1. Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 3:13-4:6.
2. The last time we were in 1 Peter was three weeks ago.
3. We took a look at husbands and wives at that time.
4. We saw first, Grace means that wives are called to allow Yahshua to
shine through them:
a. The same reference was given to us about government, slaves or
employee's. (This must be done as Messiah as the focus)
b. And that the reflection of Yahshua will be seen through the wife. (A
testimony of Messiah at work in our lives)
c. Yahweh gave this picture through the holy women of Scripture.
(Yahweh always provides us with what it looks like)
5. Second, Grace means that husband are called to reflect Yahshua too:
a. Understanding what it was that Messiah did for us. (He laid His life
down for us)
b. Understanding they are the weaker vessel. (This is a reference to
beauty and protection not Christian maturity)
c. Remembering that our wives are equals with us in the Kingdom. (They
have the same inheritance that we do, and that is how God views
6. Third, Grace means that we will inherit a blessing:
a. If we are to live the way God has called us to. (Blessings always flow
from Him with obedience)
b. This is about living a surrendered life to Him. (One that He is in
control of, where He is Lord and Master)
c. This truly about trusting God. (In every aspect of our lives)
7. When we first started looking at 1 Peter, we discussed that grace touches
every aspect of our lives:
a. This starts at the time of salvation. (When we invite Yahshua to be
Master of our lives)
b. It is from that point that He begins a transformation process. (One that
takes us where we are at, and begins to make us more like Yahshua)
c. Sin has so radically affected us. (That we have to be made new)
8. That is what it means to make Yahshua Master of our lives:
a. Before Satan was lord of our lives. (He was in control and we were
going to live a life of sin)
b. But, Yahshua, put an end to that bondage. (Broke Satan's rule in our
c. And we no longer have to live according to sin. (We are free to allow
Yahshua to reign supreme in our lives)
9. So we must learn to trust Him in everything.
10. That is what this next section is talking about.
11. Let's read 1 Peter 3:13-4:6, PRAY!
I. Grace means that we are to sanctify Yahshua as Master of our lives.
A. This is in reference to being zealous for the Yahshua.
1. Here the GK means zealous in our behavior:
a. Speaking of persecution for the type of life we live. (Making our lives
conform to the moral living standard of the Bible)
b. Speaking of being persecuted for our witness. (Telling people of
God's saving grace)
c. Making our minds of single focus. (He is the answer for everything)
2. To Sanctify, is to make holy:
a. Means that our hearts are strictly for Him. (He has sole ownership)
b. Whenever we come up against a struggle. (We search for His
c. Trusting Him in it all. (Letting our concerns be His)
3. And being ready to give an account:
a. This will raise questions. (People will want to know)
b. And we will be able to point to Messiah. (Letting Him be glorified)
c. Seeking to please Him in everything. (The purpose of our lives is to
please and glorify Him)
II. Grace means that we should have the same focus as Yahshua does.
A. Messiah suffered for the will of God.
1. Yahshua was sent for the purpose of salvation, which included
a. He suffered verbal persecution. (As they called Him everything but
the Son of God)
b. He suffered physically. (As He was beaten and hung on a cross)
c. All for His Father. (Doing what the Father asked so we could be
2. We are going to suffer for the Father as well:
a. This was promised as we seek to do His will. (Wanting what He
wants above our own desires and comforts)
b. Seeking through this to lead others to Messiah. (As His obedient
c. Understanding that this is what we are called to. (He tells us this in
His Word)
3. Remember that Messiah is on the throne today:
a. He is seated at the right hand of the Father. (A place of honor given
to Him)
b. He is in a place of authority. (Nothing happens unless He approves
c. And He is with us today. (By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit)
d. Just as Noah preached to those that chose not to repent. (God saved
Noah and his family through the flood)
III. Grace means that through suffering our faith is made pure. V4:1-6
A. This is a dying of ourselves.
1. Through suffering we learn to depend on Jesus:
a. Remember 1 Peter 1:7. (Our faith is more precious than gold to
b. And the sufferings of this life. (Is used by God to refine our faith)
c. Trusting God through suffering. (That He is in charge and is with
2. We no longer turn to things of this world:
a. The way we used to live. (Changes as our minds change)
b. The old way of thinking is different. (We begin to think like Jesus)
c. So as our thoughts change. (Our behavior changes as well)
3. And those we used to hang with are surprised:
a. People in this world think that change can't happen. (And in the
world, they are right)
b. So when they see us change. (They become curious)
c. And they will become desirous. (They begin to want what we have)
d. Then we will be able to tell them. (Only possible through Jesus)