Sermon Notes

John 5:1-23


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to John 5:16-23.

2.  Last week we took a look at John 5:1-15.

3.  We saw, Pick up your bed and walk. V1-15

  A.  This miracles has some interesting aspect that make for good lessons.

    1.  This takes place in Jerusalem at the Pool of Bethesda:

      a.  Excavations have located this pool. (They found it in the Northwest

           corner of Old Jerusalem, show map)

        1).  This is important. (Until they uncovered this pool it was argued that

               the Book of John was written later, John is the only Book in the

               New Testament to mention this pool which was a spring fed pool)

        2).  Bethesda is of Chaldee origin. (And it means “house of kindness”

             or “house of mercy” which seems fitting to me)

      b.  This pool is located by the Sheep Gate. (The Sheep Gate was where the

            they would enter the market place to buy sheep, see map)

      c.  Now, let’s look at John 4:10. (Yahshua draws her into a 

           conversation that will cause her to ask questions that He

           wants her to know)

        1).  Yahshua identifies Himself. (As a gift from Yahweh or

              Elioheem who is talking with her)

        2).  But He also identifies Himself as Living water. (This term

               “Living water” refers to fresh spring water)

        3).  Look at Gen. 26:19. (This was a time when Yahweh blessed

               Isaac greatly and the Philistines became envious over

               him, so they kicked him out of the area, so Isaac left and

               went to another area)

        4).  They needed a well. (So Isaac’s slaves dug a well and it came

               forth as spring water, the Heb. word “spring” is khah-ee

               and means “living” water)

        5).  We see this again in Lev. 14:1-7. (In this case it is in

               connection with the cleansing of skin diseases and the

               word in V6 for “fresh” or “running is the same Heb. word

               Khah-ee meaning “living”)

        6).  Yahweh is known as the source of life. (Look at Gen. 1:11-12,

               V20-31 it is only Him who brought forth life)

        7).  But He is also known as “the spring of living water. (Look at

               Jere. 2:13 once again the same Heb. word Khah-ee

               meaning “living” but look closely at this verse, they have

               chosen citerns that can hold no water)

        8).  Look at Is. 12:3. (In this case the water drawn is called

               salvation for us)

        9).  Look at Num. 20:8-11. (IN this case we can see that the water

               that was brought forth was what they had been given as

               their provision, Him providing for their needs)

        10).  Look at John 7:37-39. (We see Yahshua at the festival of

                 Tabernacles and it is the last day or the 7th day of the

                 feast known as Hoshana-Rabbah Ceremony)

         11).  This was an important day. (It was on this day that Yahweh

                 was to declare if there would be rain for the coming

                 year’s crops)

        12).  This was the day. (That the water pouring ceremony took

                 place, and on this day they would give 3 sets of 7 blast on

                 the trumpets)

        13).  The priests. (On this day would make 7 circuits around the

                 altar and as they marched around the altar they sang

                 Hosanna Ps. 118:25 and people would wave palm


        14).  So Yashua tells them. (That through Him they will receive

                the Holy Spirit and they will never thirst again)

        15).  So as we look at this “living water”. (Yahshua is saying

                 something very specific He wants us to get and to

                 understand, this “living water” has to do with our

                 cleansing, our salvation and it has to do with our

                 provision. This is important for us to get because this

                Living water, Yahshua will be our source continually)

        16).  Look at John 4:14. (“But whoever drinks from the water I

               will give him will never get thirsty again – ever!)

      d.  Back to John 5:4, an angel would stir up the waters:

        1).  Now this word “aggelos”. (GK word and it means messenger,

             but this is tied to a Hebrew word “mal’ ak” which speaks

             specifically to heavenly beings sent from Yahweh with

             messages from Him)

       2).  This ties back to the Lev. 14:1-7. (Which ties in with the

              cleansing of skin diseases and healing, the Living water

              that makes us whole)

        3).  So in this pool of Bethesda. (We can see a picture of the

               Living Water to make us whole)

      e.  This man had been sick for 38 years. (The number 38 years is

           important here, look at Deut. 2:14, it was 38 years that

           Israel had spent traveling until the last fighting man had

           died as Yahweh had promised)

      1).  Now look at Deut. 1:19-30. (They had sent spies in, and when

            spies came out the people heard the report and grumbled

            against Yahweh)

      2).  Look at John 5:6. (Yahshua asked him “do you want to get


      3).  In my mind that is a weird question. (I have been here 38 years

             and I have been waiting to get into the waters when it is

             stirred and you ask me if I want to be well? And that is the

             track he took)

      4).  But actually it is a great question. (If this man is to be well, he

             must do all that well people do when he is made well

             which not only means to work for a living, but in this case

             and ours he must live according to being spiritually well)

      5).  To live like a spiritually healthy person. (Means to do what

             Yahweh commands, look at Deut. 1:26, but you were not

              willing to go up, rebelling against Yahweh’s command)

      6).  Look at John 5:14. (Yahshua says, See you are well. Do not

             sin anymore, so that something worse doesn’t happen to


        7).  Now, we are talking about sin defined by Yahweh in His Word.

               (Chapters 1 and 11 of the Talmud tractate Shabbat deals

                with carrying your stuff from one domain to another

                and it says that transferring an article from a private

                to a public domain on Sabbath is forbidden)

      8).  I believe this speaks to all of us. (When He asks us if we want to

             be well, the question goes to the core of our being, and we

             have to ask ourselves these question:

      1.  Am I willing to believe in Him as my only source (Living

           Water, Life)?

      2.  Am I willing to stop trying to provide for myself ?

      3.  Am I willing to do what well people do both spiritually and


This question, do you want to be well, is much deeper than it

appears at first.

And remember, some of this may be up front and immediate,

and some is going to take time as we learn what some of this

means in our own life.

4.  This week I would like to take a look at what Yahshua says about the

      Father’s work.

5.  Let’s read John 5:16-23, Pray!

I.  The Father is at work. V16-23

  A.  Let’s look at some points here about work and Sabbath.  

 1.  They started persecuting Yahshua for healing on the Sabbath V16:

      a.  Here is what we need to look at here. (They persecuted Yahshua

           for what He was “doing” on the Sabbath)

        1).  The word “doing”. (GK is poy-eh-o and it means “to make or

               to do)

        2).  But there is another RT word. (GK is prasso and it means

               “to practice or to perform habitually” and we know this

               practice had been done a number of times on Sabbath)

        3).  We find this same word in Matt. 25:31-46. (This same word is

               used in this passage, “what you did or did not do” for the

               least of these, you did or did not do for Me) Tied to Ez.


        4).  So this whole idea of these things being done. (Is not only

               something that is done but something that is a practice

               He expects to continue and expects us to continue as


      b.  Notice in V17 Yahshua says His Father is still working. (Now this

            is a very interesting discussion that is taking place here

            Gk for “still working” or in the KJV “hitherto” is to GK

            words, the first is heos and it means “until or even” the

            second is arti and it means “just now, to this day or hour”)

        1).  The word for work in V17. (GK is er-gad-zom-ahee which

              means work, but it can also mean “minister about” look

              at Mark 14:3-9, look at V6 “She has done” or “She hath

              wrought” is the same word)

        2).  There are 2 other GK words for work. (One is energeo and it

               means “to be active” and “to operate” and is where we get

               our English word energy)

        3).  The second is “ergon”. (And it means “a work” or “a deed”

               “achievement” speaking od a good work)

        4).  Er-gad-zom-ahee. (Is the only one that can refer to a

               person’s ministry, or one in the process of ministry)

        5).  Now this specific GK word is tied to 1 Heb. words. (Boda and it

               describes the physical labor, but specifically it

               describes Jacobs labor to Laban for the bride price for

               Leah and Rachel in Gen 29:27 and 30:26 and is most

               often used to describe the sacred services of the

               Tabernacle or Temple of the priests)

        6).  Look at Gen. 2:2. (Yahweh completed His “work” and the

               Heb. word used there is mel-aw-kaw and it means

               “sending forth ones hand” and is used in connection with

               the building of the tabernacle and the sacred objects of

               of the tabernacle Ex. 31:3, 35:21)

        7).  That is an interesting relationship. (Between the building of

               the tabernacle and the creative work of Yahweh, gives a

               whole different perspective of the earth we were

               supposed to live on and the one He will make again)

        8).  But notice. (Yahweh ceased His creative process but He did

               not cease His sustaining process, or His ministry to His

               people, He still ministered on the Sabbath)

        9).  So in V17. (“My Father is still working” means that His

               Father is still ministering and so is He)

        10).  Look at Mark 3:1-6. (Yahshua laid it all out here and set the

                limit about ministering to people, “doing good or evil”

                “saving life or taking life”)

    2.  Now look, they plotted on the Sabbath Yahshua killing:

      a.  Look at Matt. 5:21-24. (“whoever is angry with His brother is

           subject to judgment” so as they were accusing Yahshua of

           breaking Sabbath by ministering, which is lawful, they

           were plotting to murder Him which was unlawful)

      b.  Look at John 5:19. (Yahshua tells them that the Son is not able

           to do this on His own, but He does only what He sees the

           Father doing)

      c.  Let’s look at John 9:24-30. (In this exchange with the blind

           man who had been healed they ridiculed him and called

           him a disciple of Yahshua and they claimed to be disciples

           of Moses)

        1).  Look at John 5:41-47. (Yahshua clearly tells them if they

              truly believed what Moses said they would believe Him)

        2).  Look at Num. 16:28-30. (Moses tells Israel that he is not

               doing this by his will that Yahweh will show them,

               Yahshua says He is not doing this by His will but by

                the Fathers)

        3).  They claimed to be Moses disciples. (Yet they were not

               listening to what Moses had said about discerning if it

               came from Yahweh or not)

        4).  Now remember, all of this has to do with Yahshua healing on the

           Sabbath. (Yahshua is showing them the truth by taking them

          back to what Moses had said, and explaining it is the

          who “wills” these things)

      d.  But also we need to look at the relationship Yahshua is telling them

            about. (Once again through what they should have believed)

        1).  The relationship between the Fathers love and showing Him. (Now

              notice, it says that because the Father loves Him, is the

              reason the Father shows everything He is doing V20)

        2).  Look at John 14:19-26. (The one who has My commands and

               keeps them is the one who loves Me, and the one who

               loves Me will be loved by My Father V21)

        3).  Look at John 14:23. (Because of the Father love we will be

               they will make their home with us)

        4).  Look at John 14:26. (The Counselor, Ruach, Holy Spirit will

               come and teach us all things and remind us what what

               Yahshua said)

        5).  The reason I bring this up. (Because of His love for us He will

               show us everything He is doing)

        6).  Think about this. (We can’t do anything on our own, but as

               He shows us what He is doing, and as we get involved in

               what we see He is doing)

        7).  Yahshua and the Father are giver of life. (Yahshua gives life to

               anyone He wants to)

        8).  Remember, they are dwelling with us. (Look at Mark 16:14-18

               which tells us V17-18, “And these signs will accompany

               who believe)

        9).  Now notice this important message. (These things are not so

               we will just be identified, it is for the purpose of honoring

               the Son just as they honor the Father)

       10).  This is about one thing. (Glorifying Yahshua just as they

                honor the Father, glorifying Yahweh)

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