Sermon Notes

Deacon Ordination

1 Tim. 3:8-13

Acts 6:1-7


1 Tim. 3:8-13

This passage of Scripture is what we used as a baseline for those that would be qualified to be a deacon and deacon wife. We not only covered all of this in the Deacon class we gave through this process, but it is one we discussed with each couple that we interviewed for the office of deacon.

Acts 6:1-7

This passage of Scripture explains why the Deacons were chosen, and why their job is important within the congregation. This passage of Scripture, and the response that that was taken was born out of what most would consider something good. They were increasing in numbers, meaning that the Salvation message was not only going out, but was being received as well.

It is at this time, in the midst of great good, that adversity broke out and began to spread in the community. But it is at those times, that we are most challenged. It is a time when we are to learn to receive and learn to love and take care of one another.

Some might say that the issue at hand was not all that big, but it is a concern that we all would have had, that we are being over looked for our basic needs. But there may have been a sense of injustice being played out between the two groups. One a group that was known as the Hellenistic Jews and the other Jews from the local area. This was an issue before these two groups came together.

The lesson and the challenge was not just about food distribution, but also involved how to love for both groups. It was Yahshua who had really brought these two groups together in His name. So if He thought it important it must be important for us too.

But there was another key issue to consider. How to continue doing the things that the Apostles were called to do, and meet the needs of the community. So, what we read about here is the answer to that challenge. So, the answer to that challenge was to appoint men who had qualifications that we are going to look at today.

So, here are three things that I will charge you with in the performance of your calling:

I.  Be of good reputation. V3

  A.  To really understand what is being discussed here we need to look at the GK.

    1.  The word “reputation” in the GK means:

      a.  To testify, witness, and to be well reported of.

      b.  This really gives us the idea of two things. (The first is to make sure that

           you are able to witness to other about the Gospel, or in other words to

           be able to lead others to a saving knowledge of Yahshua Messiah)

       c.  To do this one has to be able to explain his/her. (Own salvation experience

            and how they came to a saving knowledge of Yahshua themselves, and

            be able to articulate that to someone else)

      d.  And to be doing that. (In other words be actively looking for the

           opportunity to share their faith with others)

    2.  And the second part of the definition is to be well reported of.

      a.  In other words. (To live out that testify before a saved and a lost world)

      b.  It isn’t enough to just tell people about Messiah. (People need to see that

           there is something different about your life and their own)

      c.  In 1 Peter 3:15 it says, but [a]sanctify Messaih as Master in your hearts,                      always being ready to make a [b]defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and [c]reverence;  

    3.  The next charge is to be full of the Holy Spirit:

        a.  This charge is one that is on going. (In other words it is a charge that if

             done requires one to make sure that their relationship with Yahshua is

             at the top of their list everyday)

        b.  Look at Matt. 4:1 “The Yahshua left the Jordan, full of the Holy Spirit, and

          was led by the spirit in the wilderness.”

      c.  In this case Yahshua was led into the wilderness for forty days to be tempted

           by the devil. (And as Deacons you will have people come to you, or you

           will be working with people that have challenges in their lives that may

           be beyond your understanding and what you think you are able to


      d.  Once again Scripture says, “Trust in Yahweh with all of your heart, and do

           not rely on your own understanding: in all your ways know Him and He will

           make your paths straight.”

    4.  And lastly it is necessary to be full of the Holy Spirit, and that is to be full of


      a.  Look at 1 Cor. 12:7-8, “A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person

           for the common good: to one is given a message of wisdom through the


      b.  In Ps. 111:10 it says, “The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom: all

           who follow His instructions have good insight. His praise endures forever.”

      c.  In James 1:5 it says, “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask

           God , who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given to


      d.  Look at James 3:13-18. (We can see that our good conduct should show

           that all is done in gentleness which comes from wisdom)

      e.  In verses 14-16 tells us, that bitter envy and selfish ambition, boasting all

           come from what is earthly, unspiritual, demonic and where these things are

           we will find disorder and every evil practice. But wisdom that is from above

           is pure, peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruit,

           unwavering, without pretense.

As we move forward these are the charges given to you by the Yahweh, and the leadership of Cornerstone as we seek to do and achieve all that Yahweh has for Cornerstone to do.        

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