Sermon Notes

Heb. 9:11-14


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 9:11-14.

2.  Last week we took a look at Heb. 9:6-10.

3.  We saw, We need to look at the practices of the priest’s in the tabernacle. V6-10

  A.  Here the writer begins to set up a contrast from earthly priest’s and heavenly.

    1.  The first is the Priest’s or Aarons sons and Aaron:

      a.  With these things. (The writer is speaking to the verses he had just

            talked about, the way the Tabernacle was set up)

      b.  This word “repeatedly” means. (Constantly, or continually and the RT

           word means always and we can find this in a number of passages)

        1).  Look at Ex. 30:7-8 altar of incense. (Aaron was to take care of the

              Incense every morning and at Twilight, Heb. at dawn and dusk)

        2).  Look at Lev. 24:8-9. (They bread is to be set out every Sabbath as a

              Everlasting covenant and is actually tied to Ex. 19:5 covenant)

        3).  Look at Ex. 27:20-21. (The Lampstand was to be kept burning from

               Evening to morning every day and was a continual covenant)

    2.  The second one mentioned is the High Priest and the second room: V7

      a.  This is speaking of the Holy of Holies. (This is behind the second veil in

           the Tabernacle of Testimony)

        1).  Look at Ex. 30:10. (Notice Aaron is to go into the Holy of Holies once

            A year to make atonement, notice this reference is to the altar of

            Incense, but is part of the atonement process on Day of Atonement

            The reference to the horns Lev. 4:6)

        2).  Look at Lev. 16:12-15. (Notice in verse 12-13, incense does go into the

              Holy of Holies only once a year and is set it before the mercy seat to

              Cover the mercy seat or Aaron will die)

        3).  The blood is to be sprinkled east . (And then before the mercy

               Seat itself seven times, meaning complete or full)

        4).  Notice, the was a bull and a goat. (The bull was for the sins of Aaron,

              And the goat was for the sins of the people, verses 11, 15)

        5).  Now notice, the writer puts in the word “ignorance”. (GK means sins

              Committed by thoughtlessness, or ignorance, but the RT word can

              Mean to ignore)

    3.  But these were only shadows of atonement: V8-9

      a.  The writer points out. (The elements used to gain access to the Holy of

           holies was not yet disclosed)

        1).  The word “clear” or “signifying” KJV. (GK means “to make manifest,

               To make know and to declare, or to give one to understand)

        2).  The word “disclose” or “manifest” KJV. (GK means “to be taught or

               To make actual or visible, or to be exposed to view and the RT word

                Is to shine and be apparent)

        3).  So the actual High Priest and what He takes in was apparent. (So these

              Elements they used when the tabernacle was standing were shadows

             Of the Heavenly Heb. 8:5)

      b.  The word “symbol” or “figure” KJV. (GK word is interesting Parabole

           were we get or English word Parable and means the placing of one

           thing by the side of another and RT word means to liken)

        1).  Now remember, he is talking about the High Priest. (And the elements

              Elements used in worship going into the Holy Place and also the

              The Holy of Holies)

      c.  And the reason is they were able to perfect the worshipper’s conscience.

          (This is important for us to look at here)

        1).  The word “perfect” is important. (GK means to consummate something,

               And the word “consummate” means in the dictionary “To complete

               And to finish, and interestingly enough it also has to do with

               Completing a Martial Union between husband and wife, sexual, it

               Also means to be made perfect)

        2).  The word “worshipper”. (GK means “minister or those who are

               Rendering the service, or those who work or do service)

        3).  The word “conscience”. (Speaks to our moral condition and the RT

               Word means to be able to see completely)

        4).  Now look at John 14:6. (It is Yashua is the way to the Father, there is

              No other way)

        5).  Look at John 4:23-24. (We are to worship the Father in Spirit and

              Truth, Yashua says He is the Truth)

  4.  Now the writer speaks to the elements used: V10

    a.  Now these have nothing to do with food laws. (This is in context to the

        worship in the Tabernacle)

    b.  We must keep all of this in context. (He talks of things of external

          importance, the word physical or carnal in the KJV means the

          things which deal with the flesh in the GK)

      1).  Look at Lev. 2:1-15. (The grain offering and was to be offered as a

            Sweet aroma to the Yahweh)

      2).  Look at Ex. 30:17-21. (This deals with the washing, they were wash

            Their hands and feet)

      3).  Look at Lev. 23:37-38. (In these verses we see other offerings as well

            Show these things as offerings and not dietary instructions)

        4).  Look at Ex 29:40. (We see the drink offering even in the consecration

              Of Aaron and His sons to serve as Priests)

      c.  These were imposed until the time of restoration. (GK for imposed is “rest

           upon, and has a reference to the burning coals of the altar)

        1).  The word “until”. (GK means to a certain point)

        2).  The word “time”. (GK means “to a fixed and appointed time)

        3).  The word “restoration”. (GK means “to make straight, but also to

               Restore something to its natural and normal condition)

4.  Now we must pay attention to verse 10, as it speaks to the restoration of all things.

5.  This is where we are able to see the Kingdom being now, and at the same time not yet.

6.  Let’s read Heb. 9:11-14, Pray!

I.  The Messiah has appeared. V11-14

  A.  Look at the word “has” it is pasted tense, many it has taken place.

    1.  In this passage what took place was the Messiah having appeared:

      a.  And the writer points out what He appeared as. (GK the Chief Priest of

           things to come)

      b.  He “has appeared”, but the purpose is. (So good things will come, now we

           see something future that will happen, it has not happen yet)

      c.  But we do know this. (In the future “good things will be coming” but

           have not yet come)

      d.  We also see a piece of the puzzle. (These things to come have to do with

            having entered into a Tabernacle not made of this creation, or by

            human hands)

        1).  This goes back to Heb. 2:17. (He made Propitiation for the sins of the

               People, GK means to Atone for and to reconcile the people)

        2).  Now look at the word Atonement. (Look at Lev. 16:6, and Aaron is to

              Offer a Bull for His Atonement, or His covering Heb)

        3).  But Aaron had to do this once a year to go before Yahweh. (It was

               Something that had to be done over and over again)

        4).  Now we see there is a covering aspect to His blood. (But in verse 12 we

              See another aspect, redemption Look at Lev. 25:49-52)

          a).  This speaks of a slave that was sold to a master for a period of time. (But

                 the slave could be freed if he were to pay for the remaining years of

                 service, this was known as redemption, to buy back)

          b).  Look at Acts 20:26-28. (The whole assembly has been purchased,

                bought out of slavery and He did so with His blood)

          c).  So we find both aspects. (A covering of our sins and a purchase from

                slavery and Heb. 9:12 our purchase is eternal in nature GK means

                “without end, never ceasing”)

          d).  There is a difference I believe in the covering and the purchase. (We see

               see this in the difference in language, the purchase is eternal, but we

               need to repent of our sins all the time, to turn back to Him)

          e).  Look at Rev. 3:14-22. (Look at verse 17, they are naked GK means

                without clothes, or uncovered and exposed if you will, but the

                assembly is purchased He has ownership for eternity)

          f).  We see this in 1 Cor. 5:1-5. (This speaks to the destruction of the flesh

                so the soul would be saved in the Day of the Lord)

    2.  Now having said these things let’s go back to Verse 10 of Heb. 9 for a


      a.  The words imposed until the time of restoration is important. (And I hope

           will help us understand a little better)

      b.  These were imposed until the time of restoration. (GK for imposed is “rest

           upon, and has a reference to the burning coals of the altar)

        1).  The word “until”. (GK means to a certain point)

        2).  The word “time”. (GK means “to a fixed and appointed time)

        3).  The word “restoration”. (GK means “to make straight, but also to

               Restore something to its natural and normal condition)

      c.  Interestingly enough this references back to Dan. 9:26-27. (The Messiah is

          cut off, this is the time when Yashua was crucified and there will be


        1).  But look at verse 27. (There will be a covenant made with the leaders

              Of Israel for 7 years the week, the Temple will be built and sacrifice

              And offerings will be started)

        2).  But notice, in the middle of the week. (3 ½ years into the 7 years the

              Beast will defile the Temple and will reign until the time of his

              Destruction, look at Dan. 11:31)

          a).  Notice we are given a time to flee. (Matt. 24:15-22, When you see the

                abomination of desolation standing in the Holy place as spoken of by


          b).  Look at 2 Thess. 2:1-4. (He will defile the Temple and proclaim to be

                God and demand to be worshipped as such)

          c).  At the end of the second 3 ½ years. (The final battle will be fought and

                won, look at Rev. 19:11-21, then Satan and the beast are bound for a

                thousand years and the Reign of Messiah)

          d).  Look at Rev. 21. (Restoration of the Kingdom of God)

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