Sermon Notes

1 Peter 1:17-21



1. Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 1:17-21.


2. Last week we saw another piece of God’s Grace.


3. We looked at 1 Peter 1:13-16.


4. We discussed three things out of that section of Scripture.


5. The first was, Because of God's grace we are to prepare our   



  a. Prepare our minds in the GK means. (To prepare our

      minds for action, be ready for the battle ahead)


  b. We are to be sober in spirit. (Free from intoxicants, and to

       free from the influence of the old way of thinking)


  c. We are to fix our hope on Jesus. (This is a way of living for



6. Second, Because of God's grace we are called to obedience:


  a. We are from a new family. (Our heavenly Father is head of

       this house hold)


  b. We are not to be conformed to this world. (Allow Him to

       transform us into what He wants us to be)


  c. The way we used to live is a life of ignorance. (The

       beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord)


7. Third, Because of God's grace we are to be holy:


  a. This is a call to be set apart from the world. (Different way

       of living than that of the world)


  b. To be for the use of our Father in His plan. (Not allowing

       ourselves to be used for anything else)


  c. This is a call to be like God. (Transformed in our moral



8.  Let's read 1 Peter 1:17-21, Pray!



I. Grace means that we are to live in reverence. V17


   GK is to tremble before the Yahweh, look at Isaiah 6:1-5, Isaiah

   understood his sinful condition before a holy, holy, holy God.


  A. The word fear is more complicated than we understand.


    1. First, we are to live in fear of judgment:


      a. This is in reference to the way we live. (Yahweh Himself is

           the judge of the universe and all in it, and look He is an

           impartial, KJV is without respect of persons, all get judged

           the same, it doesn’t matter who we are Jew, Greek, etc

           Look at Gal. 3:8)


        1).  But there is a judgement on works. (Look at James 2:14-26,

              James does a good job of explaining this concept, and we

              Have discussed faith many times in saying that if I have

              Faith you are going to see it in how I live out my life,

              Because what I believe will also be how I live it out, we can

              Not live out something we don’t believe)


        2).  Look at Matt. 25:31-46. (First of all, I want you to see that

              Yahshua is not telling this as an illustration or an allegory, He

              Simply says That, when the Son of Man comes in His glory, the

              Term Son of Man is a reference to Messiah who is going to be

              The judge of the world, look at Daniel 7:13-14 show Yahshua

              Being brought before the throne and given the Kingdom

              John 5:22 Yahshua Himself says the Father Judges no one but

              Has given that to the Son)


        3).  Now back to Matt. 25:31-46. (Notice, when He sits on the throne

              the world will be brought before Him, and He will separate)

        4).  He will put the sheep on His right. (But the goats He will put on

              His left, then He will say to the sheep on His right come you

              Who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared

              For you from the foundation of the world, and He actually

              Talks to them according to their works, this shows us the

              Principle laid out for us in James 2:14-26 on faith if we are

              Truly written in the book of life our lives will show it by how

              We live it, Look at Ex. 32:32-33 those that sin against Him,

              Compare to Matt 25:31-46)


        5).  But if you look at the goats. (The goats on the left where judged

              In the same manner as were the sheep on the left, but they had

              Failed the test of faith because their life displayed that, and it

              will be the same thing when the world is judged on the great

              white throne judgement in Rev. 20:11-15)


        6).  Just as was depicted in Matt. 25. (They will ask the same question

              As did the righteous when did we see you thirsty, naked or in

              Prison, and the answer will be when you didn’t do this to the

              least of these, and if you will notice there are two books, the

              Book of Life and this Book of works, tying faith together with

              Our works)


      b. 1 Peter 4:17, tells us that judgment will start with us.

          (The household of Yahweh, His judgement on His household is

            The disciple of a father nurturing His children and provoking

           Them to life good lives and have good works to others)


      c. This is fear of His judgment as a Father. (Knowing His

          will for our lives, and inability to be what we are supposed to be

          on our own)


    2. This is in reference to a reverence:


      a. This is out of respect for our Father. (Who he is in the

           overall scheme of things)


      b. This is an understanding of God's character. (Getting

           to know Him intimately)


      c. Understanding His Love for us. (And knowing that He is

           not willing to let us stay where we are)


    3. This is a time that we stand in awe of God:


      a. He is the creator of the universe. (By His Word the

          universe was spoken into existence)


      b. By His hand history is directed. (To the point of His will)


      c. And by His daily provision. (Our needs are met)




II. Grace means that He paid a very costly price for us. V18-19


  A. See our redemption wasn't cheap for God.


    1. This is something that is important for us to understand.


      a. He isn't just a mean father. (That is just looking for rule



      b. If just following the rules were it. (Then no one would be

          able to be saved)


      c. That's why we were in the place we were. (Is because we

           couldn't save ourselves)


    2. And it wasn't about money that He gave for us:


      a. The price wasn't about money. (All of the riches in the

           world wouldn't even make a down payment)


      b. If that were the case, we could have possibly paid. (And

          bought our own way out)


      c. But nothing we could do made a difference. (We all still

          fell short of His glory)


    3. The cost was the just for the unjust:


      a. Someone that had not been overcome by sin. (Someone

           that hadn't fallen short of the glory of God)


      b. And God Himself was the only one that fit that bill. (No

          one else)


      c. So God gave Himself in the person of Jesus. (And bled

          and died to pay the price that was needed)


      d. He bought from our empty way of life. (Which was passed onto us

          from our father according to the flesh) GK for empty is our

          profitless way of life.




III. Grace is a work of God and Him only. V20-21


  A. This is not what man could do or even think about.


    1. Listen to the language in this passage:


      a. He (Yahshua) was foreknown before the foundation of the world.

          (Before anything was created or in place He was)


      b. Then He appeared in these last days. (Can only be Yahshua)


      c. This is specific about who we are talking about. (This

          places Him in eternity past)


    2. This was done for us specifically:


      a. This whole plan that God had is what he is talking about.

           (This plan was done for us)


      b. Next time you think that God doesn't think about you.

          (Remember this passage He did this for you)


      c. This was done with your name in His mind. (From the

           bottom of His heart)


    3. All of this is so our faith and hope would be in Him:


      a. This is a work that only He could do. (No amount of

           work, or how nice we are)


      b. So we wouldn't place our hope in ourselves. (Or in other



      c. Our hope can only be in Him. (If we are to have





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