Sermon Notes

Bulletin 08/31/19


Winning Souls and Making Disciples


              But as for me, by Your

      abundant lovingkindness I

     will enter Your house. At Your

     holy temple I will bow in

     reverence for You.    Psalm 5:7

Sabbath Worship

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Psalm 103Eph 1:3 SHIP “We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 MAY 24, 2014 Y EVERYONE   August 31, 2019

10:00 am       Shabbat School, ages 5-teen

Dorothy Moore

10:30 am       Child Care, ages birth – 4

Mehgan Dairy

10:30 am       Torah Portion/Midrash*

                       Re’eh / ”Behold”

                          Whole Portion: Devarim(Deut) 11:26 –16:17

                          Triennial: Devarim (Deuteronomy) 11:26 – 12:28

Next Week’s Torah Portion: Shoftim/ ”Judges”

                        Whole Portion: Devarim (Deuteronomy) 16:18-21:9

                        Triennial: Devarim (Deuteronomy) 16:18 – 18:5

11:20 am        Worship Service


—Sabbath Blessing for the Children


   Worship Service Children’s Class for ages 3-9: Miranda Vorres.

   Children return before the Brachot.


—Sermon: Garden and the Temple…. Dinah Dye

—Announcements / Testimonials

Brachot (Blessings on the food)

1:15 pm          Oneg, a time to delight in food and fellowship.

Guests and Visitors, please join us!

*Midrash  is here defined as a group discussion involving the Torah Portion.

When the microphone is passed at the designated time, please limit your comments or questions to those pertaining directly to the teachings. Thank you for your participation!

Only authorized people are allowed in the sound booth at any time.


Sundays 8:30 – 10:00 am

Post-Shabbat clean-up

Help others clean the church building (I Corinthians 12:28). See Don Sorensen.


      6:00 – 7:00 pm

                Weekly Prayer

Come pray together at the church

(See Acts 1:14a). All are welcome!


Contact Information

Questions about the church, membership, baptism, parent and/or child education, please contact Pastor Rick (at the office number) or those listed below:

Pastor                                Rick Chesher                              503.602.1406

Administration                     Dale Henson                              503.930.6963

Azure Standard Orders        Don Sorensen                            503.999.4671

Building Maintenance          Don Sorensen                            503.999.4671

Bulletin                               Dorothy Moore                           775.742.6572

Education*                          Kristen Wellman/Sharon Chesher541.570.2129 Music           Diane Gray/Raelynn Henson                                         541.619.4088

Linna Polley

Nursery Care*                    Kristen Wellman/Mehgan Dairy   541.570.2129

Shabbat School                   Dorothy Moore                           775.742.6572

Sound & Camera                See below**                              503.930.7921

Special Events                    Linna Polley                               503.871.9880

Pastor Rick Chesher & Sharon        503.602.1406
Dale Henson & Raelynn        503.930.6963
Carl Hagan & Frutzel        503.930.0098
Mike Wilmott & Yanna        503.881.2371

Pastor Rick & Sharon’s days off are Tues/Wed.

Please call the Elders during those days.

Location:       4600 Swegle Road NE, Salem, OR 97301 Phone:   503.391.0243



  Emergency Preparedness with Pastor Rick:

*Areas of Ministry needing assistance, prayer & support

** Sharon Chesher, Jerry Gorman, Landon Gray, Mimi McNeese, Diane Gray, Barbara Sorensen


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