Sermon Notes

Heb. 6:13-20


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 6:13-20.

2.  Last week we took a look at Heb. 6:13-14.

3.  We saw, Yahweh made a promise to Abraham. V13

  A.  This verse in real interesting to me.

    1.  This word promise in the GK:

      a.  Means to profess or to announce. (And the GK adds “to announce what

           one about to do or to furnish”)

      b.  But it is made up of two rt words. (The first is, superimpose, which is to

          place or lay over or to place above something)

        1).  But it also deals with direction. (Setting the directs towards something)

        2).  But also deals with rest. (So Yahweh is saying He is setting a direction

               For Abraham and His descendants that will lead to rest)

          a).  Gen. 15:7-20. (The promise of the land that will be given to Abraham

                 offsring or those that will come)

          b).  Look at Ex. 3:8. (This land flowing with milk and honey same as

                promised to Abraham in Gen.)

          c).  Look at Heb. 4:9-11. (We are still part of that promise today, as we

                entered into this promised given to Abraham, through believing

                Yahweh through Yashua)

      c.  The second rt word is messenger. (And is the same word we get the angel

           which most likely means this message was brought to them by a


      d.  This goes back to Gen. 12:1-3. (Abraham is told to leave His family and

           to go to a land Yahweh would show Him)

        1).  The word “I will show” Heb. (“To see” and “To gaze” but it also means

               “To discern”, which means He will give us discernment of where He

                  Taking us)

      e.  Now look at this “He swore by Himself”. (Turn to Is. 45:23, in this

          passage we see Yahweh “swearing by Himself”)

        Look also at Luke 1:67-79 ((Restoration of Israel)

        1).  “I have sworn” in the Heb. is interesting. (It means to be complete, and

                Is in the form of a Noun, or a specific name, Myself)

        2).  This is not only complete. (But rt word is in reference to the number 7

               As if completing the declaration 7 times)

        3).  The second rt word means Heb. (To be filled up, or to have enough, or

               To have satisfaction)

        4).  Now what this is in context to. (The restoration of Israel, look at Is.

              45:14-25) and Luke 1:6-79

          a).  “The word” in the Heb. (Means the “matter” and can means “the


          b). “Is gone out of my mouth” Heb. (Means “to go out” but can mean “to

                 carry out”)

          c).  Look it will not return to Him. (Until it has carried out the purpose it

                was sent out to do)

          d).  The purpose. (Every knee shall bow, and every tongue swear)

        5).  Now remember, this promise made to Abraham. (Was before Israel

              Existed physically, the formation of Israel was in process)

        6).  This goes back to the declaration inscribed. (Before the foundation of

               Of the world, Yahsua the Messiah)

II.  Let’s look at the promise. V14

  A.  The writer quotes Gen. 22:16-17.

    1.  Understand, the writer is not quoting the whole covenant:

      a.  This has to do with the confirmation of the covenant. (After the test of

           Abraham with his son Isaac)

      b.  Look at Gen. 22:1-2. (As a test, Abraham was told to go to Moriah and

           sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering)

      c.  Now look at the words used here. (V2 “take your son, your only son”,

           there was another only son)

        1).  Look at John 3:16. (For God so loved the world, that He gave His only

              Begotten Son, that whosoever believes shall not perish but have ever-

              Lasting life)

        2).  Look at Gen. 22:8. (Abraham tells Isaac that God will provide a lamb

               For the burnt offering, there it is, “the lamb of God” prophesied)

               Also John 1:29 (John the Baptist proclaiming Yashua the Lamb of


        3).  But I want to make another distinction here. (And this is one of faith, or

              Abraham’s righteousness if you will)

          a).  Look at Gen. 15:6. (It clearly says and I believe this to be true, that

                Abram believed God, and it was counted unto him as righteousness)

          b).  But I also believe that our belief will be tested. (And that test will

                require obedience)

          c).  Look at Gen. 22:16-17 again. (It was because of Abraham’s obedience

                that he received the blessing he did, “BECAUSE you have done this


          d).  This word “Because” in the Heb. (Is an indicator of a “reason” or “a

                 cause” so it comes down to Abram’s belief was backed up with

                 obedience, or a passing of a test which required obedience to

                 Yahweh’s instructions)

          e).  Look at Gen. 22:18. (All of the nations of the earth will be blessed by

                your offspring, “Because you obeyed My commands)

          f).  Look at Gen. 26:4-5. (Once again, the covenant was ratified with

                Abraham because of his belief that was carried out in his life

                Through obedience to Yahweh’s commands, statutes, and


      d.  This goes back to Heb. 6:11-12. (Faith and perseverance, not being lazy

           but being imitators of those who will inherit the promise)

      e).  We are some of those multiples that was promised. (To Abraham all of

             those years ago)

4.  This week we are going to continue to look at the idea of Yahweh’s promise and the result of that promise.

5.  Let’s read Heb. 6:15:-20, Pray!

I.  Abraham patiently waited and received the promise. V13-15

  A.  We need to look at what promise and patiently waiting.

  • Patiently in GK – means “To be long spirit, or not to lose heart.

    1.  The promise he obtained was not the whole promise we study:

      a.  The promise in its entirety is not what is being talked about. (Abraham did

            not see the land he was promised, so what is being talked about)

      b.  Let’s look at Gen. 12:1-4. (In these 4 verses Abraham is given a promise

           but if you will look it is not very specific, but Abraham went anyway)

      c.  Now look at Gen. 15:1-6. (Here a bigger part of the promise is revealed

          to Abraham, but look closely the promise involves a son from his body)

      d.  It is the promise of a son that Abraham tried to help. (Abraham knew

           Yahweh was going to give him a son from his flesh)

      e.  Look at Gen. 16:1-4.  (10 years go by and no son, so it was supposed to

          be from Abraham’s flesh so they decide to help Yahweh by Hagar)

        1).  Look at what our hands produce. (Gen. 16:9-12, Ishmael and his hand

              Will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him,

               And he will live at odds with his brothers)

        2).  Verse 12 says in the KJV presence. (Heb. two words are used. One is

               Against and the other is face, so he will be against the face of all his


      f.  Yahweh puts things straight to Abraham. (Look at Gen. 17:15-21 things

           become much clearer in this promise)

        1).  Yahweh says, change Sarai’s name to Sarah. (The son will come through

               The two of you)

        2).  Abraham falls face down and laughs. (Heb. means to laugh, and poses

              The question of his age and being able to have children)

        3).  Then he asks Yahweh to bless Ishmael. (Yahweh says no it will be Isaac

               That is the promise, or the one I will confirm my covenant with)

        4).  Now look carefully at verse 19. (Yahweh is clear here, I will establish

              My covenant with him (Isaac) and it will be an everlasting covenant

              For his FUTURE offspring)

        5).  Look at verse 20-21. (Ishmael will receive a blessing and will become

              The father of 12 tribal leaders)

          a).  This is the fight today. (Ishmael is the founding father of the Arab


          b).  And because Ishmael was the eldest son. (And the blessing in this

                passage of Scripture, they believe the covenant to be theirs)

          c).  Look carefully at this. (Ishmael 12 bribes, could it be that the Arab

                nations along with Islam battling for the Kingdom, the Anti-


        6).  But look at verse 21. (The covenant is confirmed through Isaac and

              His seed after him)

        7).  Look at Gal. 4:21-31. (This identifies Ishmael as the flesh and Isaac as


          a).  Look at verses 21-23.  (One was born according to the law, identified

                the flesh)

          b).  Now, we must look at this. (In Abraham’s day, it was lawful for a

                woman who was barren, to give her hand maid to her husband

                to become pregnant)

             Look at Gen. 30:1-3. (This is an example of this)

          c).  When the hand maiden became pregnant. (Legally the hand maiden’s

                 child belonged to her master, so the child by law was not her own

                 the child belonged to the master)

          d).  So Abraham and Sarah had waited 10 yrs. (Then decided the child

                 would come to them through Hagar, her hand maiden, and be

                 Abraham and Sarah’s according to the law)

          e).  Paul calls this decision an impulse of the flesh. (In other words

                Abraham and Sarah were trying to help Yahweh with His

                Promise according to the law)

          f).  But the Isaac was from promise. (Isaac was Yahweh’s provision not

                based upon man’s law, but given according to His promise and His

                power, look at verse 29 Ga. 4, born of the Spirit not man’s power)

          g).  We find this power in the story of Mary. (Matt. 1:18, only this didn’t

                involve any man, but is an example of the Spirit’s power)

          h).  So Paul in this passage in Gal. 4. (He is speaking of being part of the

                 birth of the power Spirit not by an impulse of the flesh, or doing

                 things according to man’s power even though it may be legal)

                 1).  Look at Luke 24:44-49 and Acts 1:4-5; 2:32-35 Spirit is promised.

          i).  Look at Heb. 8:10. (The Torah is written on our hearts by the power

                of the Holy Spirit, or Ruach HaKodesh)

      f.  So the promise the writer is talking about. (Is the birth of the promised

          child Isaac, and the one the covenant was confirmed through)

    2.  But in this passage and the complete study of it we find a lesson:

      a.  It is not good to take things in our own hand. (We sometimes think we

           from Yahweh, and we wait for a period of time, then we seek to help


      b.  So what happens is we create an impulse of the flesh. (And we often cause

           something to happen that will be a conflict for us and maybe our


        a).  Abraham and Sarah help created conflict then. (Look at Gen. 16:4-5

              Hagar treated Sarah with contempt, there was conflict)

        b).  And those 12 tribes of Ishmael. (Because the Arab nations and later

               Islam who are fighting over their rights as a first born)

        c).  They are looking at things strictly according to flesh. (Not according to

              Scriptural promise made by Yahweh, flesh begats flesh)

        d).  If we don’t understand what is going on. (Stop and seek His face, don’t

              try and help Him)

      c.  We can see this same thing happening to Israel later. (Look at Ex. 3:8,

           Moses is getting his marching order to go to Egypt and Yahweh

           Tells him He is going to lead them to a land flowing with milk

           And honey)

      d.  Look at Num. 13:27-30. (The report came back it really was a land

           flowing with milk and honey as He had told them and Caleb said

           we need to go take it.)

      e.  But in chap. 14 of Num. (They refuse to go in, even though they are

           warned in verses 9-14)

      f.  And we know the rest of the story. (That generation died in the desert

          because they would not listen to Yahweh and do things His way)

      g.  The writer in Hebrews is telling us to follow the example. (And patiently

           wait on the promise given and to be faith, point our life in the direction

           to complete the call His has called us to)  

I.  Yahweh guaranteed it with an oath. V16-20.

  A.  These are two interesting verses and we must understand them.

    1.  “for men swear by an oath”:

      a.  Now this heads in an interesting direction. (And it is truly one I had not expected in to go in)

      b.  This verse 16 goes back to Ex. 22:10-13. (This is speaking of an animal that goes missing while another person is watching it for their neighbor)

        1).  So if this animal is in the custody of another. (And it is stolen etc. the

              Person in the custody of the animal must take an oath)

          a).  This word oath. (Heb. is “to swear an oath” it is sworn not just

                 spoken but sworn, before the Lord)

          b).  Remember, the RT word of oath is to complete. (Or to bring something

                to completion)

          c).  But the other RT word. (Is to seven ones self, or to declare it seven

                times before the Lord)

        2).  But this also goes back to Gen. 31:36-39. (Jacob is accused by Laban of

              Stealing what was Laban’s)

          a).  Notice, verse 39. (Jacob declares that he did not bring any of Laban’s

                animals back to him that had been torn by wild beasts, instead Jacob

                bore the lose himself)

          b).  Notice, we are talking about that which was stolen. (These verses

                narrow things down for us, and give us focus)

        3).  Heb. 6 Verse 17 goes back to Is. 45:23. (He swore an oath, but look the

              Oath is not for just anybody, it is the heirs of the promise, the seed

              Of Abraham)

          a).  Yahweh swore on oath. (Declared it 7 times Gen. 22:16, Is. 45:23, Is.

                 62:8, Heb. 6:13, Is. 55:11, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:10)

          b).  This deals with restoration. (Specifically the restoration of Israel, and

                 if we look carefully also the judgment of those who aren’t)

          c).  Now if we think critically about this. (If something needs restoration,

                it implies something has been lost, or stolen)

          d).  Look at Gen. 1:26, 28. (Heb. word dominion or subdue is to “Reign

                over or to rule over)

          e).  Look at Gen. 2:15. (Adam was to Heb. “protect creation or to guard

                 over it to protect it)

          f).  When they sinned creation changed hands. (Look at Luke 4:5-8, shows

                that creation had been given over to Satan, or stolen through

                through deception)

          g).  Look at John 8:44. (Satan in the father of all lies, and he does nothing

                but lie)

          h).  Now, look at John 10:10. (The thief comes only to steal, kill and

                destroy, but Yashua has come to give life in abundance)

          i.  Now look at Matt. 15:24. (He had only come for the lost sheep of Israel,

              or those who have been stolen)

          j.  Now look at Rom. 11:17. (We are those who were grafted into Israel,

              so we are part of those being restored)

            1).  Now I want this to be clear. (The word cultivated olive tree is a

                  Direct reference to Jere. 11:16, The LORD named you a

                  Green or flourishing olive tree, 11:1-2 the ones being spoken to

                  Is Juda)

            2).  Look at Ps. 52:8-9. (I am like a flourishing olive tree in the house of


            3).  Look at Eph. 2:19-22. (We are fellow citizens in the household of


        c.  So the oath, or this declaration 7 times. (Is about Him restoring what had

             stolen from Yahweh in the first place, goes to Jacob in Gen. 31:39 who

             bore Himself for the loose)

        1).  Look at Is. 53:4-6. (He (Yashua) paid the pay price we owed but could

              Not pay, look at Matt. 8:17)

      d.  These two unchangeable things in verse 18. (This deals with both the

            promise and the oath) Two witnesses look at Deut. 17:6 & 19:15

        a).  The promise deals with identity. (Who we are in Yashua, meaning the

             seed of Abraham or Israel that had been formed)

        b).  And the oath. (This is the promise of restoration, or restoring that

              which had been taken)

        c).  Interestingly enough this goes back to Num. 23:19. (This is the

              proclaimation of Balaam who was hired to curse Israel, but could

              only bless them, God is not a man who lies)

      e.  The writer says “we have fled from something”. (Look at Gen. 35:1-7 this

           is where Jacob had fled from his brother, got rid of the foreign gods

           and they purified themselves look at verse 5 a terror came over the

           cities and they had protection)

        1).  We find it again in Ex. 14:5-13. (Israel fled Egypt and Pharaoh went

              After them and they were delivered from Pharaoh’s hand)

        2).  It is the same idea here. (We will find that refuge in Him, and we can

              Encouraged by this knowledge of both His promises and His oath)

      f.  Verses 19-20 are very important. (This encouragement is an anchor, or it

           ought to be in our lives)

        g.  This word “anchor”. (Means anchor, and the root word means

             “crooked arm” idea of an anchor to hold a ship in place in the

               Water, to keep the ship from drifting away)

          1).  But look at this next sentence. (This anchor enters the inner sanctuary

                Behind the curtain)

          2).  This goes back to Lev. 16:2, 15-16. (Aaron is told he will not be able

                 Enter the sanctuary beyond the veil anytime he wants or he will die

                 He can only enter in with the sacrifices for the people)

          3).  Look at verse 20. (The anchor we have in the sanctuary behind the

                Veil is Yashua because He has entered there on our behalf)

          4).  Yashua has gone before us to be our anchor. (His blood has made

                 Atonement for us, His blood is the covering required for us)

          5).  Because Yashua is the High Priest. (In the order of Melchizdek, and

                He is our High Priest forever)

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