting considering all that we have just read.
  1. It is not in heaven, and no one has to go up and get it, it is not across the sea where someone would need to go get is, but the message is very near you in your mouth and in your heart.
  1. Look at Rom. 10:6-10, Read
  1. It is by faith that we walk and that leads us to Salvation, confessing with our mouths and believe in your heart.
  1. Back to Deut. 30:16 Love Yahweh your God, walk in His ways and keep His command, statutes, and ordinances.
  1. And we are told to choose life so that you and your descendants may live.

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