
Michael and Laura Stanley:
Michael and Laura have been married for 20 years and have had the adventure and blessing of raising and homeschooling 3 boys. Michael and Laura own a pest control company, a field that Michael has worked in for over 15 years. He feels that having the opportunity to meet people in their homes has been an amazing ministry where he has the chance to pray for people often. Their family currently lives in Philomath, OR.
Worship Leader/Elder

Diane Gray:
Diane and her husband, Randy, and their seven children live in Lebanon, Oregon. Music has been a significant part of her life, and for over thirty years, she has contributed to congregational music ministry and education, playing piano and leading music teams. She wears many hats as a home schooling mother, Area Representative for the homeschool organization, Classical Conversations, owner of a general construction business, and minister for youth camp, AWANA and the music team at Cornerstone. As an avid student who loves to explore God’s world, Diane holds Bachelors of Science and Masters degrees in Microbiology with minors in Chemistry and Music. She invested 12 years in the biotechnology industry as an R&D Scientist performing microscopic fluorescence imaging and technology development. Diane’s life mission is “to point people to God through Yeshua”, and she loves to encourage people, young and old, to worship not just through music but with their whole lives-through words and choices, attitudes and actions. Most of all, she desires to lead her loved ones in a life filled with gratitude, praise and excellence (Psalm 95) “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For Yahweh is the great God and the Great King above all gods”.
Worship Team/Elders

Craig and Linna Polley:
As part of Music Ministry for over 40 years, Linna has sang in multiple venues, led choir, conducted orchestra, and small ensembles while Craig has played drums in multiple worship bands and orchestra’s. Linna now joins the Rhythm section playing Bass at Cornerstone.
Linna completed her Bachelor of Science Degree in Music Education with a Math Minor and Craig completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education. Both currently work full time. Linna, as a Consultant/Trainer for a Healthcare Software company and Craig is self employed as a Master Carpenter.
Our greatest desire is that our lives will honor Yahweh and that we, and the congregation at Cornerstone, will truly Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
John 4:23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.