Sermon Notes

Heb. 9:23-28


1.  Turn with me in your Bibles to Heb. 9:23-28.

2.  Last week we looked at Heb. 9:16-22.

3.  We saw, How the ratification of the covenant happens. V16-22

  A.  Now remember, this is the way Yahweh prescribes all to happen.

    1.  This goes back to the “New Covenant”:

      a.  In the GK the word “New” (Means recently made, or to refresh


      b.  In the Hebrew the word “New” (Means something fresh, but the RT word

           means to renew, rebuild, refresh something)

      c.  Both of the words are interesting. (To refresh something is to make it

           fresh again, to redo something, not to make it all over again)

    2.  This word “Covenant” is interesting as well:

      a.  The word “Covenant” in the GK (Means a covenant, testament, or a will

           but the RT word means to put apart)

      b.  In the Heb. the word “Covenant” (Means Compact or covenant, but the

           RT words mean to cut down and has a reference to passing between

           The pieces)

      c.  This is a direct reference to (Gen. 15:13-18 and this was an unbreakable

           Covenant made with Abraham)

        1).  If you don’t think this covenant was serious (Look at Jere. 34:8-22,

              Judah was told to free their slaves, and they said they would, and

              Then went back on their word, so Yahweh invokes the curse)

        2).  Look too at verse 14 (A reference to the 7 year period of slavery and

              Then being free from slavery, this is reference to freedom at the

              End of the tribulation period)

          a).  Also look at Ex. 21:2-6 Reference as well.

          b).  Also look at Deut. 15:12-15 Picture of  the Exodus and future

                Tribulation period.

          c).  This covenant made with Abraham is important and keeps coming up.

      3.  Look at Jere. 31:31-32:

        a.  This covenant with Egypt is more important than we think. (Yahweh says

             He took them by the hand to bring them out of Egypt, and that

             Covenant they broke is one where He married them)

          1).  Look at Is. 54:4-10, The wife of one’s youth

          2).  Look at Is. 62:4-5 Yahweh will rejoice over you as a groom for the


      4.  This word “Inheritance” is important as well:

        a.   In the GK “Inheritance” (Means inheritance, or property received by

             inheritance, but also has reference to the consummation of the

             Kingdom of the Messiah)

          1).  Look at Heb. 9:16-20. (One must die for one to receive their

                Inheritance, and the first covenant was “inaugurated” or

                Dedicayed in KJV with blood V18)

          2).  This word “inaugurated or dedicated” is important. (This word sets up

                 The rest of the this passage)

          3).  This word “inaugurated or dedicated” in the GK. (Means to renew RT

                 Word is renewal, so Moses in Verse 19 is renewing a covenant, or

                  The first covenant)

            4).  We can see this throughout Scripture:

               a).  Look at Gen. 3:21 Yahweh made a covering for them.

               b).  Look at Gen. 15:13-18  The covenant with Abraham

               c).  Look at Ex. 12:21-23  The Passover Lamb, the blood

               d).  Look at Ex. 15:17 The word possession Heb. means Inheritance

               e).  Look at John 19:30 It is finished, (Gk for finished is to complete or

                     to fulfill)

            5).  So in Ex. 24:6-8. (When Moses took half the blood, and read the

                  “terms of the covenant” he was renewing the Covenant)

              a).  Look at verse 8. (This is the blood of the covenant the Lord has

                    made with you)

              b).  Look at Matt. 26:27-30. (This is My blood which establishes the


              c).  In Ex. 24:8 look at what was established. (Everything concerning

                    His Word, and Moses sprinkled the people)

              d).  And look closely at verse 7. (Moses read the Covenant scroll, and

                    the people resounded “We will do and obey…”) Look at John


              e).  Look at Rev. 19:8. (She, the bride, was given fine linen to wear

                    which represented the righteous acts of the saints)

         5.  The writer goes on to say almost everything is purified by blood:

           a.  He points out Ex. 29:12. (This is the purifying of the Tabernacle and

                the things that go into it)

            b.  Then he says there is no forgiveness of sins. (Without the shedding of

               and this is a reference to Lv. 17:11 which makes it clear that it is only

               through the shedding of blood can our sins be atoned for)

          c.  Now look at Matt. 26:27-30 again. (His blood is shed for the

              forgiveness of sins for the many)

             1).  Word forgiveness of sins, but RT word means to be set free from

                    Bondage or slavery.

4.  Now we are going to see the difference between the copies and the real thing,

     Specifically the one in the heavens.

5.  Let’s read Heb. 9:23-28, Pray!

I.  It was necessary for the copies to be purified. V23-28

  A.  This idea of copies and real is very important for us to get.

    1.  The writer starts off by saying it was necessary:

      a.  The GK for necessary is. (To be imposed by circumstances, or by Law

           regarding one advantage the RT words has to do with repetition, and

           a curved arm)

      b.  Look at Heb. 6:13-20. (The word “anchor” means “curved arm” and

           who is that curved arm, Yashua our Messiah)

      c.  This is a reference back to Gen 22:17-18. (This is the covenant promise

           that had the beginning of fulfillment through the birth of Isaac Gen.


        1).  Look also at Luke 1:67-79. (Zechariah’s prophecy, look specifically at

              Verses 72-73, this deals with the covenant as well)

      d.  So Yashua is the curved arm. (Holding us safe and secure through the

           sacrifice He offered, and through Him being our High Priest, and the

           work He is doing behind the veil on our behalf)

    2.  The writer explains that the first things were copies of Heavenly things:

      a.  This word “copies” is important. (In the GK it means “an example, or a

           thing of imitation, something used to imitate something else)

        1).  But the RT word means. (GK “to instruct or to admonish, so these

              Sacrifices were to instruct and admonish them of something else)

      b.  The instruction was one of purification. (GK means “to make clean or to

            cleanse something)

        1).  But this word also carries with it a moral sense. (Means to be cleansed

               From defilement, or from sin and also means to make pure)

        2).  This also goes back to Lev. 17:10-11. (Yahweh admonishes Israel and

               The foreigners among them not to eats blood)

          a).  Yahweh points out that it is for atonement. (They are use it to atone for

                 for their sins)

          b).  The word “atonement”. (Heb. means “to cover our souls”)

          c).  The word “souls”. (Heb. means “breathing creature” and can mean


          d).  The word for “flesh” (Heb. means “Flesh, body, fat, and can means


          e).  The word for “Life”. (Heb. means “breathing creature” and can mean

                 vitality” and is the same word as soul in the Heb.)

          f).  The word “eat” is. (Heb. means “to eat, to consume, or devour”)

          g).  So, the blood sacrifice was for the covering of the souls. (And was to be

                to be done as prescribed by Yahweh on the altar)

          h).  So to consume the blood. (Is to take on the soul of the sacrifice and

                 make that soul part of us)

            1).  Look at Gen. 4:10. (The voice of Abel’s blood crying out from the

                  Ground was his soul crying out to Yahweh)

            2).  Look at Gen. 9:4. (Noah was told not to eat meat with its life blood

                  In it, or its soul)

            3).  Look at Gen. 2:23. (Made one flesh, this is a union of the flesh, we

                  Don’t understand the significance of these union’s)

          4).  Look at 1 Cor. 6:16-20. (Ties the flesh to the flesh of a harlot and will

                Destroy the flesh)

          i).  Look at John 6:53-63. (This is why this were so offended by His

               His teaching, it was about taking on His life the Ruach or the Spirit)

    3.  So having said this, the heavenly things are better: Heb. 9:23

      a.  Word heavenly is interesting. (GK means “sky or elevation, but one of the

            RT words means mountain or hill, as in Deut. 3:25 where Moses asks

            Go into the hill country, promised land, the heavenly things, could read

            The things of the promised land, one RT word refers to the REST)

      b.  These are purified with better sacrifices. (Word better GK means “more

            excellent, more useful, more advantageous, RT word might and


        1).  Look at 1 Peter 1:3-4. (This is kept for us in the heavenlies)

      c.  And as we have discussed. (His blood is the only power to consummate

          the covenant which involves those who have been given a name)

        1).  And as we discussed earlier. (Those who have become partakers of His

              Blood, taking on His life)

      d.  Messiah entered the true sanctuary. (Which is in the heavens, hill country,

           place of promise and appears on our behalf before the Father)

        1).  Look at John 16:5-15. (This goes back to being partakers of His blood,

              And taking on His life)

        2).  The word “benefit or expedient” . (GK means benefit, or profitable, but

               The RT words mean “to be in union with for the purpose of bearing

               With us and to lead us)

      e.  Notice, He did this once for all time: V25-26

        1).  The writer points to a difference. (His sacrifice isn’t the same as the

               Earthly priests who offered sacrifice over and over again)

        2).  The writer says. (If that were the case He would have had to appear

               Many times through history to sacrifice Himself over and over again

               And this would have been from the time the world began)

        3).  But He has appeared once. (GK for once is a singular time, RT word

              Means absolutely all)

        4).  At the end of the age. (GK means “Consummation and the RT word

              Means to complete entirely, so it would be at the time that would

              Entirely consummate and complete all that was needed)

        5).  And what was needed. (The removal of sin GK means “to put away

              But the RT word means to bring to nought speaking of the putting

              Away and also cancelling the effects of sin which is death)

        6).  Look at Matt. 13:37-43. (This speaks to Him consummating the

              Kingdom, and there will be a harvest, at the end of time, and it

              Is the partakers who will be shining as the sun in the Kingdom)

        7).  But at the same time He is here with us now. (Matt. 18:20, where two

              Or three are gathered in His name, He is there among them, those

              That are partakers of His life)

        8).  All of this ties into V28. (He came the first time to bear our sins, but

              When He returns again it will not be to bear sins, but to bring

              Salvation to those of us that are waiting)

          *GK patiently waiting RT word means expectant of His return

          a).  This ought to raise some questions in our minds. (What does He mean

                 He WILL bring salvation to us that are waiting?)

          b).  There are actually three aspects to our salvation. (Scripture speaks to

                 this, Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification)

          c).  We have been Justified by His blood. (Look at Rom. 5:1, we are

                justified by faith and made at peace with God through our Messiah


          d).  We are being sanctified. ( Look at 2 Tim. 2:21, this is a time right now

                 were we are being purified through the trails 1 Peter 1:6-7)

          e).  We will be glorified. (Look at Rom. 8:18-23, we will be glorified with

                 Him when He returns for us)

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