Sermon Notes

Romans 10:14-21 Part 2

1. Turn with me in your Bibles to Rom. 10:14-21 Part 1. 2. Last week we discussed Rom. 10:1-13. 3. We saw, Righteousness comes to us from Yahweh by Faith. […]

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 8/5/17

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples WORSHIP YAHWEH At the right time God will make this known. God is the blessed and only ruler. He is the King of kings […]

Sermon Notes

Abiding In The Vine

By Rev. Dr. Rick Chesher I don't know about you, but I love the passage in the New Testament about the Vine and the branches. The reason is it gives […]

Sermon Notes

Facts About Noah

By Rev. Dr. Rick Chesher We all love the story about Noah. Those of us that were brought up in church from our childhood have heard the story of Noah […]

Sermon Notes

Comfort In The Basics

By Rev. Dr. Rick Chesher After over 20 years in the ministry, and all of the study I do every week preparing for each Sabbath, I still find great comfort […]