1. Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 2:11-17.
2. As we continued to learn about Yahweh's grace, and what that means to
us, we saw three more things that grace means to us.
3. The first was, We are to long for the pure milk of the Word:
a. This was from a pure heart. (He said put away all malice, deceit, etc.)
b. That the word of God needs to be taken into the heart. (And applied to
our lives so God himself can make the changes needed)
c. This we cause us to grow in maturity. (To become more Messiah like in
our hearts, which will affect how we live)
4. Second, Grace means that we are to come to God's choice:
a. Man over history has rejected God's choice. (But God's choice is the
only way man can be saved, there is no other way)
b. God is using those that come to Him through His choice. (To build His
Temple, His dwelling place, where Yahshua Messiah is the corner-
c. And it is through His temple that God is doing His work. (Through each
who have accepted by faith Yahshua as Lord and savior)
5. Third, Grace means that we are a Holy Nation:
a. So that we can proclaim the word of God. (To a world that is still living
in darkness)
b. Verse 9 of chapter 2 spells out our purpose. (To call people from the
darkness into the light)
c. And we will comfort them with the same comfort. (As Yahshua
comforted us with, we were in the same boat as they are)
6. This is the set up for the next section of Scripture.
7. Since we are the temple of God, how are we to live in this world?
8. Since we are a chosen race:
a. This signifies we are to share in the blessings of Israel. (We are a
chosen race)
b. New in our identities of who we are. (Something that has been made
different from what we were before)
c. All of the terms he uses point out our differences from what we were
before. (Race, Nation, God's Possession)
9. So based on those differences, we have a responsibility while here.
10. And Peter begins to lay that out in this next section of Scripture.
11. We could call this "Living God's grace before a lost world"
12. Let's read 1 Peter 2:11-17, Pray!
I. Grace means that we are aliens and strangers in this world. V11-12
A. This is associating us with Israel in Egypt.
1. Remember, Israel was never suppose to be Egyptians:
a. They were there because of a famine. (Pharaoh had invited them
there because of Joseph)
b. But God had promised them a land. (Joesph was called away
from his family and a covenate made with Him look at Gen 45:1–
c. So the Israelites were aliens in a foreign land. (Their real land was to
be the land that God was going to give them)
2. We are aliens and strangers in this land:
a. We have a promised land as well. (Yahshua went away to prepare a
b. And Jesus said that when He returns He will take us there. (And that
will be our real home for eternity)
c. So just as Israel were aliens in a foreign land, so we are. (One day we
will cross that Jordan into our promised land)
3. But for now we are so journers:
a. Which means that we are to still live as the people we really are. (The
lives that Messiah has called us to)
b. But our lives need also to be lived in respect to the leadership in this
world. (As those that carryout the laws of this land)
c. This will glorify God. (He will be exalted in all that we do)
. It will only drag you down, and away from what God wants us to be.
II. Grace means that we are to submit ourselves to government. V13-15
A. This is in reference to the laws of the land.
1. This is to be done unto the Lord:
a. Look, it says for the Lord's sake. (Because He is asking us to do this)
b. This is the reason we should do things. (Because Jesus asks us to)
c. We do things for God. (He is our focus)
d. If we do things for man, man will always fall short. (And we will not
do things because they don't deserve it)
e. So we are to do it for Yahshua. (Because He always deserves our
greatest honor and respect)
2. Their purpose is for the punishment of evil doers:
a. These are those who are out to harm others. (The government
protects the victims)
b. But look at verse 14. (The praise of those who do right)
c. Doing right brings praise. (Just a natural process)
3. The big reason is God:
a. It is God's will. (For us to follow the laws of the land)
b. As long as they don't conflict with God's laws. (He takes priority in
our lives)
c. Because His are absolute truth. (No deception in them look at
Daniel 3:8-23 Gold Statute, and they didn’t eat the Kings food
But followed all that didn’t go against the commands of Yahweh)
III. Grace means that we are free. V16-17
A. But there are responsibilities with freedom.
1. We are not free to do evil:
a. Evil isn't freedom. (It brings bondage to us and those around us)
b. Only practicing righteousness brings freedom. (There is now no
condemnation in those who love the Lord)
c. We know that we love Him. (By following His commandments)
2. Also, we are to consider ourselves as bondslaves of God:
a. We are His possessions. (1 Peter 2:9)
b. Free by the work He did on the cross. (Set us free from sin and
c. And only His truth sets us free. (Everything else places us in
3. Freedom allows us to honor those around us:
a. We are not living in fear. (Of those that are placed over us)
b. With our eyes on Jesus. (We will experience peace)
c. Even though turmoil may exist around us. (We will experience peace)