Sermon Notes

Bulletin 11/1/14


Winning Souls and Making Disciples

Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath

 “”…This is what YHWH has said: ‘Tomorrow is a Sabbath rest, a holy Sabbath to YHWH.”

 Genesis 2:3

Sabbath Worship

“We love because He first loved us.”  1 John 4:19

 November 1, 2014

   9:45 am  Torah– “Lech Lecha” ……………………. Steve Bothum

      Whole Portion- Beresheet (Genesis) 12:1 –17:27

Triennial Portion- Beresheet 16:1– 17:27

  9:45 am    Youth Hebrew Class       Eileen Blackman

Age-appropriate student must be able to sit and learn Hebrew.

 11:00 am    Welcome




                   Message-John 9:35-41………….. Pastor Rick

11:00 am    Prayer Meeting…………………………… Kathy Pack

  1:15 pm    Bracha and Oneg (Blessing & Lunch)

  2:30 pm    Midrash (to inquire/seek)………… Steve Bothum


During 9:45 am and 11:00 am services, the microphone is
passed around for the purpose of questions and comments pertaining to the teachings only.


Unauthorized people are not allowed in the

Sound Booth at any time.

Upcoming Events



7-8:30 pm

 Spiritual Warfare Class

 ~ Join Areon and Carol Potter as they continue teaching on how you can learn to recognize and defeat your spiritual enemies.  There is no cost for the class. But materials are $35.00.  Child care is not provided.


November 11th

11:30 am – 1 pm

 Cornerstone Seniors

~Come, and let us love one another through our monthly gathering in the Fellowship Hall.  Bring whatever you want to eat and drink, including your own utensils.


Cornerstone Clothes Closet

~Our Clothes Closet is open to everyone who is in need of clothing.  Please drop in and check things out.

The following are some future Cornerstone projects needing prayer and financial support:

Children’s Covered Play Area

Chairs & Round Tables for the Sanctuary

New Carpet throughout the Building

 Every Sabbath

11 am

 Nursery & Toddler Care

~Diane Gray needs assistance with the babies and toddlers during the 11:00 am service.

“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices Elohim is well pleased.”


9:45 am-2:30 pm

 Homeschool Co-op

~Exciting things are happening at Cornerstone on Fridays – Cooking, Math, English, Theology, etc. are being taught by various Moms and Dads.  A bonus is the generosity of the cooking class’s endeavors, are given to us who attend Oneg on Sabbath.  Bless our Homeschool children and teachers.

Remember to review the ‘Needs & Wants’ lists located on the table in the entrance.


November 15th

 Official Congregation Meeting



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