Sermon Notes

Holy Spirit Part 4.2


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to John 14:15-31.


2.  Last week we discussed 1 Corinthians 2:6-16.


3.  And specifically we discussed Spiritual wisdom.


4.  But we also saw that Spiritual wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit.


5.  And we saw that it is for those that are Spiritually mature, and Paul used the

     Corinthians Congregation and what was going on there as examples of Spiritual



6.  As we start this week in a different passage of Scripture it is really going to

     Discuss some of the same things as we discussed last week only in a little

     Different way.


7.  I want to go over this because of the importance of the first steps of we could

     Say receiving the Holy Spirit, Yahshua felt that it was important enough to take

     The time and explain it to the disciples.


8.  I know that I want to be able to not only have the Spirit operating in my life but

     I also want to know enough so that I don’t get in His way when He works

     Through me.


9.  If you look at John 14:12, Yahshua tells them that they would not only be doing

     What He has done, but would be doing even greater things that those things

     They had seen done.


10.  I think it is easy to get excited about what He wants to do in and through our

       Lives and want to jump ahead and get started, and sometimes miss some very

       Important steps we need to take.


11.  I want to be used by Him and see what He does in peoples lives as a result of

       Obedience to Him.


12.  Let’s read John 14:15-31, Pray!


13.  As we look and start at this passage, I would like to point out that this

      Conversation that Yahshua is having with His disciple is at the end of His

      Ministry here on earth.


14.  The reason I stop and bring this up, is because what is said next should have

       Been something that everyone already knew, “If you love me you will keep

       My commands.”


15.  Let’s look at this in a little more depth, look at Matthew 22:34-40, the

       Sadducee’s had been silenced by Yahshua’s teaching, the Pharisee’s decided

       to jump in the ring and it was one of the experts of the law who confronted



16.  Notice, the question was about the greatest point in the law! And Yahshua’s

       Answer was to “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of

       Your soul, and with all of your mind. Yahshua added this is the greatest

       and the most important, but there is a second and that is to love your

       neighbor as yourself.”


17.  Now even this was not the first time, Look, at Deuteronomy 6:5 which says

       the same thing as quoted in Matthew 22:34-40 and should have been

       something that there was no need to discuss.


18.  But look at Leviticus 19:9-18, it is described about loving our neighbor here,

       This is how to live and love your neighbor as yourself. And this has to do with

       Relationships, first with Yahweh and then with each other.


19.  And really when we look at the gifts of the Spirit we will see that they are

       Largely about ministering to people.


20.  Now, let’s go back to John 14:15-31, and we will look at the next verse

       Because I think this is an important thing for us to look at, because in the

       Church today there seems to be allot of thinking that we can just receive all of

       The blessings that Yahweh has without any responsibility.


21.  In John 14:16, it says “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you

       another Counselor to be with you forever.”


22.  I would like to stop right here and take a look at a possible translation issue

       And let you see this.

23.  The word for “and” can also be translated “then” which would change the

       Way this is read for instance: you would actually make verses 15 and 16 one

       Verse, If you love Me, and keep My commands, then I will ask the Father,

       And He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.”


24.  It makes it clear why Yahshua said verse 15 and helps us understand the very

       Nature of who the Holy Spirit is and what His ministry will be in the life of



25. Look at John 14:17, “He is the Spirit of Truth”, the word truth in the Greek is

      True, truth and verity, I wanted to see what the word “verity” was defined as

      And found that it means “It is the state or quality of being true, but adds this,

      In accordance with fact or reality, unlike what is going on in this world today

      the things being done today has nothing to do with being based in fact or



26.  Look at the rest of John 14:17, “The world is unable to receive Him because

       It doesn’t see Him or know Him, this is a huge explanation of what is going

       On in the world today. I set and wonder how these people can come up with

       the conclusions that they do, it is because they don’t know the Spirit of Truth

       and they don’t see Him.


27.  But the disciples know Him because He remains with you and is “in” you.

       This word is translated not only in but is around you it is almost like He is not

       Only in us but surrounds us as well.


28.  Think about this for just a minute, if you have the Holy Spirit, then He is not

       Only in you but you are completely encompassed by Him. Think for just a

       Minute about having that knowledge and understanding of being completely

       Surrounded by the Holy Spirit.


28.  That dove tail into this next verse John 14:18, “I will not leave you as

        Orphans:” the word “orphan” in the Greek means to be Fatherless and

        Someone without comfort, because it also means comfortless.


29.  Yahshua calls the Holy Spirit that He will send “Counselor” as in John 14:16

       Which means advocate and comforter. Fathers that are here today, this

       Describes your job as a Father, and well as the Heavenly Father. I want you to

       See this, because it is important for us to see.


30.  This word “Counselor” in the Greek is Paraclete, and one of the meanings is

       To be called to ones side. Now think about this for just a minute, the Holy

       Spirit that is sent to us is called to our side, to stand with us in those ties of

       Trouble and difficulty, and this would be a picture of what the Father does for

       His children, He stands with them in those time of trouble and difficulty that

       The children are going through.


31.  Second it means advocate or attorney. Look at Moses in Exodus 32:9-14

       Where the people of Israel and made the golden calf and worshipped it, and

       We see Moses going before Yahweh and interceding for the people. Look at

       Hebrews 7:25 Yahshua does the same thing for us to this day, fathers what an

       Example to be for our children.


32.  Look at the second part of John 14:18, it says, “I am coming to you” this to

       Me is an interesting statement unless you look at Scripture, look with me at a

       Passage in 2 Corinthians 3:13-18, now look closely, there is a vail over their

       Hearts, and the only way that the vale is removed is through Christ (Messiah)

       Christ means anointed one as well as Messiah.


33.  But continue to look at this, so whenever a person turns to Christ (Messiah)

       The vale is removed, “Verse 17, Now the Lord (Master) is the Spirit, and

        Where the Spirit of the Lord (Master) is, there is freedom.” Do you see

        That where it is clearly defined, and coupled with Yahshua saying in John

        14:18, I am coming to you, gives us an idea of who we are dealing with.

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