Sermon Notes

A Great Revelation

One of the things I love about the study of Scripture is it is a lifelong pursuit of truth. What I mean is, even though I have studied all of these years, over 20 years now, I still get excited about the times I find new nuggets of truth, and this happens a lot, and I am very thankful for these times. It is like Yahweh (God) is right there and He is smiling as I get excited about what He has shown me.

Recently I had one of those times, and it is that time I want to share with you. I was busy in study preparing for a service that I would be speaking at. I was studying Exodus 19 when I stumbled upon to this golden nugget. Most of you, who know me and have read my columns, know I like to go to the original language a lot. That is where I found it.
In Ex. 19:5-6 Yahweh (God) is getting ready to give the Ten Commandments to Israel at Mt. Sinai. Moses has just come off of the mountain and is going to prepare Israel to meet with Yahweh and hear what He has to say to them. So Moses tells them what Yahweh has said and it goes like this. Yahweh says, “Now if you will listen to Me and carefully keep My covenant you will be My possession out of all the People….”. This word possession is what I want to talk about.

In the original language, which is Hebrew, the word possession means treasure or wealth. This word possession means treasure or wealth. So if we listen to what He says and keep His covenant, we will be His treasure and wealth. Wow! Have you ever considered yourself Yahweh’s treasure or wealth before? Most of the time we go around thinking He is angry or indifferent about us. If we are honest we don’t think He gives much thought to us at all, much less Him thinking we are His treasure or wealth.

Here is God thinking we are His treasure. I don’t know about you, but when I have a treasure I have that treasure on my mind a lot, and so it tells me the same would be true of Him as well. Think about this, the God above all gods, the Creator of the universe considers you a treasure and thinks about you a lot.

In Matthew 6:20-21, Yashua (Jesus) tells people to lay up their treasure in heaven, where there is nothing that can get to it and corrupt it. But in verse 21 He says where you treasure is there your heart will be too. This brings up another truth. Where treasure is located is where hearts are focused. So where Yahweh’s treasure is located is where His heart is. So if we are His treasure, then we also have His heart focused on us. Think about this, and you will have a whole new perspective of how Yahweh thinks about you.

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