Sermon Notes

1 Peter 2:1-10



1. Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 2:1-10.


2. Last week we looked at three more things that grace means.


3. The first was, Grace means that we are to love one another:


  a. We must follow in obedience to Yahweh in His word. (And He

      commands us to love one another)


  b. This is born out of Yahweh's heart for us. (He loves us, and we are to

       love the objects of His love)


  c. But this can only happen as we surrender to Him. (It needs to be from a

      purified heart, clean where sin has been dealt with)


  d. And we are to realize the we are His provisions. (Extended to each

      other a gift to us if you will)


4. Second, Grace means that we have the ability for this through



  a. This is what happens as we are born again. (We have the one who loves

      us living inside us)


  b. Which means, we have the same one who loves others. (Living inside

       us as well)


  c. We have within us the nature of Yahweh, because it is Yahweh. (And

      He is the same one that loves those we have a hard time loving)


  d. Unless we are surrendered to His will. (His love for each other)


5. Third, Grace means that He is transforming us into His glory:


  a. He is living inside of us. (This is a spiritual fact, He is literally living

      inside of us)


  b. So as we give into His will in our lives. (Our will begins to die, and His

      will begins to be the predominate trait in us)


  c. So, we are then transformed into His glory. (Fleshly thoughts become

      Godly thoughts)


6. But, that isn't all that is happening in our lives as new creations in Him.


7. Realistically, all we have talked about is our church life in relation to each



  a. Love for each our. (That He loves through us)


  b. Our relationship with the Master. (Us being transformed into His



  c. And our security as a believer. (Our salvation is kept for us in heaven)


8. What about our lives away from each other?


9. What is our whole life to look like?


10. In this next section of Scripture Yahweh begins to unfold our purpose for



11. Let's read 1 Peter 2:1-10, Pray!



I.  Grace means we are to long for the pure milk of the word. V1-3


  A. This goes back to a pure heart.


    1. Put aside all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, and envy:


      a. These are fruits of the flesh. (The old trained self, trained to act

          from a self-centered frame of mind)


      b. These will affect our hearing. (We will hear only what we want to

           hear, and not what we need to hear)


      c. This is as the Pharisee's. (Know the word in our heads only)


    2. God's word is to be taken into our hearts:


      a. Which brings us to application. (The light shining into the darkness)


      b. His word searches our hearts. (Revealing the darkness that is in the

           recesses of our hearts and begins to purify, the consuming fire of

           the Holy Spirit)


      c. And allows Him to get intimate with us. (As we commune with Him)


    3. This will cause us to grow:


      a. Speaks of maturity here. (Self Righteousness)


      b. Maturity is to be Messiah-like. (Becoming more like Him in our



      c. Transforming us from the inside out. (Starting with our hearts,

          which will change our actions)



II. Grace means, we must come to Yahweh's choice. V4-8


  A. Yahweh's choice is precious in His sight.


    1. Man has rejected Yahweh's choice:


      a. Man has always sought His own way. (To provide salvation for

          himself, Gen. 3:1-7)


      b. He has invented religions. (That satisfied his own imagination)


      c. He has sought that which made Him feel good. (So, he wouldn't have

          to face his sin)


    2. Yahweh is building His temple:


      a. The cornerstone of this temple is Yahshua. (The very stone that

          makes the rest of the building )

        1).  The Cornerstone definition. (The cornerstone is the first stone set

               In the construction of a masonry foundation, important

               Because all other stones will be set in reference to that stone

               Thus determining the entire structure, Look at Job 38:1-6)


      b. Each Believer is placed by the Spirit. (In the very place where

          Yahweh choses to place them based on the Cornerstone Yahshua



      c. And it is the whole that makes up Yahweh’s temple. (His dwelling

          place on this earth, His presence)


    3. It is through this temple that Yahweh seeks to work:


      a. Look at verse 5. (We are the ones who offer up spirit sacrifices)


      b. It is through the congregation. (We are the church, the people called

          by His name)


      c. It is us who He has chosen to do His work. (Carryout His purpose

          on this earth)




III. Grace means that we are a Holy nation. V9-10


  A. We are Yahweh's own possession.


    1. So that we can proclaim the Gospel:


      a. Look at verse 9. (That's what it is saying)


      b. We were chosen to be priests. (Each Christian is a priest)


      c. The words priest and minister are interchangeable. (We are all

          ministers of Yahweh Look at Ex. 19:5-6)


    2. This spells out our purpose:


      a. To proclaim the Gospel of Yahshua Messiah. (Salvation in Yahshua)


      b. By letting people know. (He has called us out of darkness)


      c. Basically letting them know we were in the same boat. (As they are

          in when Yahsua saved us)


    3. We will comfort them with the same comfort Jesus comforted us with:


      a. Look, once we were not a people. (But now we are in Yahshua)


      b. Once we had not received mercy. (But now we have)


      c. Why, because of Yahshua. (All this is possible for all who believe)


      d. That is the message we are to proclaim. (Yahshua saves)




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