Sermon Notes

The Lamb John 1:29-42

I.  Here is the Lamb of Yahweh. V29-42

  A.  We have to go back and look at what John was saying and what they would

        have heard and understood.

    1.  John saw Yashua coming and said “Here is the Lamb of Elohim”:

      a.  This really goes back to the beginning. (Gen. 3:21 “Yahweh made

           clothing out of skins for Adam and Eve and clothed them)

        1).  Now we know this was as a result of sin. (Which shows the need for a

              sacrifice that covered them or atoned or made atonement for them)

        2).  The words “coat”. (Heb. is Keth-o-neth and it means to cover but it

               also means robe)

        3).  Now this is interesting. (We find this same word used for the coat

              Joseph was given by His father Israel in Gen. 37:3 and it is the same

              word used in Gen. 37:23 where they stripped Joseph out of the coat)

      4).  Now we also find this word used in Gen. 37:31-33. (They took the coat

            and they killed a kid of goats and dipped it in blood to make it look

            like Joseph had been killed)

      5).  Now this coat given to Joseph. (Was a full length coat that covered

            completely and was of many colors or was beautiful, because Israel

            loved Joseph)

      6).  Now this gets even more interesting. (Look at Ex. 28:4 part of the

            priestly garment was a coat made with fine linen)

      7).  Look at Ex. 28:39-40. (Notice the reason they are made and worn is for

            glory and for beauty as they serve before Yahweh)

      8).  So as we look at Adam and Eve. (We find they were created in Eliheem’s

            image, or we could say they were created with glory and beauty, so

            when they fell they were stripped of their glory and beauty)

      9).  But we can also see something else. (Adam would have been the leader

            of his household and according to Lev. 4:22-25 it would have been a

            male goat that was sacrifice to cover the loss of his glory and beauty as

            they were created to be)

      10).  Look at Is. 53:1-12. (Look at Is. 53:2, He didn’t have impressive form

              or majesty in other words He came to us as a man as we are without

              the glory and beauty of Yahweh)

      11).  He came to us. (As one who had been stripped of His robe or the glory

              and beauty that we had been created like)

      12).  And look at Is. 53:7. (He was the Lamb of Eliheem that was led to

              slaughter, so we would be redeemed and brought back into the glory

              and beauty He had created to be)

      13).  This also goes to Gen. 22:1-8. (Abraham is told to go and sacrifice

               Isaac on Mt. Moriah)

      14).  Look at Gen. 22:2. (Take your son “your only son” whom you love

              and offer him as a burnt offering)

      15).  Now we know that Ismael was also a son. (But Ismael was a son

              through a man made law not the Torah of Yahweh, look at Gal.


      16).  Here we see there are two covenants Paul refers to. (One of the flesh and

              he calls it an impulse of the flesh and one of promise or of the Spirit

              and make reference to Mt. Sinai, or we could say the ones that turned

              a deaf ear to Torah and had hearts of stone, or doing things our own


      17).  So Isaac his only son. (Represents those that have come into the

              renewed covenant through Messiah and are in the process of having

              their hearts of stone pulvarized and are being transformed into flesh

              look at Jere. 23:28-29)

      18).  Now back to Gen. 22:8. (Isaac asks Abraham where is the lamb for the

              sacrifice, and Abraham say “Yahweh Himself will provide the lamb”)

        a).  Heb. says. (Eliheem  Himself will see (raw-aw) to the lamb prophetic

              and provision and show will provide for Himself or of Himself)

      19).  So we could say. (Yahweh will give us the “Lamb of Eliheem” or the

              sacrifice required for redemption)

      20).  So when John said “behold the Lamb of Eliheem. (John was actually

               saying Yahweh Himself has brought the Lamb or the sacrifice

               required for the redemption of Israel)

    b.  In John 1:30-31. (John brings up the fact that this is the one I told you

         about that existed before me)

            1).  Now that is an interesting statement. (According to birth John was 6

                  months older than Yashua)

        a).  Look at John 3:9-15. (Specifically V13 no one has ascended into heaven

              into heaven except the one who descended “the Son of Man”)

        b).  Now look at Deut. 30:11-16. (Essentially the same thing is being said

              here, only  clarified, it was Him who brought in near to our hearts,

              the context is turning back to Yahweh, or the truth or Torah from

              heaven has come down to you)

        c).  Look at Rom. 10:6-10. (Paul expounds on this and what is means so we

              can take a look at how to apply this understanding)

        2).  Look at Matt. 3:11-12. (This is where John the Baptist gave this

             testimony, the “one coming after me” is more powerful than I)

        3).  Now I want you to look closely at the contrast. (John the Baptist says, I

             Baptize you with water, but the one coming will baptize with the Holy

             Spirit and fire)

        4).  Now this is a quote from Is. 4:2-6. (Now this is known as Zion’s future

              and notice in V4 the spirit of judgment and spirit of burning, these

              are tied together with being cleansed)

        5).  Notice too. (After the judgment and fire there will be a cloud of smoke

              by day and a glowing flame at night over the entire site of Mt. Zion)

        6).  Now I want you to see this. (We are cleansed through His judgment

              and fire, this is so important for us to get here)

      c.  Notice in John 1:31. (John says He didn’t know Him and most likely says

           I didn’t know Him to be Messiah)

        1).  We can actually see this in John 1:33-34. (The One who had sent Him

               (Yahweh through His Spirit) told him how to identify the Messiah

              by the Spirit descending from Heaven like a dove and resting on Him)

          a).  The word “rested”. (In the GK is men-o and it means to stay, to

                 continue, to abide, and to dwell)

          b).  Look at Is. 11:2. (The Spirit of Yahweh will rest on Him, a Spirit of

                wisdom and understanding, a Spirit of counsel and strength, etc.)

          c).  Look at Is. 61:1. (The Spirit of Yahweh is on Me because Yahweh has

                anointed Me to bring good news to the poor, etc.)

            1).  Look at Luke 4:16-21. (Yashua quotes part of this)

          d).  Look at 1 Sam. 9:14-16 and 1 Sam. 10:1-11. (We see this anointing

                being place on Saul and he becomes King of Israel)

          e).  Look at 1 Sam. 13:13-14. (The anointing leaves Saul and there is

                another anointed and this would be David of course)

          f).  But in the case of Yashua. (The anointing stayed and dwelt on Him

                didn’t leave Him)

        2).  But look at the reason John was sent. John 1:31, So He might be

              revealed to Israel, as the Messiah)

        3).  The word “Messiah”. (Heb. is maw-shee-akh and means anointed

               specifically as a king or a priest the star and the scepter of course

               are symbols of a glorious and powerful kingdom)

        4).  Look at Num. 24:15-19. (This is a Messianic prophecy that was

              partially fulfilled in 2 Sam. 8:1-12 but as we can see today Israel is

              not in that condition and was at this time still waiting on this

              prophecy to be fulfilled)

        5).  Look at Is. 7:14. (The prophecy of a virgin giving birth to the Messiah

              and they will name Him Immanuel)

        6).  Look at Matt. 1:18-25. (An angel of Yahweh came to Joseph and told

              the words of Isaiah, but also called Yashua “Yahweh with us” word

              is Immanuel and remember this was to be a sign, and Mary had

              conceived by the Holy Spirit, and it would be the Holy Spirit

              descending like a dove on Yashua that would be a sign to John)

        7).  And all of this. (Was done as a sign so Yashua the Messiah could be

              revealed to Israel, so Israel would know who Yashua was and is)

        8).  And in John 1:37-42. (People (Israel) began to see, even though dimly

              that Yashua was the anointed One of Israel, but they missed hearing

              that He would first be the Lamb of Yahweh)

        9).  This goes back to the beauty of Israel. (Yahweh could not restore the

               beauty of Israel unless He first redeemed Israel with His blood and

               became the covering for Israel)

        10).  Just as Adam and Eve had lost their beauty through sin. (Israel had lost

                her beauty by the same means, and the Husband is seeking to restore

                the beauty back to His bride)

        11).  Look at Rev. 19:6-8. (Israel will be dressed in fine linen (the wedding

                garment) she will be clothed in righteousness)

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