Sermon Notes

Vayak’hel/ Pekudei 2020

Question 1: What was the driving force, if you will, behind the people giving towards the needs of constructing the Tabernacle?  Exo 35:5 TakeH3947 ye from amongH4480 H854 you an […]

Sermon Notes

Exodus 30:11-34:35

Dictionary Ki Tisa 2020 Question 1: “sum-account-census-tally-lift the head” H7218 ר ֹא rô’sh roshe From an unused root apparently meaning to shake; the head (as most easily shaken), whether literally […]

Sermon Notes

Rev. 1:9-20

Revelation 1:9-20 Location, and Activity Starting in verse 9 of chapter one John identifies himself and associates himself with the church as going through the same thing that the church […]

Sermon Notes

Rev. 1:4-8

Revelation 1:4-8 Starting in verse 4 of chapter one, John identifies seven churches to which he is addressing this epistle. These could have been the churches that had the concern […]

Sermon Notes

Rev. 1:1-3

Book of Revelation To begin with the study of Revelation we have to first understand the basic theological views of Revelation:  Historical View: This approach to the interpretation of Revelation […]