Sermon Notes

Torah Portions

From First Fruits of Zion

Sermon Notes

He Dwelt Among Us

I.  The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14   A.  Let’s do a little back tracking here.     1.  Now back to John 1:1. (In the beginning […]

Sermon Notes

No One Knew Him

I.  He came to those who ought to have recognized Him. V10-13   A.  We need to look closely at some of the things discussed here.     1.  In verse […]

Sermon Notes

Let’s read John 1:6-9, Pray!

I.  John came as a testimony about the light. V6-9   A.  This is important and proves Yahweh follows His own Laws.     1. Now remember, the Word was with […]

Sermon Notes

Let’s read John 1:1-5

I.  John starts off from the beginning. V1-5   A.  Meaning from the beginning of creation.     1.  This is so important we must start breaking down words here:       […]