Sermon Notes

Romans 6:1-14


1. Turn with me in your Bibles to Rom. 6:1-14.

2. Two weeks ago we talked about Rom. 5:15-21.

3. We saw, Through one man death, and through the other life. V15-21

A. We need to look at verse 15 carefully.

1. In this verse Paul talks about the difference between the gift and the offence:

a. Now the offence. (Means trespass or sin, so Paul is emphasizing the big
difference that took place, we have one man that brought sin on man
which brought death)

b. And you have the other man. (Brought life and uses the word “gift”
which is important for us to look at here)

1). Now there are different GK words. (That are used for Gift in the Gk
Turn to John 4:10 the word “gift” here is gift but can also be
Translated sacrifice, He told if you knew that sacrifice of Yahweh
You would ask and He would give you living water it is dorea)

2). But the word for “gift”. (In Rom. 5:15 is not that word the word used
Here is charisma and we find this word in 1 Cor. 12:1-11 we find this
Word used in 1 Cor. 12:4 where Paul is speaking of the gifts of the
Holy Spirit and look at verse 7 these gifts are a demonstration of the
Holy Spirit)

3). Now I want you to see something else here. (It is by His grace that this
Gift was given, this word grace is charis which is the first part of the
Word for gift charisma so it ties the Spirits gift into His grace which
Means to be highly favored by Yahweh and with the idea that it is

4). The sin brought condemnation. (And this “gift” brings justification and
To be cleansed and to be righteous before Yahweh)

a). Look at Acts 4:1-31. (There is a had to be filled with the Spirit but
we must be continuely be filled with the Spirit look at Acts 2:14 it
clearly says they were filled with the Spirit, and in Acts 4:31 it says
and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, the GK word for filled
brings with it the idea of being continuously filled)

b). If will look at Acts 2 and 4. (Two common denominators are prayer
and being in one accord in the same place, they had gathered
together in one place, and the begin to pray and they were in accord
with one another lifting up their voices together)

5). Look at Rom. 5:18. (I like the way the KJV says it, Therefore as by the
Offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even
So by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men
Justification of Life, because of Yahshua instead of being condemned
To death He is able to declare us justified to life)

6). There is a pattern throughout Scripture f life. (Look at Genesis 1:2 the
Earth was without form and void meaning Heb. Confusion, vanity,
Waste, Void means ruin and empty it was also dark meaning death,
Destruction, wickedness, but the Holy Spirit moved upon the face of
Waters and Yahweh said let there be light and the word for light is
Means joy and happiness)

Ez. 37:1-14

Ex. 36:26-28

4. Next we come to a section that is normally taught about Baptism and rightfully so, but I would like to go a little deeper into this.
5. Read Rom. 6:1-14, Pray!

I. Identifying with the death, burial and resurrection of our Messiah. V1-14

A. If we look at this passage we will have to admit that this is a little bit difficult
To get our head around.

1. Now remember this is still a reference to one man’s sin:

a. And that is a reference to Adam. (Through one man’s sin death enter to
all men there by we were subject to death from the time of birth, But the
question that is being placed before us is this should we continue to sin?)

b. This question. (Actually comes from Rom. 5:20 which Paul explains that
the law came along and made what we were doing evident and sin
multiplied it exposed our sin by defining what sin is, and the same time
the second part of that verse say where sin reined in death grace
multiplied even more to righteousness and eternal life)

1). So Paul argues against. (The idea that we should sin so that Yahweh’s
Grace may be multiplied even more and of course that argument is
Absurd especially us now knowing that the word for grace is charis
Leading back to the Holy Spirit, and Paul concludes that by saying
Absolutely not)

2). Now this is where. (The conversation takes an unexpected to that is
Going to lead us into a deeper understanding of this passage, look at
Rom. 6:2, How can those who died to sin still live in it)

3). So this is something that we need to look at. (Paul is saying that some
Where along this journey that there was a death that took place and
It seem the death was mine and this is true according to other places
In Scripture as well look at Eph. 2:1-5)
4). Now in this passage. (It helps us clarify that we were already dead
And now have been made alive through the Spirit of Messiah look
At the word grace (charis) which ties it to the working of the Holy
Spirit, look also at 2 Cor. 3:17 the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of

5). Now back to Rom. 6:2. (Look closer at this verse we were made alive
That apparently made us dead to sin, so in us being made alive in
Messiah we died to sin)

6). Now look at Rom. 6:3. (When we were baptized into Messiah we were
Baptized into His into His death and not only that but we were,
According to Vv4-5 we were also baptized into His burial and His
Resurrection as well)

7). Paul goes on to say in Rom. 6:6-10. (That if we were crucified with
Yahshua it caused us to be free from sin dominion over our body
Was abolished which means to be destroyed and we are no longer
Sins slave, it holds to contract or ownership with us or over us)

8). Paul uses Yahshua as an example. (Because Yahshua is alive He is
And had died to our sin once for all, He is alive to live to Yahweh
And no other)

9). Now is Paul speaking in terms of Baptism by water. (No, He is speaking
Of Rom. 5:5 about Yahweh’s love being poured out in our hearts by
The Holy Spirit look at John 3:16, baptism by water is symbolic of
What took place spiritually in our life through that Death, burial, and
Resurrection of Yahshua and the working of the Holy Spirit Eph.

10). Look at Rom. 6:11. (So consider yourself dead to sin but alive to
Yahweh in Yahshua Messiah, the word consider or reckon in the GK
Is really key in this passage of Scripture)
11). The word “consider”. (For me the idea to just consider something is
Not all that helpful in understanding how to apply this verse based
On what Paul is teaching here, for me it’s almost like consider this
Or that to consider between choses)

12). But that is not what is being said here. (The word means to think in
Way look at 1 Cor. 1:10 we are to say the same thing, we are to be
Perfectly joined together, and we are to be of the same judgement)

13). Look at 1 Cor. 2:16. (We have the mind of Messiah so what Paul is
Talking about is that we need to use the mind of Messiah, we need
Aleign out thoughts with His thoughts because He has already
Proclaimed and judgment on all of these matters have already been

14). This goes back to Acts. (Look at Acts 2:1 KJV they were in one
Accord, translated one mind that of Yahshua’s look at Acts
1:4-8 they had been told by Yahshua what to do and what they were
To wait for so that is what they did)

15). So to have the mind of Messiah. (We have His decisions on things so
We need to adjust our thinking and make our thoughts to match
His thoughts on things, look at 2 Cor. 10:3-6)

16). Look at Rom. 6:12. (Do not let sin reign in your mortal body the
Word “let” means a absolute denial, so we have the power in
Messiah by the Holy Spirit to deny access to sin in us)

17). Look at Rom. 6:13. (Do not offer ourselves to sin, means to not offer
Is a reference to a sacrifice we are to present ourselves as a living
Sacrifice to Yahweh Rom. 12:1 and in verse 14 we are not under the
Law of sin and death but we are under grace (charis) point to the
Power of the Holy Spirit to give life through Yahshua 2 Peter 1:3-4)

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