Sermon Notes

Heb. 9:15


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 9:15.

2.  Last week we took a look at Heb. 9:11-14.

3.  We saw, The Messiah has appeared. V11-14

  A.  Look at the word “has” it is pasted tense, meaning it has taken place.

    1.  In this passage what took place was the Messiah having appeared:

      a.  And the writer points out what He appeared as. (GK the Chief Priest of

           things to come)

      b.  He “has appeared”, but the purpose is. (So good things will come, now we

           see something future that will happen, it has not happen yet)

      c.  But we do know this. (In the future “good things will be coming” but

           have not yet come)

      d.  We also see a piece of the puzzle. (These things to come have to do with

            having entered into a Tabernacle not made of this creation, or by

            human hands)

        1).  This goes back to Heb. 2:17. (He made Propitiation for the sins of the

               People, GK means to Atone for and to reconcile the people)

        2).  Now look at the word Atonement. (Look at Lev. 16:6, and Aaron is to

              Offer a Bull for His Atonement, or His covering Heb)

        3).  But Aaron had to do this once a year to go before Yahweh. (It was

               Something that had to be done over and over again)

        4).  Now we see there is a covering aspect to His blood. (But in verse 12 we

              See another aspect, redemption Look at Lev. 25:49-52)

          a).  This speaks of a slave that was sold to a master for a period of time. (But

                 the slave could be freed if he were to pay for the remaining years of

                 service, this was known as redemption, to buy back)

          b).  Look at Acts 20:26-28. (The whole assembly has been purchased,

                bought out of slavery and He did so with His blood)

          c).  So we find both aspects. (A covering of our sins and a purchase from

                slavery and Heb. 9:12 our purchase is eternal in nature GK means

                “without end, never ceasing”)

          d).  There is a difference I believe in the covering and the purchase. (We see

               see this in the difference in language, the purchase is eternal, but we

               need to repent of our sins all the time, to turn back to Him)

          e).  Look at Rev. 3:14-22. (Look at verse 17, they are naked GK means

                without clothes, or uncovered and exposed if you will, but the

                assembly is purchased He has ownership for eternity)

               a).  Look at Gen 3:8-10 They were naked

               b).  Look at Gen. 3:21 Yahweh provided a covering

          f).  We see this in 1 Cor. 5:1-5. (This speaks to the destruction of the flesh

                so the soul would be saved in the Day of the Lord)

    2.  Now having said these things let’s go back to Verse 10 of Heb. 9 for a


      a.  The words imposed until the time of restoration is important. (And I hope

           will help us understand a little better)

      b.  These were imposed until the time of restoration. (GK for imposed is “rest

           upon, and has a reference to the burning coals of the altar)

        1).  The word “until”. (GK means to a certain point)

        2).  The word “time”. (GK means “to a fixed and appointed time)

        3).  The word “restoration”. (GK means “to make straight, but also to

               Restore something to its natural and normal condition)

      c.  Interestingly enough this references back to Dan. 9:26-27. (The Messiah is

          cut off, this is the time when Yashua was crucified and there will be


        1).  But look at verse 27. (There will be a covenant made with the leaders

              Of Israel for 7 years the week, the Temple will be built and sacrifice

              And offerings will be started)

              a).  Heb. for “firm” is strong

              b).  Heb. for “many” could be elders, the covenant with many elders

              c).  Heb. “covenant” is a reference to “cutting animals in two in Gen.

                    13-21 “Unbreakable covenant, so prophesy is at the end of 7 years

                    He will bring His people out of Egypt into the land.

              d).  Heb. for “week” is week but has two RT words, 1. Is complete, and

                    the second is to 7 oneself or to complete an oath.

        2).  But notice, in the middle of the week. (3 ½ years into the 7 years the

              Beast will defile the Temple and will reign until the time of his

              Destruction, look at Dan. 11:30-31)

          a).  Notice we are given a time to flee. (Matt. 24:15-28, When you see the

                abomination of desolation standing in the Holy place as spoken of by


          b).  Look at 2 Thess. 2:1-4. (He will defile the Temple and proclaim to be

                God and demand to be worshipped as such)

          c).  At the end of the second 3 ½ years. (The final battle will be fought and

                won, look at Rev. 19:11-21, then Satan and the beast are bound for a

                thousand years and the Reign of Messiah)

            1).  Look at Matt. 24:3-14 when the end will come.

          d).  Look at Rev. 21. (Restoration of the Kingdom of God)

4.  Now remember we have been talking about the priesthood and the sacrifice.

5.  And we will continue to look at these things.

6.  This is important for us to understand because this is what affects our salvation

     Our salvation and how we understand it.

7.  Let’s read Heb. 9:15, Pray!

I.  Yashua is the mediator of the covenant. V15

  A.  Remember, we are speaking of the Priesthood.

    1.  This word mediator is important:

      a.  In the GK it can mean (1) one who intervenes between two, either in

           order to make or restore peace and friendship, or form a compact,

           or for ratifying a covenant 2) a medium of communication, arbitrator)

      b.  We find this definition in Deut. 5:1-5. (Moses is talking to Israel telling

           them that He went between them and Yahweh because of their fear)

      c.  So this word “mediator” gives us a picture. (And it literally means one

           who stands between two parties or two people to restore something,

           and in this case it would be the covenant, look at the word compact

           in the definition)

    2.  So look at what Yashua is a mediator of:

      a.  A new covenant. (There is a lot of controversy over this “new covenant”

           and what that means)

      b.  Let’s look at Jere. 31:31-34. (Jeremiah speaks of a new covenant that will

           come to pass one day, and this is the same language as we see in Heb.


        1).  The word new in the Heb. (Means new or a fresh thing, but the RT

               Word means to rebuild, renew, or to repair)

        2).  So we could say Yashua is the mediator. (Of a renewed covenant with

              His people, who did He identify as renewing it with Jere. 31:31? With

              The house of Israel and Judah)

      c.  The reason is so those who are called. (The word called GK is interesting,

           it means to give a name to, or to those who have been given a name)

        1).  Look at Rev. 19:9. (Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage

              Supper of the Lamb)

        2).  Now remember, the word invited GK means. (To be given a name, and

              Passage has been attached to the Marriage supper of the Lamb and

              Is in reference to the saints, read Rev. 19:1-8)

        3).  This is significant because look at Jere. 31:31-32. (Even though He had

               Married them is important)

        4).  Look at Jere. 3:6-13. (Look specifically at verse 8, He divorced Israel

              Put her away for adultery)

        5).  Look at Deut. 24:1-4. (This is what Yashua quoted in Matt. 5:31-32,

              And notice the man can’t not remarry the one you divorced, Jere.

              Also says this in Jere. 3:1)

        6).  Now because Israel had belonged to another. (We could not be

              Remarried to our 1st husband, so according to Rom. 7:4-6

              He died and we died, so now we are free from the marriage

              That kept us bound to Satan)

        7).  Look at Gen. 2:21-25. (Yahweh took a bone from Adams side to make


          a).  Adam said, this one is bone of my bone. (Heb. says she is part of my

                body, so they have become one body, not two but one body)

          b).  So adultery. (Literally pulls apart the flesh, and then attaches to

                another flesh, those that have been through divorce know this)

          c).  That is why death is important in this case. (Because in death the body

                 is destroyed and that bond no longer exists)

      d.  So a death has taken place:

        1).  The purpose of this death is important. (It was for the redemption, the

               Word redemption is important, GK means a payment made for a


        2).  Remember, it is a reference to  Lev. 25:49-52. (This speaks of a slave that               

              was sold to a master for a period of time. (But the slave could be freed if

              he were to pay for the remaining years of  service, this was known as

              redemption, to buy back)

        3).  Look at Acts 20:26-28. (The whole assembly has been purchased,

                bought out of slavery and He did so with His blood)

          a).  So we find both aspects. (A covering of our sins and a purchase from

                slavery and Heb. 9:12 our purchase is eternal in nature GK means

                “without end, never ceasing”)

          b).  There is a difference I believe in the covering and the purchase. (We see

               see this in the difference in language, the purchase is eternal, but we

               need to repent of our sins all the time, to turn back to Him)

          c).  Look at Rev. 3:14-22. (Look at verse 17, they are naked GK means

                without clothes, or uncovered and exposed if you will, but the

                assembly is purchased He has ownership for eternity)

               1).  Look at Gen 3:8-10 They were naked

               2).  Look at Gen. 3:21 Yahweh provided a covering

          d).  We see this in 1 Cor. 5:1-5. (This speaks to the destruction of the flesh

                so the soul would be saved in the Day of the Lord)

      e.  For transgressions committed under the first covenant.:

        1).  The word “transgressions” means. (To violate Yahweh’s law, or Torah

               Or instructions, and we can, in light of Jere. 31 marriage covenant)

        2).  And this was with the first covenant. (Remember, the sacrifice used

              Could not consummate the promise or covenant)

        3).  I want to go back for a moment to Deut. 24:1-4. (This is talking about

              Divorce and remarriage, or to not remarry the one you have


        4).  Notice to remarry the one you divorce after she married another. (It is

              Detestable to the Lord)

          1).  KJV uses the word abomination. (Heb. this word detestable or

                Abomination is tied to idolatry, and the RT word means to loathe)

          2).  But look verse 4 says you must not bring “guilt” on the land. (That

                Word “guilt” in the Heb. means to “sin” Heb. for that is be lacking

                 Or to miss what it is supposed to be)

          3).  Look at Rom. 8:19-23. (Look at verse 20, the creation was subjected

                To futility, not on its own, but through Adam’s sin)

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