Faith Hebrews 11:6
- I have been talking about the things that are killing the church today.
- Last week we talked about forgiveness as being one of those things
- Today I would like to talk about another thing that is killing the church today.
- I believe we have walked away from the very basics and foundations of our faith.
- If you look around today you will see that church buying into the things of this world, and not even questioning what that means.
- The next foundation that I am talking about is faith.
- Hebrews 11:6 says this: “Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.”
- Look at 2 Cor. 5:7: “for we walk by faith, not by sight’
- The word “walk” in the Greek means to live, or this is the way we live our lives.
- So, we live our lives by faith not by sight.
- So, maybe the next thing we need to look at is what is faith? If we are to live by it what is it?
- Turn with me in your Bibles to Hebrews 11:1-2.
- In the first part of verse 1 says that faith is the reality of what is hoped for.
- The word faith in the Greek is pistis and it means to have a moral conviction of something, but also to have fidelity to that.
- When we think about the word fidelity what usually comes up in our minds?
- Normally it has to do with marriage and having fidelity to our spouse, but in this case it is to the one we service, to Yashua Messiah.
- And this first verse finishes by saying It is the proof of what is not seen.
- That means that this is about a relationship that has been built and our fidelity to that relationship based on His behavior in the past, and our new experiences with Him now.
- And look at verse 2, For by it our ancestors were approved. They were approved by faith.
- Look at Gen. 15:1-6, this is about a conversation Abram had with Yahweh about an heir for Abram.
- Abram was asking about the heir that Yahweh promised, because Abram and Sarai were very old beyond child bearing days.
- But Yahweh reassures Abram that He will give Abram an heir from his own body, and heirs that are as numerous as the stars.
- Look at verse 6, it says that Abram believed Yahweh, Abram believed what Yahweh said.
- And because Abram believed what Yahweh said it was credited to Abram as righteousness.
- How are we saved? Is it by following the Law? Turn with me to Eph. 2:8-10.
- We are saved by Yahweh, to put our trust in His grace through faith, and it is a gift from God. We are created for Good works but are saved by God’s grace through faith.
- We have to believe God or have faith and fidelity with Him.
- So, what does it look like when we don’t put our faith in Him?
- Turn with me in you Bibles to Ex. 14:5-14:
- Last week in Torah I mentioned that we can see the spirit of stupid come over Pharaoh.
- Notice, this is taking place after the plagues and losing their first born, look at verse 5, what have we done? We have released Istael fro serving us. Hmmm
- So, Pharaoh and his men go after Israel.
- Look at verse 8, Yahweh hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he pursued Israel as Israel was going out, what’s that word? Yeah triumphantly, wow!
- The word “triumphantly” in the KJV is they went out with a High Hand, .
- Sounds a lot like a High five, but also kind of seems that there may have been a little pride on their put that they freed themselves.
- Look at verse 10, as Pharaoh approached, the Israelites look up and saw the Egyptians coming after them, Then the Israelites were terrified.
- The word terrified in the Hebrew is yaw-ray and not only means to fear but also to reverence, or brings them into the idea od worship.
- Look at verses 11-12, Weren’t there enough graves in Egypt so you brought us in the desert to die.
- It would have been better to stay in Egypt and serve the Egyptians.?
- What changed? It was what they were looking at and where their focus was and really who they believed.
- Look at verses 13-14, Moses tells them to stand firm, which means “do not move, but also to offer yourselves.
- And to who were they suppose to offer themselves to? Their Salvation in Hebrew Yashua.
- Look at Romans 12:1-2, Present you bodies as a living sacrifice to Him.
- Look at Matt. 13:54-58, Yashua went to His home town and began to teach in the synagogue.
- Look at verse 54 How did this wisdom and these miracles come to Him?
- Isn’t this the carpenters Son? Isn’t His Mother called Mary? And His brothers called James, Joseph, and Judas? Aren’t His sisters still with us?
- And they were offended by Him.
- There eyes were on what they saw physically, not spiritually.