Sermon Notes

Heb. 8:1-6


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 8:1-6.

2.  Last week we took a look at Rom. 11:25-32.

3.  We saw,  We need to look at the mystery Paul refers to. V25-32

  A.  Some of these words are going to be very important.

    1.  He does not want us to be conceited:

      a.  This word conceited is important. (GK mean to be wise in oneself, or to

           begin to interpret Scripture according ones own wisdom and not


      b.  Look at Rom. 11:20-21. (GK is to be lofty minded arrogant, lest you be

           broken off yourselves)

      c.  This gives us the idea that they had a new theology. (Possibly the first

           replacement theology coming through right, “you were removed and

           now we are the chosen)

        1).  Look at Rom. 16:25-26 (revealed and made known to us through the

              Prophetic Scriptures)

    2.  A partial harding has come to Israel:

      a.  Until the full number of Gentiles has come in. (Look at Luke 21:20-24

           this deals with the destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering)

        1).  Look at Ps. 79:1 (It happened here to as well as in 70 AD the

               Destruction of the temple)

        2).  Look at Rev. 11:2. (The time of the Gentiles or all of the nations

              Trampling the Holy City for 42 months)

        3).  Notice this will be happening at the same time as the Two witnesses.

              (I believe to be Moses and Elijah, One declaring the Law and the

               Other calling people to repentance)

    3.  Now look at Rom. 11:26-27:

      a.  Once the full number of Gentiles have come in. (Then all of Israel will be


        1).  Word fullness. (GK speaks to a ship that has been filled with sailors or

               The rowers needed)

        2).  And to “come in”. (GK means to come into a house or a city)

      b.  This word “all” verse 26. (GK refers to both individually and

              collectively so it is an inclusion of the whole of Israel)

        1).  Look at Is. 20-21. (The redeemer will come to Zion, Heb. a mountain

              In Jerusalem, to those in Jacob who turn from sin, this is future

              And is for those in Jacob, Israel)

        2).  Look at Jere. 31:31-34. (This is the New (Refurbish, RT word to repair

               Or rebuild this covenant, this is quoted in Heb. 10:10-12, word

                Covenant Heb. is a reference to the halves of animals)

        3).  So this speaks to a time in the future. (And speaks of Israel redemption

              And restoration)

   4.  Now let’s look at Verse 28 of Rom. 11. (Regarding the Gospel they are

        Enemies, but look it is for our advantage)

      a.  Word “advantage”. (GK means the reason something is done, so they are

           enemies of the Gospel for us, or so we could be brought in)

      b.  But regarding “election”. (GK means the act of decreeing something

           “chosen or selected”)

      c.  And this goes back to they are loved. (Now get this “because of the


        1).  This is a reference back to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. (And the covenant

               Made with them)

        2).  Look at Duet. 7:8. (It is because of His love for you and the oath

              Yahweh swore to Abraham in Gen 15:13-21)

        3).  Look at verse 29 Rom. 11. (His gifts and His calling are irrevocable,

               GK means will not repent, or are they not regrettable Goes to Heb.

                6:13-14 we discussed) So who is Israel?

  • Look at Gen. 15:6. (Abram believed Yahweh and Yahweh called him righteous)
  • Look at Rom. 9:6-8. (Not all that are physical descent are Israel but those of promise) Remember promise goes to Spirit Gal. 4:28-31
  • Look at Rom. 9:30-33. (They didn’t pursue the law by faith but by works)Depending on Him for righteousness, not what they could do.
  • Look at Is. 51:1-3. (Look to the rock where you came from Abraham and Sarah) Abraham was the one called and blessed Gen. 15:6 Abraham knew Yahweh would provide Gen. 22:1-8, John 1:29-31, Lamb of God.

    5.  This word promise in the GK:

      a.  Means to profess or to announce. (And the GK adds “to announce what

           one about to do or to furnish”)

      b.  But it is made up of two rt words. (The first is, superimpose, which is to

          place or lay over or to place above something)

        1).  But it also deals with direction. (Setting the directs towards something)

        2).  But also deals with rest. (So Yahweh is saying He is setting a direction

               For Abraham and His descendants that will lead to rest)

          a).  Gen. 15:7-20. (The promise of the land that will be given to Abraham

                 offsring or those that will come)

          b).  Look at Ex. 3:8. (This land flowing with milk and honey same as

                promised to Abraham in Gen.)

          c).  Look at Heb. 4:9-11. (We are still part of that promise today, as we

                entered into this promised given to Abraham, through believing

                Yahweh through Yashua)

      c.  The second rt word is messenger. (And is the same word we get the angel

           which most likely means this message was brought to them by a


      d.  This goes back to Gen. 12:1-3. (Abraham is told to leave His family and

           to go to a land Yahweh would show Him)

        1).  The word “I will show” Heb. (“To see” and “To gaze” but it also means

               “To discern”, which means He will give us discernment of where He

                  Taking us)

      e.  Now look at this “He swore by Himself”. (Turn to Is. 45:23, in this

          passage we see Yahweh “swearing by Himself”)

        Look also at Luke 1:67-79 ((Restoration of Israel)

        1).  “I have sworn” in the Heb. is interesting. (It means to be complete, and

                Is in the form of a Noun, or a specific name, Myself)

        2).  This is not only complete. (But rt word is in reference to the number 7

               As if completing the declaration 7 times)

        3).  The second rt word means Heb. (To be filled up, or to have enough, or

               To have satisfaction)

        4).  Now what this is in context to. (The restoration of Israel, look at Is.

              45:14-25) and Luke 1:6-79

          a).  “The word” in the Heb. (Means the “matter” and can means “the


          b). “Is gone out of my mouth” Heb. (Means “to go out” but can mean “to

                 carry out”)

          c).  Look it will not return to Him. (Until it has carried out the purpose it

                was sent out to do)

          d).  The purpose. (Every knee shall bow, and every tongue swear)

        5).  Now remember, this promise made to Abraham. (Was before Israel

              Existed physically, the formation of Israel was in process)

        6).  This goes back to the declaration inscribed. (Before the foundation of

               Of the world, Yahsua the Messiah)

    6.  Look at verses 30-32 of Rom. 11:

      a.  We were disobedient, and received mercy through. (Their disobedience,

            they to will receive the same mercy we had received)

      b.  Look at 1Peter 3:19-22. (He preached to some “spirits in prison” in the

         time of the flood who were disobedient, it could be the same in the ends

         times, remember He does not change)

         Look at Matt. 27:51-53 Tombs were opened

         Look at Ez. 37:12 Prophesied this to happen

4.  This all ties in so well, as we move to look at not only the High Priest, but the tabernacle as well.

5.  Let’s read Heb. 8:1-6, Pray!.

I.  The High Priest is seated at the right hand of Majesty. V1-6

  A.  Interestingly enough the position of this High Priest is very important.

    1.  We have it this discussion summed up: V1

      a.  The words “main point”  is worth looking at. (GK means “main point” or

           “principle thing” but the RT word means the head of a thing)

      b.  So what he is about to say. (Is something that if we miss will cause us to

           miss all that has been and what will be said in the future)

      c.  The main point being made. (Is about the kind of High Priest we have,

           which the writer has been developing up to this point)

      d.  The word “such” KJV” or in mine version “kind”. (GK RT word is to give

           us a contrast, in this case set This High Priest apart from all other high


    2.  This High Priest sat down at the right hand of Majesty in the heavens:

      a.  This is a reference to Ps. 110:1. (Which is very interesting in the Heb.

           especially the way this verse is presented)

      b.  This verse speaks of two Lords here in the English. (The Lord declared to

           my Lord)

      c.  The first “Lord” . (Heb. means Yahovah, or Yahweh and means the self

           existing one, or the one who has always existed forever)

      d.  The second “Lord”. (Heb. is Aw-Done and means sovereign, or master,

            and even owner, this shows a reference to two personalities)

        1).  This word “aw-done”. (Is the same RT word used by Abraham to one

               Of  Messengers in the Torah portion last week Gen. 18:3)

      e.  This word “declaration” or “said” in the KJV. (Heb. means oracle, and

          according to the dictionary means “secret spoken” and is the same

          thing Paul said in Rom. 11:25 where he didn’t want us to be unaware)

      f.  He (Yahsua) is seated at Yahovah’s right hand. (This means two things for

          us to understand)

        1).  To be seated at Yahweh’s right hand is a place of honor. (We can see this

               In Ps. 45:9, daughters and Queens set at the right hand of Kings and

               Shows honor)

        2).  Second, It is a place of righteousness. (We can see this in Matt 25:31-40

              Sheep being the righteous in the passage, so aw-done in setting in a

              Place of righteousness)

        3).  We can see Yashua speak of this. (Look at Luke 22:66-69, from now on

               He will be seated at the right hand)

        4).  We also see this in Eph. 1:18-23. (Once again Yahweh raised Yashua

               Up and seated Him on His right hand in the heavens)

          a).  Note: in this passage we also see not only honor and righteousness, but

                to these is added power or authority.

    3.  A minister of the sanctuary and true tabernacle: V2

      a.  This word “minister” is interesting. (GK the word means servant, and is

           connected to the priests working, but it has two RT words)

        1).  The first is, connected to people. (In this case it is something directed

               Toward people)

        2).  But the second, means labor. (This means He labors for the people, so

              This High Priest labors on behalf of the people)

        3).  This one, who is seated at the right hand of Yahweh. (He is in a place of

               Honor, righteousness and authority also labors o behalf of the


      b.  The place He labors for the people. (In the sanctuary, Gk means the set

            apart place and the place of offerings)

        1).  The cross reference goes back to Ex. 33:5-11. (This is the tent of

               meeting, A place set up outside the camp, and if they needed to hear

               from Yahweh they would go to it and ask Moses, and Moses would

               face to face with Yahweh)

        2).  Look at 1 Tim. 2:5-6. (The true tabernacle, or the tent of meeting,

              Yashua is the one we go to for all things, He is our mediator)

      c.  This word “True”. (GK means the one that not only has the name and

           resemblance but the real nature corresponding to the name and the

           RT word means to not conceal anything)

      d.  And man had nothing to do with this. (It was set up by Yahweh, and

           making the point it has no weakness or frailties’)

    4.  Every High priest must have gifts to offer. V3-5

      a.  Because it is necessary for every high priest to offer sacrifice. (It is also

           necessary for this High Priest to as well, speaking of Yashua)

        1).  Now look, Once again the writer points us to a contrast. (If He were here

              On earth He would be a priest, and wouldn’t be offering anything

              Because all offered here were offered according to the law of who

              Was High Priest)

        2).  But look at verse 5. (These serve as a copy and shadow of heavenly


        3).  The word “copy” or “example”. (GK a sign suggestive of something, or

               A representation of something)

        4).  The word “shadow”. (GK means an image cast by an object and

               Representing that object, a sketch or an outline)

        5).  Now if we look at the shadow we cast. (We find the shadow doing the

              Samething as our bodies do, when I move physically, so does my


        6).  So, if the physical tabernacle is a shadow of the heavenly. (As things are

              Done in the heavenly, so are the shadows following on the earthly)

        7).  So when something took place in heaven. (The earthly would move as

              Well corresponding to the action in the heavens)

        8).  Thus teaching or being our schoolmaster. (Look at Gal. 3:24-25, which

               Deal with the law of sacrifice)

          a).  Look at Ex 25:40. (Moses is warned to do things according to the way

                 he had been shown)

    5.  This goes back to Rom. 9:30-33:

      a.  The faith we are looking at. (Remember, is having the faith in Yahweh

            for His provision, look at Gen. 22:1-8, specifically verse 8)

        1).  Yahweh Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering. (The those

               Sacrifices it was the bulls or sheep that they ought to have trust in,

               Because they were just shadows of the heavenly sacrifice)

        2).  He is the sacrifice that was needed. (Thus He is the true sacrifice, that

              The others were shadows of, and Yahweh provided the Lamb) V6 of

              Heb. 8

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