1. Turn with me in your Bible to Heb. 7:18-28.
2. Last week we took a look at Heb. 7:11-17.
3. We saw, Let’s continue to look at the Superior Priesthood. V11-17
A. We are going to need to sort out some of the words being used in this passage.
1. Here we are going to talk about perfection:
a. This word perfect is important. (GK means “completing, perfecting,
fulfillment, or accomplishment, but listen to this, it also means, “
The event which consummation or verifies the Promise”)
b. So we are talking something that is able to bring. (Fulfillment or
consummation to the promise)
c. The dictionary say a promise is. (A declaration that one will do or refrain
from doing something)
2. So based on that definition, what was the promise?
a. We find this in Gen. 12:1-3. (Yahweh tells Abram what He promises to
do to and through Abram)
b. Abram will be a great nation. (Look at Gen. 15:5, his offspring will be as
numerous as the stars in the sky)
c. And there was land involved. (Look at Gen. 17:8 Abram’s offspring
would receive the land Yahweh had shown Abram)
3. So the writer is bringing a question to the listeners mind:
a. What need would there be for another priesthood. (If in fact the Levitical
priesthood could have consummated the promise)
b. The writer is developing the idea there was a weakness. (Within the
Levitical priesthood that would not be able to bring about the
Consummation of the promise given)
c. Some would describe this as a change. (But I don’t think it was a change
based on Gen. 14:18-20, I just think it has been misunderstood)
d. Now remember, the context of all of this has been about High Priest. (And
this is important for us to take hold of, because it is part of the High
Priests job that is in question here, look at verse 11 Melchizedek and
e. So what is the job of High Priest?
1). Aaron was to carry the names of Israel before Yahweh. (Ex. 28:12)
2). The Anointed Priest (High Priest) was to give sin offering for himself
And the people. (Lev. 4:1-12, Lev. 16 the Day of Atonement)
3). Now remember, this was for person sin and corporate sin.
4). So, the high priest would once a year give sacrifice for the people.
(Look at Ex. 30:10 and Lev. 16:34)
5). Look at Ex. 30:10. (This was throughout your generations, Heb. is
A revolution of time, an age or a generation)
6). Look at Lev. 16:34. (Heb. Everlasting or permanent is concealed or a
Vanishing point, or a time out of mind) Num. 20:28
f. So as we are looking at this we must keep the context of this High Priest.
(And the job of the High Priest, least we make some of the mistakes
Made throughout the centuries)
g. So when we look at Heb. 7:12. (We must keep it within the context of the
High Priest and the High Priest’s job)
h. So what is really being said here. (It is the law of the High Priest’s job
that is changed by the Superior Priest Melchizedek and this will keep
us in context throughout the rest of Heb.)
1). Look at verse 12. (For when there is a change in priesthood that law
Governing high priesthood must change)
2). So we are talking about the job of the High Priest. (Meaning the sacrifice
For sin, the one offering the sin sacrifice, and what was offered as we
Will see in the future)
- Gen. 14:18 Bread and Wine
- Gen. 22:12 Ram
- Ex. 12:21-23 Passover
- John 1:29 Approving the Lamb of God
- John 19:30 It is finished Promise Consummated
3). This is what Paul talks about in Gal. 3:19-25. (Paul speaks of one being
Made righteous GK means to be justified or cleansed)
4). And Paul speaks of a law which gives life. (Once again he is referring to
The sacrificial system given through the High Priest of the Levitical
5). Look at Gal. 3:24. (This sacrifice for sin administered to the people
Through the Levitical High Priest was a guardian, schoolmaster to
Teach us but now are justified through the Blood of Yashua)
4. Now look at Heb. 7:13-14:
a. For the One being spoken of here, meaning Yashua. (He belonged to a
different tribe than the law speaks of, or Moses speaks of)
b. And no one from His tribe ever served at the altar. (Meaning to go into
the Holy of Holies to offer sacrifice for the sins of the people)
c. Now look the writer let’s people know He is from Judah. (And by the law
concerning High Priest’s nothing was ever mention of them serving)
d. But we have Gen. 14:18-20. (And this becomes an important issue,
because this High Priest is mentioned in the Torah)
1). But also we have Him mentioned elsewhere. (Look at Is. 11:1-9, Micah
5:1-4 which the title is “from defeated ruler to conquering King)
2). Also look at Rev. 5:5. (The Lion from the Tribe of Judah has been
e. So as we can see. (The law that changed that is spoken of here has to do
with a specific aspect of the law)
1). It is not speaking to throwing away the whole law. (But speaks to a
change Certain aspects, such as High Priest and the sacrifice for sin
and Atonement)
2). But really it isn’t a change. (Because we see this has been prophesied
About really from the beginning, the only thing it really changes is
Our paradigms or mind sets)
3). And that is what is being said in verse 15-16 of Heb. 7. (It isn’t based on
Legal command concerning physical descent, but on the power of an
Indestructible life)
4). This “physical descent” (GK means “flesh” but it also means temporal
And unregenerate, and regenerate is a term used for unsaved or not
Atoned for)
5). The indestructible life. (GK means permanent and endless, but the Rt
Word is in reference to the first Heb. letter of the alphabet Al- fah,
Now listen al-fah and Tov endless)
6). Now remember this. (As this writer was writing this letter to the
Hebrews there was a high priest in placed that wasn’t even appointed
By Law but had paid through Rome to become high priest)
f. Then the writer reminds us of Ps. 110:1-4. (Forever You are a Priest like
Melchizedek, and remember a decree had been inscribed before the
Foundation of the world Today you are my Son)
4. Today we are going to continue to look at the Superior Priest, and why it was
5. As we will see for the promise to be consummated, as we discussed last week,
We needed a High priest we did not have in the Levitical High Priest.
6. Let’s read Heb. 7:18-28, Pray!
I. We will continue in the idea of consummating the promise. V18-28
A. Remember we are talking about a certain aspect of law.
1. The aspect of law we have been talking about, in context, is:
a. One, the High Priest, according to Aaron. (We find that in v11 of this
same chapter 7 we need to keep this in context)
b. And we are talking about the job Aaron had. (And that would be the sin
sacrifice look at verse 13 serving at the altar)
c. So as we move on through this chapter. (We need to keep this within the
context of the conversation the writer is having with his readers)
2. So the “previous command” he is speaking of as to do with:
a. The command dealing with the service at the altar. (Or according to Lev.
16:34, and was a permanent statute for Aaron)
b. But as we look at verse 18 of Heb. 7. (The writer uses a word “annulled”
that we must look at so we can keep this in focus)
c. The word “annulled” means. (GK to put away, or reject, but the RT word
means to set aside)
d. So this law concerning the High Priest. (Specifically the sacrifice for
himself and the people needs to be set aside)
1). And the reason is. (it was weak and unprofitable)
2). The GK for weak is interesting. (Means weak or feeble, but there are
Two RT words associated with this word)
- The first is in reference to the first letter in the alphabet meaning first
- The second is to strengthen.
- Meaning this sacrifice would come first and would strengthen something, maybe our understanding of a need.
3. This idea is brought out in verse 19:
a. For this law of sacrifice perfected nothing. (Perfection GK once again goes
to consummation of the promise)
b. So the sacrifice under Aaron. (Was weak, because it did not consummate
the promise that had been made to Abraham and involves us)
c. We have a better “hope” . (GK means expectation of good and is
connected to Salvation or being Justified and cleansed)
d. Now this “better hope” allows us to draw near to God. (This implies that
before we were unable to draw near and GK means to join one thing
to another)
1). Look at Lev. 16:1-2. (Aaron could not enter in beyond the veil anytime
He wants there is a prescribed time)
2). Look at Lev. 16:17. (No one is allowed to be in the tent of meeting
This process until it was complete and dealt with the cleansing from
Defilement of the tabernacle)
3). This certainly shows there wasn’t a joining together. (There had been a
Separation if you will)
4). So this was a continual process. (One that had to be repeated over and
Over as they had the tabernacle and the Temple)
5). Look at Heb. 10:1-10. (He offered Himself as the sacrifice that is able
To consummate the promise once for all)
6). Now look at 1 Cor. 6:15-17. (Through His work we are join to Him
And have become one spirit)
4. Look at verse 20-21:
a. None of this happened without an oath. (This word oath is important GK
means to take an oath and is made up of two RT Words)
1). First, is to swear an oath.
2). Second, means to set limits on something. (So to swear an oath means
You set limits as to what happens)
b. Now look carefully, other became High Priests without an oath. (It was
strictly by lineage passed from father to eldest son look at Num. 20:28)
c. But Yashua became High Priest with an oath verse 21. (The was a limit set
by the swearing of this oath)
1). This goes back to 1 Sam. 15:29. (The eternal One of Israel is not a man
That changes His mind, so this is the limit, He swore an oath and He
Does not change His mind about the oath)
2). It also goes back to Ps. 110:4. (He has sworn an oath and will not take
It back forever you are a Priest in the order of Melchizedek)
5. We need to look at some words here in Verse 22:
a. Yashua has become a “guarantee”. (GK means surety and sponsor, but
the RT words speaks of a position in relationship to REST)
b. This goes back to Heb. 4:8-9. (This speaks to a future Sabbath rest we
will enter into through our great High Priest, if we don’t follow the
pattern of disobedience)
1). Verse 8 of chap 4 is interesting:
a. If Joshua had given them rest. (The name Joshua in the Heb. is
Yaw-Shua, or where we get the name of Yashua)
b. So the writer is showing a type. (But it isn’t a perfect type, because
Israel didn’t enter into Yahweh’s rest at this point, and the writer
Speaks of another day, and context has been about Yashua) Look
At Duet 12:8-10 &Duet. 25:19, The rest Israel was to receive was
rest from their Enemies, or from war.
c. Now look at Ps. 95:7-11. (The writer still did not know this kind
of rest, the rest from war)
d. So there remain another rest from Yahweh. (And this rest is His
Sabbath rest we enter into through Yashua and obedience) Look
At Matt. 11:28-30
e. So we enter into this rest. (Through faith in Yashua which that
faith will be seen or exhibit by obedience) Look at Rev. 14:13
6. Verse 11chap 4 explains this:
a. We enter in through obedience. (Faith is seen by obedience, we see
this in the lives of Israel in the wilderness, and James 2:17-18)
Look at 1 Cor. 10:1-13 they were examples for us not to follow.
b. What we truly believe. (Will be seen in how we live our lives, and it
proclaims to the world what we believe)
c. Joshua and Caleb’s faith was seen. (Because they had a good report
and they wanted to go in and take the land as Yahweh said)
7. Let’s look back at Chap 7 verse 22:
a. These words “better covenant” (GK means “more useful, and more
advantageous, but the RT word means more vigor or strength”)
b. So the covenant through Yashua. (Is more useful and has the strength to
consummate the promise, than the sacrifice through Levitical)
c. In fact without Yashua. (The promise would never be consummated, it
goes back to the oath that set the limits)
8. The others die and can’t continue:
a. All the other priests die and they are unable to continue. (But Yashua lives
and that is what was said in Chap 7 verse 8 He lives)
b. So because He lives forever. (He remains a High Priest forever, thus His
Priesthood is permanent, one without end, and serving on our behalf)
c. Through Him. (There is never a change in the priest serving, and He is
and does always know our needs)
9. And that is what is said in verse 25-28:
a. He is able to save those who come to God through Him. (GK this deals
our being kept safe to our health, goes from a guilty verdict to our
being joined to Him)
b. And this goes on to explain why. (And it has to do with the type or
character of the High Priest that was and is needed, look at the list
in verse 26)
c. He is serving continually. (He doesn’t need to give sacrifice for Himself
and then the people because He did this once and for all)
d. This is the substance of the oath. (That oath was the decree sign before
the foundation of the world)