Sermon Notes

1 Peter 1:10-12



1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 1:10-12.


2.  If you'll remember, last week we discussed, to sum up 1Peter, we could

     look at it as the book of grace.


3. Peter through out this book, unfolds what Yahweh's grace looks like to us.


4. From the beginning of grace in our lives, to the time of Jesus' return, is a

    period of grace for all of us.


5. We looked at first, Grace means that we are aliens in a foreign land:


  a. Becoming aliens comes as Yahweh's chose of us. (Through His Son



  b. This is at the time of salvation. (Placing faith in Yahshua as Lord and



  c. Which is a calling to be holy. (Set apart for Yahweh's purpose for our



6. Second, Rebirth is what makes us aliens in this world:


  a. That we can experience the resurrected life of Yashua. (In our lives as

      we live in this world)


  b. And that we have been given an inheritance by Yahweh. (Through His

      His adopting us as sons and daughters of the King)


  c. And this inheritance will never perish. (Because it is guarded by

      Yahweh, in heaven for us)


7. Third, Grace means that we are being transformed into model citizens:


  a. The trials of this life are the methods that God uses. (To transform us)


  b. God considers faith more precious than gold. (Through these trials we

       learn to trust in Him)


  c. And as we trust in Him more perfectly. (Jesus is more perfectly seen)


8. Just as it is important for us to see how God is using these things, it is

    equally important for us to understand that this isn't something new:


  a. God never changes. (So if we viewed this salvation as something new

      God was doing, then we would question God)


  b. And this is the same questions that were being asked then. (What about

      they way we were taught of old)


  c. How does all of this fit. (With the God we were taught about)


9. And we sometimes have a difficult time seeing how this plays out:


  a. The God of the Old Testiment. (The Law)


  b. And the God of the New Testiment. (God of Love)


  c. How these fit together. (Justifing)


10. But Peter begins to explain this in this next section.


11. Let's read 1 Peter 1:10-12, Pray!



I.  This grace that God extends to us is not new. V10


  A. The prophets of old told about God's grace.


    1.  The prophets of old studied very carefully.


      a. There was a Messiah that was promised to Israel. (And that He would

          set on the throne, look at Luke 1:67-79, This starts off then

          John the Baptist’s Father Zechariah was filled with the Holy

          Spirit and he Prophesied, what did he prophesy? Scripture)


      b. This Messiah would come. (He would bring salvation to Israel

           bringing redemption to His people in the House of David)


      c. God's Word has always told of these things. (It is God's Word that

          establishes the truth, and this truth comes from Joel 1:28 as it

          was prophesied that Yahweh would pour out His Spirit on all

          humanity then your sons and your daughters will prophesy and

          your old men will have dreams)


     d.  Look at Luke 10:23-24. (Yahshua Himself said this, For I tell you

          that many prophets and Kings wanted to see the things you see

          but didn’t see them; to hear the things you hear but didn’t hear



     e. Look at Heb. 11:13-16. (All of these were looking for the promises

         that had been promised to them through prophesy and yet they

         did not see it come at their time)


     f.  Look at Is. 7:14. (Therefore, Yahweh himself will give you a sign

         See, the virgin will conceive, have a son, and His name Him

         Immanuel, Matt. 1:23 it was the vision of Joseph)


     g.  Can you imagine. (What it would be like to realize that the

          That had been given to Israel thousands of years ago was right

          Now going to be full filled by Yahweh through you and your



    h.  Here are some of the Scriptures of Prophecy from Old:


  • The Messiah would be the seed/offspring of a woman and would crush the head of Satan (Genesis 3:15).
  •  He would come from the seed/offspring of Abraham and would bless all the nations on earth (Genesis 12:3).
  • He would be a “prophet like Moses” to whom God said we must listen (Deuteronomy 18:15).
  • He would be born in Bethlehem of Judah (Micah 5:2).
  • He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14).
  • He would have a throne, a kingdom and a dynasty, or house, starting with King David, that will last forever (2 Samuel 7:16).
  • He would be called “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Everlasting Father,” “Prince of Peace,” and would possess an everlasting kingdom (Isaiah 9:6-7).
  • He would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, righteous and having salvation, coming with gentleness (Zechariah 9:9-10).
  • He would be pierced for our transgression and crushed for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5).
  • He would die among the wicked ones but be buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9)
  • He would be resurrected from the grave, for God would not allow His Holy One to suffer decay (Psalm 16:10).
  • He would come again from the clouds of heaven as the Son of Man (Daniel 7:13-14).
  • He would be the “Sun of Righteousness” for all who revere Him and look for His coming again (Malachi 4:2).
  • He is the One whom Israel will one day recognize as the One they pierced, causing bitter grief (Zechariah 12:10).

      i.  Look at Daniel 9:23-24. (It says that the prophets searched for this

          information diligently, and Daniel tells us 70 weeks or 490 years

          talking about the coming of Messiah, look it deals with salvation and

          righteousness, it shows they were diligently seeking this matter)


    2. They also sought God's face.


      a. Prayer has been foundational from the beginning. (The prophets

          would carefully seek God's face for answers)


      b. Look at this carefully. (These are the foundations of the Believer’s

          life today)


      c. Yahweh always answers, if we will seek Him. (And He did in this



    3. Yahweh answered the prophets and they proclaimed the Gospel:


      a. The Gospel of Yahshua Messiah has been proclaimed throughout

          Gospel history. (As the prophets encouraged Israel to turn to God)


      b. As they told them that there was another. (Who would set on the

          of David)


      c. And that His rule was an eternal rule. (Never would cease to exist)


      d.  Look Carefully at 1 Peter 1:11. (They were looking into what time

           the “Spirit of Messiah” was indicating, this is interesting the

           Spirit just identified as the Holy Spirit, but as the Spirit of



      e.  Look at John 14:15-29. (In this passage the context is about Him

           leaving and sending the comforter to them, nut look at V28, the

           comforter is going to be sent when He goes, but Yahshua adds “I

           am coming back to you” now we know that He is going to return

           some day at the second coming, but this is in connection with the

           sending of the comforter. Look at 1 Cor. 2:14-16, we did not

           receive just a Holy mind, but we received the Mind of Messiah)



II.  This grace came at the perfect time. V11


  A. The prophets saw that it wasn't in their day.


    1. He came just at the right time:


      a. A time when He would justify. (Both those of old and those

          in the future, But look at Luke 2:1-7 it was a time that would

          put Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem at the time of His birth

          which would fulfill prophecy)


        1).  Look at Gen. 49:10. (Israel was under the dominion and also

              Taxation of a foreign government, strangers were beginning to

              Rule over them, they no longer had an independent government

              And as all of this is happening The King, and Messiah is born

              Into the world look at Rev. 19:15 the word “rod” or with a iron

              Rod is translated scepter)


        2).  It was the perfect time. (Look at Dan. 2:31-44, this describes the

              The statue Daniel saw in his dream that depicted the

              Governments of the world, just as the governments were set up

              The King of the world came to this earth and would be the one

              Who crushes the kingdoms of this world and rules and His

              Kingdom will never be destroyed)


        3).  Look at 1 Cor. 1:18-25. (As we look around today at all of the

              Government that are coming together to rule the world we can

              See that it is coming close to the time of His return to crush the

             The wisdom of this world and establish His rule over the world

             Which means the time is short for us to spread the gospel to

             Those that are perishing)


      b. The ones that He justified are according to His Word. (By faith in



      c. Scripture tells us it was by faith. (That Abraham was justified)


    2. The prophets of old were encouraging everyone to faith.


      a. To believe what Yahweh had told them to. (To hold to Yahweh's



      b. Calling them back to faith living. (Indicating their belief in Yahweh)


      c. Living not by sight but by faith in a living God. (Trust in Him)


    3. They predicted a suffering Messiah.


      a. Some of the excuse was that they were waiting. (On a Messiah that

          would rule)


      b. But prophecies had told of a suffering Messiah. (In Isa. 53:1-12



      c. And they also prophesied of a ruling King. (But sometimes we only

          listen to the good parts)



III. This grace is revealed to us in Yahshua. V12


  A. And it was announced to all.


    1. Preachers have told of this grace that was to come and has come:


      a. The prophets of old didn't just keep it to themselves. (As we saw in

           Isa. 53)


      b. They proclaimed the coming of a Messiah. (That would give Himself

           as a sacrifice for the world)


      c. And this has been true from the beginning. (Yahweh has wanted His

          people to know what He is doing)


    2. And He has done this by the Holy Spirit:


      a. Men inspired by the Holy Spirit preached. (The Word of Yahweh)


      b. This term inspired in GK, means. (God breathed, from the breath of



      c. So Yahweh breathes through man. (What He wants us to know and



    3. But look at this next part, angels are looking into:


      a. The angels in heaven are watching. (What Yahweh is doing with us



      b. The understanding is in awe. (The are in awe as to this salvation)


      c. So they are watching carefully. (At the wisdom of Yahweh)



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