Sermon Notes

Let’s read John 1:1-5

I.  John starts off from the beginning. V1-5

  A.  Meaning from the beginning of creation.

    1.  This is so important we must start breaking down words here:

      a.  This word “beginning” is important. (GK is ar-khay and comes from the

           Gk word archo which means beginning, but the form used means

         both “beginning” and “ruler”)

      b.  Now the reason this is important. (These two words not only suggest a

           beginning of something, but a ruler as in the world from the beginning

           was established that had rules by which the creation had to obey)

  1. Rule pointing to the Word. (Look at GK magistrate, power, rule Look at Rom. 1:18-25)

      c.  This is important. (It suggests intelligent design to not only create, but to

           have an order in which it was to run by)

      d.  Argument intended to demonstrate that living organisms were created in    more or less their present forms by an “intelligent designer.” Intelligent design was formulated in the 1990s, primarily in the United States, as an explicit refutation of the Darwinian theory of biological evolution. Building on a version of the argument from design for the existence of God, proponents of intelligent design observed that the functional parts and systems of living organisms are “irreducibly complex” in the sense that none of their component parts can be removed without causing the whole system to cease functioning.

    2.  We find this in Gen. 1:1 as well:

      a.  The word “beginning” in Gen. 1:1. (Heb. is ray-sheeth and it is an

           interesting word, it means “beginning” but it carries with it a much

           deeper message)

        1).  John found Yashua in the beginning of creation

      b.  Look at Isa. 46:9-10. (This word carries with it the understanding of

           not only a beginning, but there was an end in mind “He declares the

           end from the beginning” and what His will is will be carried out)

      c.  So this gives us the understanding. (He never intended for the world we

           live in at present to be an everlasting world, He created it with and end

           in mind)

      d.  Look at Ps. 102:25. (It is spelled out here, long ago He established the

           earth, but they will perish, meaning the heavens and the earth)

      e.  It gets deeper here. (In the Hebrew we find the Alepth and Tov right

           after the Elohim in Gen. 1:1, In the beginning Elohim Alepth Tov


      f.  In that verse we find what was speaken in Ps. 102:25. (And it says from the

           beginning I created the earth with an end in mind, and says I AM the

           beginning and the end, we find the Gospel message in the first verse of


      g.  We find Yashua saying this in Rev. 1:8. (I am the Alepth and Tov the

            Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end)

        1).  Rev. 1:8 was writer close to the same time as the Book of John. (Yashua

              tells John who He is and where He was found in creation)

        2).  Look at Rev. 3:14. (The beginning of creation of Eloheem)

    3.  Now back to John 1:1. (In the beginning was the Word and the Word was

         with Elohim and the Word was Elohim)

      a.  The word “Word”. (GK is log-os and carries with it several

           understandings that are important for us to look at, and will help us

           understand what is being discussed)

      b.  The first is. (It can mean a message or a deed and can means teaching of

           or about Yahweh)

      c.  The second. (It is a reference to Yashua himself as He is the prophetic

           word Himself, in this case the Log-os is not only from Elohim, but

           in this case He is Elohim)

      d.  The third. (This log-os is the Word or message to be carried to the

           congregation and is the only thing to be taught)

      e.  The fourth. (It is also used for the Bible as in Log-os of Elohim or the

           Word of God)

      f.  If we look at Gen. 1:3. (The word “said” in Hebrew is amar, amar is a

          verb and it means it is an action word. This separates it from something

          that is idly spoken, this word means when spoken something happens)

      g.  In this case. (Yahweh amar and there was light that was on the earth,

           so it is inconceivable to think of Yahweh speaking and nothing


        1).  Look at the word “with”. (GK is pros and can mean “by the side of”

              with the understanding that “Eloheem and Aleph Tov” are beside

              one another, or Father and Son)

        2).  The Rt word of “with”. (GK is pro and can mean that the Father and

               the Son were before the beginning of the creation)

    4.  The Word was with Eloheem and the Word was Eloheem:

      a.  This word “Eloheem”. (Heb. found in Gen. 1:1 is in a plural form and we

           find this same thing in Gen. 1:26)

      b.  The word “Eloheem” is the same. (But also adds the Let Us, In Our

            image and likeness thus driving home this idea of Father, Son, and

            Holy Spirit)

      c.  This word is interesting. (It can also mean judges which would give the

           idea of establishing the truth)

    5.  John 1:4-5 we need to look at:

      a.  The word “life” and is important. (GK it is zoe and it means our present

           existence and can refer to our eternal existence)

      b.  Look at Luke 16:25. (In this passage the word “lifetime” is zoe and is

           clearly pointing to Lazarus’ existence prior to his death)

      c.  But look at Matt. 7:14. (There is only one way that leads us to life “zoe”

           in eternity or eternal life)

      d.  So this life. (The word zoe is translated according to the context of what

           is being talked about)

      e.  It says in John 1:4. (That Yashua is life, and that life is in Him, life is

           both seen and measured by Him)

      f.  His life is the light of man. (GK is phos and it man to illuminate or to

          make manifest, but is made up of two RT words)

        1).  The first is fah-ee-no. (This word means to lighten and to show)

        2).  The second is fay-mee. (It means to show or to make known ones

               thoughts and can mean to speak or to say)

      g.  Look at Gen. 1:2. (The Heb. word for darkness is kho-shek and it means

           darkness, but also misery, destruction, and evil, so misery, destruction

           and evil was over the face of the earth)

        1).  Look at Ex. 10:21-22. (There was a darkness that could be felt, or a

              misery, sense of destruction and evil that could be felt)

      h.  So what is being said here is. (That Yashua is the source of life, and no

           one can find life or know what life is without Him)

      i.  Now think about this. (If the world is devoid of His presence then no one

          would be able to even know what life is, or where to find life)

      j.  Look at 2 Thess. 2:1-12. (Could it be what is being talked about is the

          light of life is removed for this period allowing the darkness to once

          again be felt as in Ex. 10:21-22)

      k.  Let’s think about this in the creation. (The earth was dark, evil, miserable,

           and destruction on the face of the earth)

        1).  Then Yahweh spoke light. (This word “light” in Heb. is ore and means

              illumination, but it also means clear and happiness telling us that the

              light can be felt as well)

        2).  Now look at Gen 3:8-11. (They partook of the fruit and then they hid

              from the light when they heard Him coming)

        3).  Look at Gen. 3:11-20. (Only as man allows to be exposed to the light

              can he find covering for his present state)

        4).  Look at 1 John 1:5-10. (We must walk with Him in the light to have

              fellowship with one another)

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