1. Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 2:18-25.
2. We have been looking at Yahweh's grace and what means and looks like
In our lives.
3. Last week we saw first, Grace has made us aliens and strangers in this
a. This language used was used at one time for Israel. (But now for us who
are in Messiah by faith)
b. We are living in this world with a vision to another place. (A promised
land that Yahshua has promised to us)
c. But we must live in this world with our true citizenship in mind. (With
a focus on Messiah and His return for us)
d. Because one day we will leave this world. (And cross the Jordan into
the land that Yahweh has promised to each of us)
4. Second, Grace means that we are to submit ourselves to this
government while we are in this world:
a. Once again this is with a focus to the Lord Jesus Christ. (Not to please
man, but done for the Lord because He asked us)
b. Yahweh said that He has placed the government in place. (For the
punishment of evil doers)
c. This is Yahweh's will in our lives. (Which means that He needs to be
the focus of our lives)
5. Third, Grace means that we are free:
a. But freedom brings responsibility. (We are not free to do evil and
practice unrighteousness)
b. Sin and unrighteousness brings bondage in our lives. (Not freedom)
c. We are to consider ourselves bondage slaves of Yahweh. (We are His
possession according to 1 Peter 2:9)
d. And when we are free, it will allow us to bring honor to others. (No
fear of others or what they might do)
e. Because we are in Yahweh's perfect love for us. (Knowing that He is in
control of everything and is able to keep us in everything)
6. This has to do with every aspect of our lives, not just the spiritual side:
a. It deals with our personal relationship with Yahweh. (Daily walk with
b. It deals with our church life. (How we deal’s with Christians)
c. It deals with our lives in this world. (How we deal with government)
d. It deals with our lives at work. (Our relationship to our employer)
e. It deals with our home life. (How we deal with spouses and children)
7. Yahshua will affect every aspect of our lives, and make a change in us.
8. This is what is being said here, Jesus wants to make a new man or women
out of you.
9. So Peter is teaching by the power of the Holy Spirit, telling us that Jesus
means to change you into a person that reflects Himself.
10. So brace yourself we are in for a complete change.
11. Let's read 1 Peter 2:18-25, Pray!
I. Grace means that we are to be submissive to our bosses. V18-19
A. The literal translation from the GK says House servants.
1. This is someone employed to take care of their master’s household
a. Translated from the GK, it says show your masters respect. (The word
fear is used which can be translated respect)
b. Jewish slaves were employed. (They were paid a wage for the work
c. But they had a contract if you will. (That had been agreed upon by
the families)
d. So this is easily translated employers. (Show your employers
2. This is even for those that do not deserve our respect:
a. The original GK says even for the perverse. (Those that you would
not ever see again)
b. Those that you don't think have a good work ethic. (And cheat people
they deal with)
c. Those that don't like Believer’s. (And are open about their feelings)
3. The reason for this is it is for Yahweh that we show respect to them:
a. He asks us to do this. (Follow in His righteousness)
b. Gives us a clear conscience with Yahweh. (Hearts are pure because
they are after Him in this way)
c. Seeking to glorify Yahweh in every way. (Regardless of how
difficult it is for us)
II. Grace means that patience in suffering needs to be from righteous
acts. V19-20
A. This is important for all of us to understand.
1. When we do wrong it doesn't bring glory to Yahweh:
a. Then we are suffering justly. (It is the consequences of our own sin)
b. We will reaping that which we have sown. (The reaction to our own
c. So we are suffering justly. (For what we have done)
2. But Yahweh is glorified when we patiently suffer unjustly:
a. When we have done what is right. (And we are still treated bad is
what is being said here)
b. But will also need to be patient. (Waiting on Yahweh and turning it
over to Him)
c. When suffering blessing those who are against us. (Showing them
forgiveness and love)
3. This finds favor with Yahweh:
a. There will be a reward for those. (Who patiently suffer unjustly)
b. And who remain patient. (Not seeking to pay back)
c. Wanting them to see Yahweh's love. (Through our actions Once
again we see this in Joseph Genesis 39:1-23)
III. Grace means that we were called to follow in Messiah's footsteps.
A. Yahshua left us an example to follow.
1. This is also our purpose as Believer’s:
a. Messiah suffered while here on this earth. (During His ministry)
b. So, He said we would suffer as well. (We are not going to be
different then Him, He is our master)
c. And He suffered for us. (So we should suffer for others)
2. He committed no sin at all:
a. Yet, He didn't payback. (When reviled He didn't revile in return)
b. In fact, He didn't utter any threats. (Threatening fire to come down
from heaven)
c. But kept quiet and suffered patiently. (So that His father would be
3. He sought the Father's will:
a. He wanted the Father's will to be carried out. (Making the Father's
will more important than Himself)
b. So He entrusted Himself to the Father. (Knowing that He is
righteous in His judgement)
c. And that the Father would carry Him through. (He is in control of