Sermon Notes

Vayak’hel/ Pekudei 2020

Question 1: What was the driving force, if you will, behind the people giving towards the needs of constructing the Tabernacle? 

Exo 35:5 TakeH3947 ye from amongH4480 H854 you an offeringH8641 unto the LORD:H3068 whosoeverH3605 is of a willingH5081 heart,H3820 let him bringH935 it,(H853) an offeringH8641 of the LORD;H3068 gold,H2091 and silver,H3701 and brass,H5178 Exo 35:21 And they came,H935 everyH3605 oneH376 whoseH834 heartH3820 stirred him up,H5375 and every oneH3605 whomH834 (H853) his spiritH7307 made willing,H5068 and they broughtH935 (H853) the LORD’SH3068 offeringH8641 to the workH4399 of the tabernacleH168 of the congregation,H4150 and for allH3605 his service,H5656 and for the holyH6944 garments.H899 

“willing, engages, appreciating, generous, so moves” 

H5081 בי ִדָנ 

nâdı̂yb naw-deeb’ 

From H5068; properly voluntary, that is, generous; hence, magnanimous; as noun, a grandee (sometimes a tyrant): – free, liberal (things), noble, prince, willing ([hearted]) 


ב ַדָנ 

nâdab naw-dab’ 

A primitive root; to impel; hence to volunteer (as a soldier), to present spontaneously: – offer freely, be (give, make, offer self) willing (-ly) 


H3820 בֵל 

lêb labe 

A form of H3824; the heart; also used (figuratively) very widely for the feelings, the will and even the intellect; likewise for the centre of anything: – 

+ care for, comfortably, consent, X considered, courag [-eous], friend [- ly], ([broken-], [hard-], [merry-], [stiff-], [stout-], double) heart ([-ed]), X heed, X I, kindly, midst, mind (-ed), X regard ([-ed)], X themselves, X unawares, understanding, X well, willingly, wisdom. 

H3824 בָבֵל 

lêbâb lay-bawb’ 

From H3823; the heart (as the most interior organ); used also like H3820: – + bethink themselves, breast, comfortably, courage, ([faint], [tender-] heart([-ed]), midst, mind, X unawares, understanding. 

Question 2: When it comes to finances what motivates people to trust or be obedient? 

List of reasons why people act or don’t act when giving is considered: 

1. I feel so blessed that I want to give what I can as a thank you for His blessings. 

2. I feel blessed and I will give something. Not sure how much. 

3. Hmmm… here we go again. Someone asking for money. I work hard for it. I don’t want to just give it up. I will pray about it. 

4. I am not rich. I can’t afford to give anything. Besides I might need it later. 

5. I have what I have because I don’t give it away. Besides, I will let all those others give. It seems to make them happy. 

6. I am not giving anything. I have never been blessed with extra money. I must care for myself. 

7. I don’t see a need to give money. Everything looks fine. If they didn’t spend it on some of these things, they would have plenty. They don’t need my money! 

Question 3: Where did the wealth of the Hebrew children come from? 

Exo 12:35 The people of Israel had also done as Moses told them, for they had asked the Egyptians for silver and gold jewelry and for clothing. 

Exo 12:36 And the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have what they asked. Thus they plundered the Egyptians. 

We can see that the Egyptians gave the wealth to the Israelites. Without this wealth the Israelites would not have been able to donate much to the Tabernacle construction. Now, some may think that because of the hardships experienced by the Israelites while in slavery that this wealth was their due. Perhaps you may be able to make a good argument for this. But we could also see this as a test of the condition of their heart. We know from Scripture that the ability to get wealth is given by the Heavenly Father: 

Deu 8:17 Beware lest you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.’ 

Deu 8:18 You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day. 

Ecc 5:19 Everyone also to whom God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toil—this is the gift of God. 

We are also aware that in the case of the Israelites that He had promised a land flowing with milk and honey. In today’s vernacular, a “turnkey” opportunity. Vineyards and orchards will be planted and producing. Homes and structures will already be built. Instant success. This is the promise of the Heavenly Father. The unrighteous will give their wealth to others. 

Pro 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous. 

The Heavenly Father’s plan was to give the Israelites the wealth from the Egyptians. Even after donating to the Tabernacle, they were still quite wealthy. This, then, became the test for the heart. Did the Israelites recognize from whom the wealth came? The Egyptians? The generosity of the Heavenly Father? Where do the provisions truly come from that we have? 

Question 4: How many brought offerings for the construction of the Tabernacle? 

Exo 35:22 So they came, both men and women. All who were of a willing heart brought brooches and earrings and signet rings and armlets, all sorts of gold objects, every man dedicating an offering of gold to the LORD. 



לוֹכּ לֹכּ kôl kôl kole, kole 

From H3634; properly the whole; hence all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense): – (in) all (manner, [ye]), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, [no-] thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso (-ever). 

We see the entire assembly had ownership in the building of the Tabernacle. Everyone then had ownership in the redeeming function (ministry) of the Tabernacle. 

When we give, we have ownership in the ministries of the Assembly. When we participate in the Assembly by giving, prayers and ministries, we take ownership, as it were, in all the success the Assembly experiences. 

But we need to understand that we need to be part of all the opportunities to participate. We all need to give, pray and be involved. 

Question 5: We see that not only did the Israelites give but they also utilized their skills and talents to complete the Tabernacle. What was the fruit of these labors? 

1. The initial covering for the Tabernacle was made of fine twisted linen, blue, purple and crimson yarn = 2,520 sq. ft. 

2. Goats hair weaved into fabric for the next covering of the Tabernacle = 2,970 sq. ft. 

3. Tanned rams skin and a special covering named dolphin skin = 2,970 sq. ft. 

4. Planks of wood for support of the coverings: 

a. Each of the planks was to be 15 ft. long and 2.5 ft. wide. The thickness is guessed to be at least 8 inches to support the weight of the coverings = 62 pieces. 

5. The fabric for the enclosure (the fencing around the Tabernacle): 

a. 1,125 sq. ft. for the south portion. 

b. 1,125 sq. ft. for the north portion. 

c. 562.5 sq. ft. for the west portion. 

d. 337.5 sq. ft. for the east portion. 

e. 225 sq. ft. for the screen (gate) for the east portion. 

f.  Bars of acacia wood to support the planks. 

g. The two veils for the entrance into the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. 

h. The support planks for the two veils. 

6. Making of all the gold utensils, ark, altars and menorah 

a. Making of all the brass (copper) utensils, altar. b. Making of all the silver clasps and anchors, etc. 

7. Producing the priests clothing. We can see a lot went into the making and construction of the Tabernacle. The functioning of a successful Assembly requires a lot of assistance and many hands.  

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