Sermon Notes

Holy Spirit Part 3


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Deuteronomy 18:15-22.


2.  Three weeks ago was the last we had discussed the Holy Spirit, and we had

     So, with two things in mind:


  a.  That the Spirit is our seal, and we are talking in terms first that He has put His

       on us showing that we are His, and that we have not been tampered with as in

       a letter from a king with an unbroken seal. Shows identity and safety.


  b.  Second, we saw that He sealed us in the sense that He or the Holy Spirit

       became our down payment for something future, and we look at the seal that

       Daniel was to put on the revelation that he had been given, and the seal would

       Be removed at a future date, and our seal will be removed at a future date to

       Reveal us as sons of Yahweh.


3.  So, this week I would like to talk about another aspect of the Holy Spirit and

     Maybe trace this through to current time and see how it fits in our lives today,

     Because I don’t believe that Yahweh just does things randomly.


4.  Let’s read Deuteronomy 18:15-22, Pray!


I.  Moses told Israel of Yahweh’s promise to raise up another Prophet. V15-22


  A.  The qualifier is that this prophet would be a prophet like Moses.


    1.  Now as we look at this there are some things that we need to look at:


      a.  First, this prophet would come from your brothers. (This makes it clear

          that they should not be looking for this prophet from any other source

          he will come from among your brothers.)


      b.  It will be an answer to your prayers. (This is what you requested at Mt.

           Sinai Look at Exodus 20:18-19, they wanted to hear from Moses not

           From Yahweh or they said they might die, the One who led them out of

           Egypt and is taking them to the land is going to kill them, but we do the

           Same thing today)


      c.  Third, the prophet will be like Moses. (And Yahweh’s Word will be put in

           this prophet that is raised us, and He will tell them everything that

           Yahweh has commanded them)


        1).  Notice, whoever does not listen. (Will be held accountable to what

              Yahweh’s Word that he speaks in the name of Yahweh that comes

              out of the prophet’s mouth)


        2).  Word of warning. (Whomever speaks words and claims them to be

               Yahweh’s and are not, or who speaks in the name of other gods,

               That prophet must die)


      d.  And here is how you will know. (When the prophet speaks in the name of

          Yahweh and the message does not come true or is not fulfilled that is

          What Yahweh has not spoken)


        1).  And if that is the case. (Then you need not fear them)


      e).  Now, you maybe saying the is good stuff, but what does it have to do with

            the Holy Spirit? (And I say everything let’s continue)


   2.  If you will look at Matthew 1:1-17. (You will find that Yahshua has the

        Lineage of Juda through Joseph’s side of the family, since Yahshua was

        Adopted He would have carried that lineage)


      a).  But if you will look at Luke 3:23-38. (You will find that in the lineage of

            Yahshua is also Levi which came to Him from His mother’s side of the

            Family, and all of this to say that Yahshua was definitely one of their

            Own brothers)


      3.  Does Yahshua meet the other qualification of being this prophet?


        a).  Turn to John 12:44-50. (First of all, who is Yahshua talking about

              here? He is speaking about the One who sent Him, not Himself, and

              the one who sees Him, sees the One who sent Him, He is not making    

              any of this about Himself)


        b).  Look at V47. (If anyone hears My words and doesn’t keep them, look

              at Deuteronomy 18:47, Yahweh says that if the people do not keep the

              words of the prophet He will hold them accountable)

        c).  Back to John 12:49. (Yahshua says, that He is not speaking, or He had

              not spoken on His own, but the Father had given Him what to say,

              Just as spoken to Israel about the prophet that He would raise up.

              And it would be after they were in the land. He only says what He

              Heard from the Father)


        d).  Look at John 1:19-23. (They certainly were looking for the prophet

              that Moses had told them would be raised up, and they even asked

              John if it was Him, why would they ask Him? Look at John 1:6-9,

              Because John came to them preach the words of Yahweh, so they

              Were curious if it were him)


        e).  Look at Joel 2:27-32. (Joel speaks of a great out pouring that is going

              to take place, a time when Yahweh will pour out His Spirit on all

              humanity, a time when young men will dream dreams, and sons and

              daughter’s will prophecy, old men will have dreams, and we love this

              exciting stuff and we want to be apart of all that going on!)


        f).  And this is very exciting. (But what is He doing in the midst of all this

             excitement? That everyone who calls upon the name of the Master will

             be saved, there will be an escape for those on Mount Zion and in

             Jerusalem, as the Master has promised among the survivors the

             Master calls)


        g).  We are also apart of this. (Look at John 16:12-14, When the Spirit

               comes He will not speak on His own, did you hear that, He will not

               speak on His own he will speak what He hears from the Father, and

               He will declare to you what is mine)


        h).  Look at Acts 1:7-8. (They were told to go to Jerusalem and to wait

              until the power on high has come and they would become His

              witnesses in all Jerusalem, in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the

              ends of the earth)


        i).  Look at Acts chapter 2. (All of the excitant was there, everything that

             we long for in our worship lives, but notice there was a responsibility

             of becoming His witness which included a call to repentance)


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